• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



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I have to work friday night but i might be able to get out of it if we are going to play. But I need to know so i can talk to people at work and get the shift covered.

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We can probably do this week off for gaming. Actually, that probably works out convenient for me regarding work. Let's take this week off and pick up the game April 8.


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I am really sorry, but i have my ACT Saturday the 9th. I can come, but I would have to leave pretty early so i can get to bed early (around 11:00). So basically, I will leave once I get tired because that is about the time I start falling asleep when I am there. And just to kinda put it out there, I am thinking about retireing Ayla and taking a break for a while. Classes are giving more projects, I cannot stay up late, and I only get to see Jason on the weekends. But I am not going to stop right away, but probably pretty soon.


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As we are now back in Stormhaven, and having spent a night of carrousing and fighting at the "Galley". Oceas was summoned back to his order. He was then taken on a small boat to a small rocky island about a mile off shore. After climbing to the top of the island, he was shown a shrine/temple to Xanthos. It has what appears to be a sacrificial altar and a large trident made of coral that is apparently a powerful relic of Xanthos that is used to safeguard the waters in this area. The head of the order has no idea why he was told to bring Oceas out here and Oceas himself has no idea what the purpose is. The elder takes the boat and goes back to shore leaving Oceas on the small island for the night with instructions to return tomorrow. During the first few hours Oceas will kneel before the altar and meditate upon his god and why he might be here. Finally Oceas will approach the trident and kneel before it. He will hold his hand a few inches from it trying to feel its power and gain some understanding. 'Xanthos, it is I Oceas, your humble servant and dedicated follower. I thank you for watching over me and granting your protection. I ask your forgiveness in my ignorance. I thought Sei shai granted me the ability to breathe underwater instead of realizing it was your blessing. I am truly sorry for not understanding. I ask for your guidance and wisdom so that I may continue to do good in your name and spread the word and wisdom of Xanthos. May others see the light of your way. Grant me your blessing and strength. Show me the reason for my presence here and how I may continue to serve'. Then Oceas will lightly place his palm upon the trident of his god and lower hid head while awaiting the blessing and enlightenment that may or may not come. If nothing apparent happens for a few minutes then Oceas will thank his god for hearing his prayer and return to his meditations. If anything does happen then I'll have to hear what it is to determine my response.


First Post
So we're in Stormhaven, eh? Anything else big happen last session?

Anyways, while were in Stormhaven, Deigh makes a point of going to visit an old preist of Pter named Kelf.

Upon gaining a metting with Kelf, Deigh shows up, with the relic tucked under his arm. "Preist Kelf, I assume you've hard what happened to the rest of the party guarding the relic?"

"Yes. May Pter fight for their souls, the poor men. We had thought you dead too."

"Not quite. It took me a while, but I've tracked down those bastard goblins and retrieved the relic. My new friends and I are going to Mount Ternell, to return the relic, before we go back to Delve."

"Why Delve? You service has certainly earned you some small job here in the church of Pter."

"Heh. Seems we started a bit of a... well, a bit of a war with the goblins around Delve. We being myself and the Seekers of Legend, the folks htat helped me return the relic."

"I had heard such a thing might happen... so you'll be fighting?"

"Fighting's my life, sir."

"So be it, so be it. You fight the good fight, and may Pter fight it alongside you... And you're part of this group, these Seekers of Legend?"

"Well... I don't really know. They haven't invited me, as such, but they haven't told me to leave either. Maybe our paths just cross for a while, I don't know.

"Sometimes great thing come from just a simple crossing of the paths."

"Indeed sir... before I go, could I ask you a couple of favors?"

"You can ask. But don't expect a good answer."

"Well, first of all, could you keep the Seekers and I in you prayers? You know, just mention our names to Pter?"

"Certainly, we pray for all that fight for good. And with your services to the church, you certainly deserve our prayers."

"Thank you. And the other thing... I... I was wondering how one joined the church of Pter? Not as a preist, but just as a loyal servent, a lay warrior fighting in Pters name."

"Well... you've finally found religion?"

"Can't say I found religion, religion found me. See, I had to look into that box to make sure the relic was still in it. And inside was... beautiful. Light like nothing you've ever seen. Light like a weapon, light that could cut through evil life a knife through cheese."

"You looked at the relic?"

"Sorry sir, I did. Asked for Pter's forgivness, and I did. I'd rather sin then commit the greater sin of returning an empty box."

"Well, you're lucky to still have your eyes. I'll see about making you an offical lay warrior of the church. Following the example of the High Knights of Pter, are you?"

"Can't say I know much about the High KNights, but I think I need to be fighting for something bigger then just my own salvation.


"It's a family curse. Great Grandad was a right bloody evil bastard, and the dark gods've been getting my family's souls ever since."

"So... you want to join the church so Pter will take your soul to a btter place?"

"A few weeks ago, I would have said yes. All I wanted was a god to get my soul out of the pit. But now... I want to have a purpose bigger then myself. If Pter decides I served well enough that my soul deserves a better place, that'd be great, but there's no use living my life only worrying about what comes after."

"Hmmm... I'll see what we can do."

Metagame: Deigh is now worshipping Pter. He'd like the church's blessing, and any rites of admitince they give (an equivalent to baptism, if they have sucha thing). In the long term, he might take levels of the High Knight PrC. Could I get more info on the PrC and on the church in general? From what I understand, Pter is a warrior, fighting evil in all its forms, but I'd like to know more.


First Post

So, as far as anyone can seem to tell our plan is as follows:

Right now we have 10 days until we have to do the presentation for the academy. As I understood it we are going to go to dola and find out if she can leave the goods with goblin king and take us to Mt. Ternell real quickly. If she is able and willing to do so then we will go there, give the artifact to them and ask for assistance w/ the dragon. Afterwards we were going to see if dola could take us back to Stormhaven and finish selling the goods while we did our presentation.


Then, once the presentation was completed we were, of course, going to go back to dola get our share..... then what? Or, if the above is incorrect please correct it!

We have so many options it's beginning to hurt my head. My worry is that we won't stick to one or two things and continue to hop around like madmen. Which isn't necessarrilly bad but if we never complete anything no one will ever hear of us! :p

I'll list SOME of the options here with my opinoion of them.

Go to Delve for the Goblins and/or Gnolls - Tormal doesn't care either way with this one. His issue is if we choose to go this path he doesn't want to just go to save the priest, if still needed, but wants to commit himself to it. In his mind though the issue with the goblins and gnolls does not provide much room for SOL to get noticed. there is not political issues, no real war effort and really... no one to tell the story.

Shaugin - Tormal has an issue with going under water to wage a battle. Plus he feels Stormahaven has probably got more push here then anyone.

Giants in the North - Tormal feels this is where the stories are going to be told from. However, fighting giants is not he forte. On top of that it's cold.

New Quest With Crazy Lady That Owns Half of the Galley - Tormal likes thsi idea for one of a few reasons. First it's going to be profitable in some way. We get to visit a new land which may give Tormal more insight on Gobadan's Lost Secrets, we won't have all of the other options to bother us (Even though there may be new ones) and Heroes coming back from a distant land rich is always a story to tell!

We also have...

The Soul Gem - Tormal is not really interested. But a million gold is nice! On the other hand what would we have to sacrifice to get it?

The Wizard's Promise - The writing all along the mountian side could prove to be a valuable effort. We already know the goblins are working to uncover it.

Tyrm's Visions - We could investigate these more. Tormal, although not a follower of Belmay, fears the loss of one of the moons for any reason as well. He understand the consequences that could bring.

Yuan-Ti - Tormal has no real connection to this but I do! I would love to do this quest. It would be profitable as well. On top of that this is an old war if we were to take part there would definately be stories told of our efforts or vicotries.

Ogres - eh, Goblin king has got this one taken care of IMO. But, we could still take part if we wanted to.

Borgesh(sp?) - We check this wicked place out. Not to sure if tormal is interested or not though.

The Train - Find out what's going on w/ this odd contraption.

Continue the Hunt for the Merinthians - This one is a mystery. Who knows what dangers or riches we may find?! This one, at least immediately, will involve the Gnolls too. Something to think about.

The Road to the Gods - Tormal doesn't have any serious affilitation with the gods but this may help in that regard. He's not to sure what this would provide for the group other then that.

That's all I can think of right now. I'm cetain there are more and more to come. But i'm pretty sure Tormal is most interested in either the Yuan Ti, The new quest, or the hunt for the Merinthians.


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Ayla approaches the party when they are together next. "I have been thinking for a very long time now, and I think it would be in my best interest to go to Greerson and learn their ways. I think it will help me to accomplish my goals of becoming a better ranger and would do it quite effectively. If none of you object, I plan on departing from the group and head up that way soon. I hope all of your adventures go well, and good luck going were ever you might go in this world (or other worlds). If you are even near Greerson please come and visit me, I would like that a lot. Also if none of you mind I wish to stay at the manner for a while until I can get on my feet fully. Thank you for everything. Oh, and one more thing, I will tell Lord Tannerson that Li has passed away if you all would like me to." With that Ayla is going to go and gather all of her belonging and head out of Stormhaven to Greerson, where she is going to learn their culture and ways if they would so wish to teach her.
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Tormal said:
Perhaps ayla will take Li's sword with her aswell?

I am unclear on timelines of when this is happening, but I may veto that particular option for story reasons. :)

One thing of note: Li was granted the manor because he swore service to Lord Tannerson. The manor is not a party resource, it is a character resource of a character that is dead. Because of Li's relatively minor status, the manor would revert back to Lord Tannerson's control upon his death. Lord Tannerson, being the type of person he is, would probably offer any family of Li's the opportunity to assume responsibility and if that was turned down, he would hold the manor himself until such a time that he assigned it to somebody else.


First Post
I understand that completely. I know that was a gift to Li and that, with his death, that manor would probably be given to somone else. I'm not to sure whether you were telling me or Ayla that but taking the sword back doesn't necissarrilly depend on that fact. So.... if possible that would save the group some time. If not then we will address the matter in a different way.

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