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[PBP] Tholestia Chapter 2: Quest for the Lore of Saljara the Many Faceted


serves Gnome Master

(oh, Tycho - did you keep singing during the lull in combat?)

Elf Wraith - 29
Tycho - 25
Ilan - 24
Deepwinter 7 - 22
Halfling Wraith - 21
Kheldev - 20
Spellsword Wulf - 17
Diactum - 13

The Elven wraith, seeing that Ilan still has not recovered from the surprise, again strikes at the weapon that hurt him so much just a minute ago. The first strike hits the bow again dealing it another 4 damage. The bow is cut into pieces now, and unceremoniously dangles from Ilan's hand. He then strikes for Ilan, but Ilan's Chainshirt absorbs the blow. (A bow has 5 hardness and 2 hp. A +1 makes that 6 hardness and 3 hp)
Tycho is the first to come to his senses in this situation, and is ready to act.

Hit point tally, correct me if I am wrong (red is con total is lower that normal, blue is above normal level)
Kheldev (73/73) (Inertial Barrier: 74/100)
Tycho (53/57) (gave amulet to Diactum)
Deepwinter 7 (55/69)
Ilan (58/58)
Wulf (33/52)
Bacter (33/35) (has been drained CON, but also gained some)

Oh, and diactum should note that his wand of slow has a charge less now (he used it on the grizzly).
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Seeing the elven archer without its mighty weapon, Tycho does not hasitate and says in Elven: Ilan, take my bow. He takes the bow of his back and hands it over to the archer.

(he stops singing obviously to say this, but the bardsong still last for another 5 rounds. Keep that in mind)

He also makes a 5 foot step back (right and down) so that the archer can make a step back before firing…

(If possible he wants to heal Wulf with 2d8 + 7… if not so be it… Damn never noticed him being so close to zero. This should be quite easy to spot. Or is it all from con-drain ergo is it blood all over the place or is he looking like an undead right now?)


First Post
Seeing my bow destroyed I quickly disgard it. I make a step back to where tycho was a split second earlier and take his bow.

I whisper: "I'm sorry your soul was lost, proud warrior." And I fire my arrows.

[attack 1= 3 +16+1(bs)+1(pb)+2(meta??)-2(mighty)= 21]
[attack 2= 2 +16+1(bs)+1(pb)+2(meta??)-2(mighty)= 20]
[attack 3=11+11+1(bs)+1(pb)+2(meta??)-2(mighty)= 24]

[damage 1= 8+1(bs)+2(pb)+2(meta??)=13]
[damage 2= 8+1(bs)+2(pb)+2(meta??)=13]
[damage 3= 8+1(bs)+2(pb)+2(meta??)=13]

Arrows left: meta (+3)= 33 / normal= 10

OOC: Rav, plzz check bonuses and penaltys. So I know I did it ok.
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serves Gnome Master
Ilan has some difficulty making shots with Tycho's bow which has way too much 'pull' for him, but his skills compensate quite nicely... Two of the shots just hit the Elven wraith, but the one that hits more comfortably passes through harmlessly. The wraith seems quite disraveled and annoyed at the quick recovery and teamwork displayed by the elves.

Tycho moves back, casting a cure spell on Wulf (19 hp - editted hp tally above).
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serves Gnome Master
The halfling wraith seems to have regained his vision and dastardly hits the flanked Diactum in the kidneys... from the front. Diactum takes 25 damage, and also gets his health sucked out of him, making him lose 3 constitution, and collapses on the spot with a ghostly look on his face. He might be bleeding internally, despite the lack of exterior wounds. (he is at -1/27).

This occurence makes Tycho recall an elven ballad about a band of elven adventurers who had their companion slain by a wraith. The companion turned into one very quickly, adding to the the band's opposition. The tale ended with the adventurers being rescued by the daylight breaking making the wraiths powerless

The elven wraith laughs and says: "We are too fast for you to run away, and there is no hiding in the dark. Prepare to join us in undeath!"

Next up: Kheldev. (Deepwinter 7 went past the 24 hour time limit and can e-mail me his intentions, which I will try and fit in later in the intiative order- remember, if you can't check the boards, ask another player to make your move for you, or be prepared to miss your initiative, with potentially dangerous consequences!)
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First Post
Seeing the wizard drop, Kheldev shouts towards the rest"Wha'in Moradin's Hammer 'r ya stand'n around for: GE' HIM THA'HELL OU'O'THERE!

The stoud Dwarf flexes it's muscles as he makes a 5'foot step towards Diactum, hoping to persuade the Elven Wraith to focus his attacks on himself, rather then the badly injured wizard, and to position himself between the wraith and the rest of the group. He looks at the wraith with utter disgust as he slams his mighty axe down on the undead elf while growling "Taste Dwarrrrrrrven Steel, ya ugly ghost!

1st Attack: 17(roll) + 13(standard) + 2(bull's) + 1(bard's) - 7(PA) = 26
Dmg: 4(roll) + 9(standard) +3(bull's) +7(PA) + 1(bard's) = 22
2nd Attack: 9(roll) + 8(standard) + 2(bull's) + 1(bard's) - 7(PA) = 13
Dmg: prob. not nescessery
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serves Gnome Master
Kheldev's axe, permanently enhanced by Dwarven Clerics of Moradin, rips through the Elven wraith. Kheldev has to pull his axe out of the ground after his strike, but that does not matter as the wraith dissipates into two shreds of incorporeal essence, as he was cut in half vertically. The sword the elven wraith was holding clatters to the ground.

Wulf is ready to take an action.

[So if Deepwinter 7 had manifested a fortified Whitefire on the Elf Wraith, and it would have passed the misschance, The halfling would not have flanked and Diactum would still be standing. The elf wraith only needed 8 more damage.]
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Deepwinter 7

First Post
[whenever you can fit this in]

Upon seeing the wizard fall Deepwinter 7 moves over to Diactum ready to manifest an Empathic Transfer, with the intention to take over just enough of Diactum's wounds to bring him back to life.

8 dmg is being transferred


serves Gnome Master
Deepwinter's initiative is now 18.

Diactum opens his eyes as Deepwinter 7 get a minor headche from the Emphatic transfer. The internal bleeding has stopped, but Diactum is still prone with the small wraith hovering awfully closeby.

Wulf is ready to act.

Voidrunner's Codex

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