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Planescape 3.5e - Cold Black Mask


[sblock=Cage-Rattler & Sonata]Hearing the Harmonium officers announcing themselves, István turns his covered face to see these much maligned "Hardheads" for himself. The curious gnome then turns back to see whether his lovely but annoying companion intended to continue following him or to run and hide. Regardless, the wayfarer continues his slow approach towards the boarding house.[/sblock]

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Isida Kep'Tukari

The Harmonium are not kind. And information may be of more use than death. Useless death gains me nothing, Pierce thinks quickly, and waves for the thug to move.

"Your life is mine, softskin. Leave quickly, and know you had undeserved mercy this day," she growls. When the thug (presumably) leaves, Pierce turns to the foppish stranger. "And who are you? What are you called? And do you have the wit to keep your mouth shut when the Harmonium comes up here?"

Nac Mac Feegle

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Heinrich tips his visor down, hiding any traces of his expression, and speaks in a calm tone. "Well then, I suppose we wait and see what these...Harmonium have to say."


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István, Sonata:[sblock]Turning to catch a better glimpse of the guardsmen, István made out a half-dozen figures; some holding lanterns, others with their hands at their waists, presumably on the hilts of their weapons. Longswords seemed to be the standard armament, although one carried an odd pole-like device outfitted with a pair of circular jaws at the end. They were uniformly clad in bright red breastplate, and one -- the officer who had called out a moment earlier -- bore impressive, sweeping spikes on his epaulets.
There was a seventh figure present; the tiefling innkeeper who gestured animatedly at the ruined door of the boarding house as she conversed with the apparent leader of the squad.

With a short series of succinct orders, the spike-shouldered guardsman sent two of his officers to circle around the perimeter of the building, while he and the rest of the squad warily entered the building.[/sblock]

Pierce Spinecrusher said:
"Your life is mine, softskin. Leave quickly, and know you had undeserved mercy this day."
Without missing a beat, the thug bolted out of the room and around the corner, toward the stairs.

A brief second later, he abruptly changed his mind, crossing in front of the guest room's doorway again and heading in the opposite direction, away from the stairs and toward the innkeeper's room.

A moment after that, the same booming voice that had called out earlier now rang from within the downstairs common room.
"You, upstairs! Come down with your hands empty -- carefully, now!"


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Cage-Rattler said:
"You, upstairs! Come down with your hands empty -- carefully, now!"

"Why'd I hafta use invisibility earlier?" mutters Sindr. He looks at Pierce and asks, "Ye're the native. Shoul' we go down or jump out th' window?"

[sblock=OOC]Of course, Isida's incommunicado for a while, so if our new Sigilite wants to respond, that's cool too ;)[/sblock]


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Vervain glances at the window. "They'll have the building surrounded," he notes mournfully. Quietly, he advises, "Go down and feed them your version respectfully and consistently. They care for legality, not morality. Not a word will pass my lips but to corroborate yours."


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Ambrus said:
[sblock=Cage-Rattler & Sonata]*grunt* OOC: Still dragging the reave towards the door. *grunt*[/sblock]

[sblock=Cage & Ambrus](OOC - excuse the delay, been preparing for this weekend and kind of grappling with how to handle this situation. :) This weekend I shan't be able to post either before Sunday night, just so ya know.) Sonata releases the reave, momentarily torn between the natural Cager's imperative to run, and the equally natural instinct to keep what is 'hers.' She might not have brought the piker down, but she'd tracked him across half the ring and she wasn't just walking away! Still, this prime basher was obviously no one she wanted to scrap with. Primes on the planes had a disquieting tendency to be fairly powerful, unless they just walked through the wrong arch at the wrong time.

"Look," she says in a reasonable tone. "I'm just saying you're new here, and you don't know how things work. I've got an investment in what happens to this...this person you've put down, and I don't want to see him dead before I can ask him a few things. Since you stopped his bleeding, I think maybe you have the same idea. That means we're on the same side, y'see? Which is why I'm -trying- to help, if you'd just stop dragging him and -listen- to me for a second."

"Those...people in red armor are with the Harmonium, which everyone but themselves call the Hardheads. If they find this..." she kicks the reave's shoulder, "they will kill him. No questions, no hesitation. Dead."[/sblock]


[sblock=Cage-Rattler & Sonata]The diminutive wayfarer doesn't pause in his ongoing endeavor to drag the unconscious brute towards the boarding house door. *grunt* "I've traveled far my lady, and one thing I've learned is that it's better to judge others oneself rather than to simply accept the condemnations of others." *grunt* "Besides, if these Hardheads are as dangerous as you claim, then I have no choice but to go and stand by my companions who are inside to protect them. On the other hand, this troll nearly escaped me earlier, and I'm not about to let him out of my sight. So you see, I really have no choice but to go back to the boarding house and to bring him with me..." *grunt*[/sblock]


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[sblock=Cage Rattler & Ambrus]Sonata purses her lips. When dealing with bullheaded folk, you couldn't just hit them head on. They'd just dig in. A fluid approach...direct while going along with...that was the ticket.

"Alright then, let me help. Like I said, we both want the same thing. I'll make it so you can go to your friends and bring your prisoner with you, without him getting killed. My condition is that you let me come with you and ask him a few questions when he comes around. Deal?"[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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