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PFS #30: Cassomir's Locker


Jalil moves to the corner to investigate the barrels more closely as Pavanna moves to the door and prepares to open it. Jalil pushes on some of the barrels and finds them quite heavy and filled with liquid. With some additional investigation is appears the barrels are all full of relatively clean drinking water.

Pavanna then opens the door into the next chamber. Within she sees stacks and stacks of cages filled with normal rats, their screeching and skittering within their cages shaking them precariously. Several straw pallets and also line one wall as sleeping areas.

Sitting near one of the stacks of cages is a small table with a small, shiny black rat statue on it.


The creature you fought looked like a live version of the derro husk you saw trapped in the spider webs when you first descended into the sewers.

[sblock=Updated Map]



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Pavanna says, "It does look like the artifact Venture-Captain Themis described to us. Let's secure it and get back to the surface."

She then turns to Kayleigh, "Be a dear?"


Identifying the shiny black rat statue as the one you were looking for, Kayleigh gathers it from the table and slips it into her backpack, a disdaining smile for Pavanna as she does so. As she gathers the statue up she also notices a small journal, through it is written in undercommon. Despite that it seems to be a tracking system of sorts, possibly for the number of slaves moved through this area.

The others search the chambers further as the statue is gathered. A chest is found that contains around 250 gold coins.

With items of value gathered you quickly check the other buildings and do find find several others of them contain more cages with prisoners. After several hours you are able to free them and get them back on their feet to head back to the surface.

It takes some doing to get everyone safely back up the ladder into the sewers above, but you are able to do so without major incident. Kayleigh leads the way back through the sewers, ropes used as temporary handrails to make sure no one slips off the boards laid across the channels over the odorous water.

Soon you find yourselves back on the surface in the streets of Cassomir, drawing many unusual looks as the number of former slaves are brought up to the surface. Soon the city watch arrives to take responsibility of making sure all injuries are tended to, the hungry fed and the safe return of the Cassomir citizens back to their homes.

This leaves you to return to Venture-Captain Hestia Themis. You are led into the lodge and given prompt audience with Venture-Captain Themis. She is seated behind her blackwood desk when you enter and she seems pleased to see you have returned.

"Did you find the artifact we sent you for? she asks.

Upon being presented with the artifact she continues "Excellent! You have performed quite well in this challenging task. We hope this has eliminated or slowed any plans those derro might have had with their slave trade and stopped their plans to twist rats into something of evil. We will make sure this artifact stays out of inappropriate hands and finds its way to the Grand Lodge."

"Your service today will not be forgotten."
she ends, the tone making it obvious that she is done with you for now as she nods her head towards the door, her attention half on you and half on the rat statue you returned to the Lodge.


And that's a wrap! I will start in on chronicle sheet completion and scanning them this weekend with hopes to have them distributed by the end of the weekend or early next week. I usually fill them out and post them unsigned first to make sure we are in agreement and then I sign them and post the final versions for you to download.

This is a good time to review your faction missions as well so we can see where those fell out. If you feel like you missed your faction mission along the way and it is something that can be done as you exit the sewers we can work that out. Feel free to PM me if needed with questions and such.

I hope everyone had a good time with this game! I enjoyed playing with everyone, a good group to run for!



Also - for those that want to make day job rolls, go ahead and make them on Invisible Castle or with EN World's Dice Roller and post them here.



First Post
Day job rroll (with crater's fortune - no clue if you can use it, otherwise just substract)
and amny thanks for running, was great!
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