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[Planescape/Gestalt] Coils within Coils

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Shoel Sweeny

First Post
Dog Moon said:
Okay, Saelya, the Female Halfling:

Great character Dog Moon. In ToM it describes the Shadowcaster as studying to gain their magic (like a wizard) but your "locked in the dark" granted abilites are an intresting take on it. Go ahead and stat out the cruch (be sure to include bonus mysteries/day based on intelligence) and you'll be in.


And Lord_Raven, the material is approved, but the class selections seems rather limited as far as what the party on a whole can accomplish. I'll have to see the character finished (and have a good idea what bases are already covered) but it looks like if you're included you'll be using the 5th character slot of support wizard (summoner) and support scout, yes?


Speaking of whose filling what slot, here's the rundown so far:

Definately In:

Nonamazing-Rontihas "The Master"- Male Zenthyri Monk/Cloistered Cleric, Transcendant Order
Healing, lore, tertiary combatant

In Pending Crunch:

Dog Moon-Saelya- Female Hafling Rogue/Shadowcaster, Fated
Sneak & Secondary caster

ByteRynn-Haldon- Male Human Fighter/Rogue & Monk, Transcendant Order
Primary Combatant, ?

Kafkonia- Aki the Unchained- Male Neraphim Rogue/Scout, CG unafilliated
scout, secondary fighter, and traps

Concept Submited:

Ferrix-Magnus- Male Human Binder/Fighter, Athar ?
? & ? (I would think that combination makes for an effective tank or blaster, but we'll see)

Lord_Raven88-?- ? Necropolitian Dread Necromancer/Rogue into Ur-Priest, Athar
Summoner and Secondary scout

Pyrex- ?- ? Warforged fighter/soulknife, ?
Primary Combatant

Rayex- Crozixia- Female Trumpet Archon/Fighter, unaligned
Primary Combatant and Healer

Shayri- Mei-Ying, the Magic Eater- Female Human Monk/Sorceror, Celestial Beuracracy

Aereas- Drognan - male human Monk/Soul Knife, ?

Concept still Needed:
Steve Gorak


The primary combatant slot is still open, but should be taken up here pretty quickly. Looks like Kafkonia is going to get in under trap disarmer (correct me if I'm wrong Kaf). We're still in pretty dire need of a blaster caster, if someone gets a change of heart on their choice of class and concept.

All for now, Sweeny out.
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Dog Moon

Shoel Sweeny said:
Great character Dog Moon. In ToM it describes the Shadowcaster as studying to gain their magic (like a wizard) but your "locked in the dark" granted abilites are an intresting take on it. Go ahead and stat out the cruch (be sure to include bonus mysteries/day based on intelligence) and you'll be in.

Oh yeah, studying to gain their magic. :eek: I just went with my idea and didn't even think about the whole studying thing. Glad it's okay.

I have my character about half done, so it should be up either later today or tomorrow.


First Post
Okay, revising concept. We need a primary caster, and I got one I think should be interesting.

Monk/sorceror gestalt with an oriental pantheon flavor, perhaps using some of the Celestial Heritage feats from PHBII if they're allowed (I shall of course write them up if needed).

Mei-Ying, the Magic Eater...a mortal daughter of the Jade Emperor's Celestial Court, the result of a dalliance between one of the low-ranking Immortals and a mortal lover. While Mei is technically a member of the court, her mortal lifespan will prevent her from getting far. Thus, she feeds the celestial power within her, growing in supernatural power, by consuming the magical essences of enemies. Her goal is to one day grow in power sufficiently to become, at least, Immortal...and perhaps even become a minor Goddess.

Personalitywise, Mei Ying strives for the serenity and semi-Buddhist philosophy embraced by the Celestial Court. She shows respect to the -kami-, the spirits in objects and places, as well as to ancestral spirits. While not aggressive, she can be an implacable foe once she has decided it is right to fight.

Hmm! Or maybe a sorceror/favored soul!

lol...gestalt offers so many options. :)
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First Post
Halidon, The Blade

Halidon, The Blade
[sblock]Male human Ftr5 and Rog3/Monk2
LN Medium Humanoid
Init +3; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4
Languages Common, Celestial
AC 19, touch 18, flat-footed 16
Hp 48 (5 HD)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +8
Special during combat focus +2 will saves; evasion, trap sense +1
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee Halidon +10 (1d8+6/19-20) or
Melee Halidon +8/+8 (1d8+6/19-20) flurry of blows or
Melee unarmed strike +8 (1d6+3) or
Melee unarmed strike +6/+6 (1d6+3) flurry of blows
Base Atk +5; Grp +8 (during Combat Focus: Resist Grapple +12)
Special Attacks Combat Focus (activated by first successful attack on an opponent; lasts 11 rounds; +2 will saves, +4 to resist bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, and trip attempts), Combat Reflexes, Flurry of Blows, Sneak attack +2d6, Stunning Fist (2/day, DC 16)
Combat Gear potion of barkskin, potion of cure light wounds x3
Spell-like abilities
3/day- magic missile (CL5)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 10
SQ trapfinding
Feats Combat Focus, Combat Reflexes(b), Combat Stability, Improved Unarmed Strike(b), Least Legacy (Nameblade: Halidon, Self Reliance, Stunning Fist(b), Weapon Focus (longsword)(b), Weapon Specialization (longsword)(b), Whirling Steel Strike(b)
Skills Balance +11, Bluff +5, Concentration +4, Control +10, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +6 (+8 acting), Intimidate +8, Jump +13, Knowledge (the Planes) +5, Planar Expertise +10, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +13, Tumble +13
Possessions Combat gear plus Halidon, bracers of armor +1, ring of protection +1, periapt of wisdom +2 , backpack, belt pouch, bedroll, flint and steel, 50 ft. hemp rope, sunrods x2, trail rations (10 days), waterskin, 20 gp.[/sblock]

Background: [sblock] When I was a boy I ran in the streets of Sigil, an orphan to some fight or another. I don’t know, because I was alone from a very young age-I can’t even recall the name my parents gave me. I was found by a street king, a broker of young thieves and tramps, only me and a single blade-my lone birthright. The street king named me for the single word inscribed on the blade-Halidon. In the streets of the city I learned many things. I learned that this world is hard, and that the only being truly trustworthy is yourself and your skill. I learned when to fight, when to flee, and when to attack another day. Late at night I would sneak into the armory, for I heard a strange voice, and that voice taught me how to find the peace at the center of war, and how to meditate upon that peace. One day the voice revealed itself to me-it was the blade, Halidon. I took up the blade from my master, the street king, and set out into the city.

I am sure my master pursued me, as I took a valuable possession from him, and a valuable sneak thief, picking the pockets of visitors from every plane. I had learned about the cosmos on the streets, though, being of independent though, I had not taken a faction. I decided that going to a faction for protection was foolish-they could let me down, and I would die. So I sought training-the ability to protect myself. I heard that the old Armory had recently been reopened, and turned into a school of training. I ventured there, paid what money I had, and was trained in the arts of swordplay by some of the greatest swordsmen in Sigil, Sir Karllakton Pierce, the gleaming lade of the morning, and Hazzakyltillcon, the Quickdeath. Everyday, with my training I was told the wonders of the Harmonium, and quickly realized that the Armory was nothing more than their attempt to convert those needing a place to train, a place to convert warriors to their cause, I place for people like me. I soon felt I knew all I needed, and left Sigil, voyaging out, into the Outlands, to ensure my survival, and to use my skills, and to learn more of the ways of the planes.

In the outlands, I met The Master. He told tales of war, and tales of inner strength, and taught me the Ways of the Transcedent Order. He spoke to me of personal strength, of inner power, of unlocking all that one could be through denying everything of this world that slows one down, and I listened, and believed. The Harmonium always rang false with me, for their discussions of collective good never took into account the greatness individuals could achieve, or the weakness that reliance bred. That night I was taken into the ranks of the Ciphers, and I have traveled, trained, and fought with the master since. We both seek something different, but the challenges we have overcome have been the same, and the lessons have been powerful.
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First Post
Curse you Shayuri! That was gonna be my idea ^_^

Ah well. After some thought to it I have another idea. A monk(5)/soulknife(5) going for warmind in place of monk, and a seeker to boot!

Conceptual fluff:
[sblock]Drognan began his life in a monastary. There he was tought enlightenment and religion. At that time he viewed Mystra as the creator, the one to strive to be. He lived his daily life by Mystra's tennets and was a devoted pupil. While he had no grasp of magic himself he trained his body and mind so that one day he may be deserving of her touch and the magic that flows with it.

As we fast forward a few years and we find him and his beloved being attacked by bandits. They were acting as guards for a caravan to earn some money for the monastary. When the bandits attacked they were outnumbered and he was too weak to protect either of them. Her spells held off many of them but not even that was enough. He could do nothing as he heard her screams as they ravaged and tortured her. Chained and broken he prayed to mystra:Maiden of all magic I beseech your aid. I have never asked for anything and dedicatedly followed your teachings in hopes to one day be worthy of your grace. If it is a life you require then take mine. Lirana does not deserve this kind of an end. Save her, I beg of thee!

The night passed by with him repeating this unanswered prayer over and over. Finaly morning came and the bandits drug Lirana's lifeless body from the tent and threw her on the fire to fuel the morning flames of breakfast. That was when Drognan began to curse Mystra's name. She abandoned his love and someone who deserved to live far more than he did. That day he vowed he would find a way to avenge her if he survived this, and never again would he follow Mystra's ways.

Shortly after the bandits finished thier breakfast a woman came strolling into the camp. The bandits spung to action and began attacking her. However, she used some blade that sprung from her arm to defend herself. Her movements were flawless! Drognan stared at her mesmerized by her sheer perfection and skill. WIthin seconds the bandits were dead and she had him free. Drognan was still too weak to move on his own and so she carried him out.

During the next year they traveled together, and he learned much. Her name was Lathandra and she was a warmind. Someone studies to the art of warfare. She taught him much, including how to tap into his own power and conjure a blade of his own will as well. She taught him that this was not the only plane and that many others existed, about the factions and thier beleifs, and ultimatly how to defend himself.

They shared many adventures together, but with her he felt a feeling much like how he felt with his lost love. That feeling began to make him feel like he was betraying her. He was powerless to save her, and now here he was falling for another woman. He couldn't do that to her. He had to become strong enough to fend for himself! It was the only way to avenge her death and pay proper tribute to her memory. The next morning he told Lathandra that very truth. She was flattered that he felt that way and understood. She was a member of the transcendant order afterall. So she opened a gate to the Outlands and gave him directions on how to find the headquarters. There Drognan would have a place to learn her art and study from the same teachings she has.[/sblock]

[sblock]Drognan is talkative and outspoken. He acts on his whims beleiving they will lead him to true enlightenment and strength. The Seekers teach that you must devote yourself to one thing if you want to achieve perfection. Drognan has devoted himself to the art of war. Much like the Athar he has seen the lies of the gods. He was forsaken by them and now he wants nothing to do with them. That is the extent to his shared beleif with them though.

Drognan is a kind soul at heart. His beliefs tell that you must let others help themselves, but you must help those who can't do it themselves. He has led a hard life and no longer follows the path of the pure soul, yet he also has not fallen so far that he has given in to evil. Self perfection is his striving goal, and companionship is a secondary one.[/sblock]

A question:
[sblock]The feat vow of poverty fits my idea and I'd like to take it if allowed. Given the opportunity Drognan would then beleive to the extreme that items are a weakness. To acheive true perfection one must be able to fend for themself with no help at all.

However, I realize that many view that feat as being overpowered and so I have formed my initial concept without that feat. I just wanted to know if you would allow it at all.[/sblock]


First Post
Shoel Sweeny said:
Kafkonia- Aki the Unchained- Male Neraphim Rogue/Scout, unaligned
? & ? (I'm guessing scout, secondary fighter, and traps?)


Looks like Kafkonia is going to get in under trap disarmer (correct me if I'm wrong Kaf).

Yep, pretty much. Aki can do some damage if he gets his sneak attack & skirmish abilities going at the same time (it adds 5d6) but he's primarily a trap disarmer/scout/skilled character.

I take it you got my e-mail?

I'll get the crunch up on Sunday, I'm still sorting some out.

OH, and he's Chaotic Good.

Shoel Sweeny

First Post
Kafkonia said:
Yep, pretty much. Aki can do some damage if he gets his sneak attack & skirmish abilities going at the same time (it adds 5d6) but he's primarily a trap disarmer/scout/skilled character.

I take it you got my e-mail?

I'll get the crunch up on Sunday, I'm still sorting some out.

OH, and he's Chaotic Good.

Yup, got it.

Shoel Sweeny

First Post

Sounds like an intresting character, would definately fit in with all the self-improvement obsessed characters we have.

While Mei is technically a member of the court, her mortal lifespan will prevent her from getting far. Thus, she feeds the celestial power within her, growing in supernatural power, by consuming the magical essences of enemies. Her goal is to one day grow in power sufficiently to become, at least, Immortal...and perhaps even become a minor Goddess.

A novel idea, how do you see this working mechanicaly? Additionally, the Orient Pantheon in PS is called the Celestial Beuracracy, and has strong ties to Arcadia, Hades, Elysium, and a couple other planes I can't think of off-hand (will post them later if you're intrested) if you wish to tie Mei further into the setting.

You might want to consider Wu-Jen instead of sorceror, if for no other reason then you'd have greater access to utility spells and higher level spells, espescially since gestalt characters have a tendency not to possess the spells they should given their assumed +2 CR. You can of course still go with sorceror if you wish, your character after all.


Good job on the character sheet formating, that's going to make him alot easier in play. Make the changes I listed in my e-mail to you, and make sure nonamazing is okay with the character links, and then you'll be good to post him in the Rogues gallery.

Under your current sheet I'd like to see the math that went into Halidons skills and abilities. This can be as simple as a paranthetical list of how many skill points you possess and how many points you spent on your point buy.

Speaking of a Rogues Gallery, there's a link to it here (though no one's sheet has been fully
approved yet) http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?p=2867911#post2867911


The Seekers and the Transcendant Order (ciphers) are two differint factions, did you mean that Drognan is part of that faction, or seeker as in looking for cosmic truth? If he's looking to join the Transcendant Order he'd be gated to Elysium rather then the Outlands, as the faction headquarters are located there. Lastly with Halidon, Saelya, and Ronthias (ByteRynn's, Dog Moons's, and nonamazing's characters respectively) already as good as in, the skilled secondary combatant slot is getting cramped very quickly. You might be better off going with your origional caster idea. Play what character you want, I'm just throwing that out there for ya.

Ah, just saw your vow of poverty question. It's not allowed



I take the faction feats and abilities pretty seriously as a tool and guide for roleplaying a character. Frequent or extreme identity clash by acting outside of your faction ideologies could result in the temporary loss of faction abilities. However the door swings both ways, espousing your factions ideas and roleplaying your characters beliefs will earn you free action points as well. (see the link in my first post for rules on action points)

To further stimulate this I'm giving everyone a free 2nd level feat. The catch is it doesn't count towards feat prequisites unless it's a faction feat. So if you're in the Transcendant Order and take Cipher trance as your 2nd level feat, you can later use this feat to apply for improved cipher trance or other feats. However taking power attack as your free 2nd level feat, while possible, would not fufill the requirements for getting great cleave. These same rules applly to faction prestige classes (from dragon magazine and the Planar HandbooK) and normal prestige classes as well. Please list your free 2nd level feat seperate from your primary feats on your character sheet.
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Shoel Sweeny

First Post
Updated the whose who list. We still need a dedicated tough as nails fighter, looks like either Ferrix or Rayex are taking this slot. and a blaster/utility caster capable of casting 3rd level spells (this means Archivist, Wizard, or Wu Jen, maybe War Mage if I'm feeling generous.) After the final 6 are decided I'll put up the rest as alternates, and given the tendency of Play by post games to loose their players it's possible you'll see game time even if put on the alternates list.

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