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Phyrric Legacy - Shackled City OOC Thread


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Hello my friends! I yet live!

I'm sure you have all been wondering where I've been, and whether all is well. To answer that, all has not been well, but things are getting better. I don't want to go into over-much detail here, but I'll give you the basic rundown, because you certainly deserve an explanation.

To our great joy, my wife and I discovered in August that we are expecting a baby. Unfortunately, the pregnancy has not been kind to my wife's health. She has been hospitalized three times in the last six weeks. We have come very close to miscarrying, but so far, our unborn baby seems to be healthy. However, my wife has been placed on strict bedrest. This means that the burden of the entire household has been placed on my shoulders alone. Cooking, cleaning, shopping, dishes, laundry, the works. That's on top of school and work (plus, my wife had to quit her job so I'm trying to make ends meet). And, of course, the whole thing has been very emotional and trying for everyone.

The good news: we still have the baby, and my wife's health appears to be on the mend. We're hoping, in fact, that she may be released from bed rest in the near future.

The point is just that when the dreaded real life monster hits you that hard so unexpectedly, you kind of just drop everything except the essentials. For me, that meant that my comics, Playstation, and yes, D&D games fell by the wayside. I just didn't have any emotional or mental energy for anything else.

I am very sorry for not offering notice of my absence, but I was just overwhelmed for a while there.

Now, as my wife's health improves I find myself with a bit of free time. It's not what I had before, but it's something. At this point, I miss my games, and hope that they may continue, but I still don't know if I really have time. We will see. I fear that if I did resume DMing, it would only be for one game (forcing me to choose between Shackled City and Savage Tide, which would be very difficult).

I guess for now I just wanted to offer a overdue explanation and apology, and see who's still out there paying attention.

I'd love to hear whether any of you are still interested in continuing to play as well. At this point, I can't promise anything, but I'd like to know where you stand.

At the very least, I'm here to talk about it. Thanks for listening, everyone.


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Mal! Awesome to hear from you, mate.

First of all, congratulations! :D

Secondly, I hear you big time. My wife's last pregnancy (achieved at great expense via IVF after numerous miscarriages) did not go smoothly during the last trimester and I adopted a similar role to what you have done. And it was all worth it! (in sickness and in health, and all that stuff).

And apology unconditionally accepted for the lack of notice. We all figured it wasn't good news, or at least something significant was up.

As for the chance to resurrect Flannad of Clan Flanath's rescue of the children, you betcha I'm keen. but I fully understand your position.

Best wishes

- Adrian


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Legildur, thanks so much for your understanding. I appreciate hearing your own story of a similar circumstance. I agree with you, it's all worth it.

For now, I just don't know whether I'll have the time and energy to get this game back on its feet, but I'm glad to know you're interested in continuing if it should come to pass. You've been a fine player, and I hope it will work out sometime.

Meantime, keep this page bookmarked, because you just never know... :)

Thanks again!


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Whizbang Dustyboots said:
I'm glad to hear your wife is doing better, Mal.
Thanks WBDB, much appreciated! :)

I want to wish you good luck with your Ptolus game, btw! I'll be lurking, eagerly awaiting its inception. Should be awesome.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
(I just got around to actually reading the posts)

Sounds like you're through the worst of it, Mal! That's good to hear. Your wife needs you more than we do.

Though, I'm still up for continuing this game. :)


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Jdvn1 said:
(I just got around to actually reading the posts)

Sounds like you're through the worst of it, Mal! That's good to hear. Your wife needs you more than we do.

Though, I'm still up for continuing this game. :)
That's good to know, Jdvn1! It's not going to happen right now, but that doesn't mean it never will. So much has happened in this campaign already, it would be a shame for it do die out. So, keep your subscription to the threads...you never know! :)

Thanks for the kind words, as well.

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