PFRPG Alpha - Rise of the Runelords AP


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Azor Grimcleaver said:
I should clarify. The "background" feats listed in the RotRL Player's Guide ARE feats that can be taken for free at character creation; short answer - yes, everyone gets one of those feats for free.

Awesome! :) Would Saktouk's heritage / education through his mother qualify him for the Shriikirri-Quah Totem Spirit feat? In that case, I'd swap out Improved Initiative, of course, since a +8 initiative seems like overkill to me (and I've been debating swapping it for Toughness in any case).

If not, the Lone Wolf feat seems most appropriate, so he'll probably get that.

Looking forward to seeing the rest of the characters. :)


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jkason said:
Awesome! :) Would Saktouk's heritage / education through his mother qualify him for the Shriikirri-Quah Totem Spirit feat? In that case, I'd swap out Improved Initiative, of course, since a +8 initiative seems like overkill to me (and I've been debating swapping it for Toughness in any case).

If not, the Lone Wolf feat seems most appropriate, so he'll probably get that.

Looking forward to seeing the rest of the characters. :)


I'll allow it. Since his mother raised him in the Shoanti ways, it seems reasonable.


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[SBLOCK=Aiyana Swiftwind, Shoanti Druid]Aiyana Swiftwind
Female Shoanti (human) Druid 1
Neutral Good, follower of Gozreh

Str 13 (+1)
Dex 12 (+1)
Con 13 (´+1)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 16 (+3)
Cha 10 (+0)
+2 Wisdom from Race

Speed: 30ft
Initiative: +1
HP: 9
Saves: Fortitude +3, Reflex +1, Will +5

Racial/Class features: +2 Wisdom, Bonus feat, Skilled, Weapon Training (Longbow), Nature Bond (Animal Companion), Nature Sense (+2 survival, +2 knowledge nature), Orisons, Wild Empathy (diplomacy on animals with level + cha)

Feats: Totem Spirit (Shriikirri-Ouah, +2 initiative, +2 ride), Track, Mounted Combat

Attacks: Shortspear (+1 to hit, 1d6+1 damage, x3 critical) OR Longbow (+1 to hit, 1d8 damage, 100 ft range)
AC: 16 (touch 11, flatfooted 14)

Skills: Handle Animal +4 (1 rank), Heal +7 (1 rank), Knowledge (Nature) +7 (1 rank), Ride +7 (1 rank), Spellcraft +5 (1 rank), Survival +9 (1 rank)

Languages: Common, Shoanti, Sylvan, Druidic

Spells memorized: 3/2
Orisons (level 0): Purify Food and Drink, Detect Poison, Light
Level 1: Goodberry, Entangle

Equipment: Hide Shirt, Longbow, light leather shield, Spear

Animal companion: Sowingwa, Light horse, large animal, HD: 3d8+6 (19), Init: +1, Spd: 60 ft, AC: 13 (touch 10, flatfooted 12), Attacks: +2 (hoof 1d4+1 damage), SQ: Low-light vision, scent, link, share spells; Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2; Abilities: Str 14, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Feats: Endurance, Run[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Background]Aiyana was born into the Shriikirri-Ouah tribe and was taught about horsemanship from an early age, though the wise ones determined that she had a stronger link to the nature than most of her tribesmen. Through her youth she learned both the way of the hunter and the way of the mystics, forming a bond with the nature itself, gaining understanding and insight into mysteries that others may never even imagine.
She befriended an injured wild stallion and nursed it back to health, and during the process she and the horse formed a powerful bond and in doing so the totem spirit found Aiyana worthy and granted her it's gift. The stallion she named Sowingwa.
She recently left her tribe behind after finding out her father was arranging a marriage to one of the chief's sons. But Aiyana felt no interest, believing Hotuakhaa to be one of the best hunters, capable of wrestling and subduing a bear bare-handed, yet at the same time he was also as dumb as a rock.[/SBLOCK]

OK. I've been looking over the characters, and I really like what you guys have. I did, however, notice a few minor omissions.

nonamazing (Chaine) - The Varisian Tatoo feat you took is fine, but it is the bonus feat you are allowed from the RotRL Player's Guide. So, you still have your characters 1st Level feat choice coming to you.

jkason (Saktouk) - You are missing your RotRL Player's Guide feat choice. This feat is in addition to your initial starting feats.

I'm now just waiting on Shayuri to post his character. If you need a bit more time, let me know.

Other than that, I think we are about ready to start. If you've done fixes, just notify me here about it.

Thanks for your patience. Peace Out. :)


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Azor Grimcleaver said:
jkason (Saktouk) - You are missing your RotRL Player's Guide feat choice. This feat is in addition to your initial starting feats.

I think you may have had an older version of the sheet. I updated the sheet to add the Totem Spirit feat per our earlier exchange (and swapped out Improved Initiative for Toughness as a result) a couple of days ago, so I believe Saktouk is good to go now. Let me know if anything else doesn't seem to add up. Post with updated sheet is linked below

Saktouk's sheet

Looking forward to starting the crazy. :)



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Hee hee

I will post it, I swear. I've been grappling with windmage vs feymage...they are both so appealing.

In terms of raw party dynamics, they are different. Windmage is more of a blaster sort, feymage is more illusions and trickery...versatile, but probably not dealing mass damage blasties.

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