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Planescape: A Hopeless Beginning



Turning quickly to Vaerhia Wyk gentle brushes her hair back from an ear, his hand lingering there. He whispers in her ear, "If I make a bit of a stir would you be interested in quietly following that gentlemen to the corridor without being noticed by our hostess and perhaps determining what else he wanted to tell us?"

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Krikit smiles broadly. "What a nice fellow," he says. "I like him. I don't trust him as far as I could throw him, mind you, but I like him."



Still whispering he says, "No time like the present." Wyk rises suddenly to his feet 'accidentally' spilling his drink across the table. He strides over to their host waving his arms, "Elandra, I think we need some answers. This messenger just doesn't seem to fit with what you've told us about Emenukaris. We need some information here. I've been in the dark ever since this started and I'm getting tired of it." He stomps around as he speaks generally trying to make a distraction so Vaerhia can slip out.

Vaerhia stands and moves backward out of Wyk's way, brushing off the front of her dress as if he had splattered some of his drink onto it, and frowning slightly. Once their hostess' attention is focused on the large bariaur's stomping, Vaerhia slips out through the still-opened door into the passageway....

Hide check of +10
Move Silently of +10
Plus the distraction bonus, if any

Edit: Oh, and Bluff +19 for the communication with Wyk (pretending they aren't planning this) and acting as if she isn't planning on slipping out the door once he starts moving around. I don't know if it's needed, but thought I'd throw it out anyway. ;)
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Krikit waves his hand at the spilled drink, causing it to vanish in a small shower of green sparkles. He raises an eyebrow at the antics of the previously restrained Bauriar. "Actually," he observes, "she did say he was unpredictable. Maybe he's just in a good mood, what with all our loot and a new flying ship added to his coffers."

[OOC: Prestidigitation to clean the table. I'm sure I misspelled Wyk's race name. :)]


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The plan works perfectly, Elandra rushing to try to minimise the mess made by the tea and then halting in flustered confusion as it is cleaned up by Krikit's dweomer. She then spins to face Wyk, making desperate calming gestures and trying to get a word in edgeways. The whole performance gives Vaerhia a large window of opportunity that she utilises to slip into the hallway. At the far end, just rounding the corner, she can see the two rearmost of the messenger's guards.

Meanwhile Elandra, still flustered and anguished, cuts in with "of course the messenger doesn't fit in with what I've told you! That's because it's not in Emenukaris' best interests to have you believe that he's the evil sod I know him to be. If you can't see through a beau-nasty as obvious as that Dainan bastard, you've got Buckley's chance of keeping your head around Emenukaris himself."


"Perhaps," Estariel suggests, apparently oblivious to the byplay between Wik and Vaerhia preceding the disturbance, "we could respond in kind - send an envoy, rather than all walking into the spider's parlour together? If he's baiting a trap, he's less likely to spring it when he can only catch one or two... and it gives us a chance to see him for ourselves."

Voidrunner's Codex

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