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It is meant as a general reminder for everyone. This isn't the first time that the manor has come up in discussion and I wanted to point out that the character entitled to the manor is no longer with the group.

As for taking Li's nagamaki back, what the heck, go for it. I will assume from here on out that the group does not have the nagamaki.

Ayla, I will need to know what your plan for returning to Greerson is so I can predict a success probability and an arrival time. (If I don't hear back from Ayla, I will assume she is going on foot. She certainly has the skills to do so if she chooses. It will just take longer.)

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Ayla would be more than happy to take the nagamaki back to Greerson seeing as she is going there. ayla will be going by foot and will use her survival skills for food and all.


OK, we will assume that Ayla is leaving immediately and that she is taking Li's Nagamaki.

For everyone else, could I get clarification on your plan? As I recall, you were going to head out to see Dola and try to talk her into making a quick trip to Mt Ternell. Is that correct?

If so, I assume Deigh will stop by the Temple of Pter to try to get the relic and take it with you.

You wanted to try to convince the priests to help the dragon you saved. So far, you haven't had any communication with the dragon. None of you is real familiar with dragon anatomy, but you would guess that many of the bones in the dragon have been broken and intentionally set badly. That has really limited the dragon's ability to move. It's jaws seem to barely open at all. Anything to help the dragon is going to be a major undertaking.

You planned to return to Stormhaven and make your presentation at the Academie for Academic Advancement and get your money.

Keep in mind that you will probably get a large portion of your funds in silvers. There will be gold as well, but silvers and coppers are the common coinage. The Academie would only seek to pay you with coppers if they were passive-aggressive angry at you.

The Academie does need names to prepare your Honorary Scholar certificates as well as to petition the powers that be to allow you access into the city. Unless you guys have other political pull, the Academie will not be able to gain you access with weapons or anything above light armor. Scholars don't need such things. Recognizing that several of you probably call upon spellcraft of some sort, the Academie will be trying to gain you access without any uncomfortable prohibitive devices. Much will depend on the mood of the guards at the city gate though. So you will be encouraged to be on your best behavior. Otherwise, you might be shackled with something that interferes with the flow of power around you.

The point of a presentation is to make it a social event. Quite frankly, the Academie wants to show of the latest acquisition. Certainly Tyrm has the social skills to recognize that this is a coup of sorts for the Academie. Nobody else has found a copy of the Oracles. Given that the Academie is the first with the Oracles, even if somebody else finds a copy later, it will not have the same significance. That it took a group of seasoned adventurers to retrieve the Oracles makes the whole thing a little more tittilating for chair bonded city scholars.

Afterward, there will likely be social gatherings and that sort of thing. The politically ambitious scholars of the Academie will be taking advantage of the gala to make new connections and strengthen old connections. The Seekers are not required to attend any of these, so you are free to ditch all of that as soon as the presentation is over, if you choose.

Does that cover the stuff that is queueing up? Is that the order you plan on addressing things?


First Post
Tormal said:
Go to Delve for the Goblins and/or Gnolls - Tormal doesn't care either way with this one. His issue is if we choose to go this path he doesn't want to just go to save the priest, if still needed, but wants to commit himself to it. In his mind though the issue with the goblins and gnolls does not provide much room for SOL to get noticed. there is not political issues, no real war effort and really... no one to tell the story.
Deigh likes this option. We were part of this conflict, and we should help see it through to the end. Deigh is weel trained in bashing goblins, and we're likely to a) make a name for ourselves and b) get some funds/recognition/both from the 'king' of Delve

Tormal said:
Shaugin - Tormal has an issue with going under water to wage a battle. Plus he feels Stormahaven has probably got more push here then anyone.
We're not equipped to fight underwater and Stormhaven is quite capable of defending itself. No need for us.

Tormal said:
Giants in the North - Tormal feels this is where the stories are going to be told from. However, fighting giants is not he forte. On top of that it's cold.
Indeed, this may be where legends are made. Deigh can help match their reach... Something to consider.

Tormal said:
New Quest With Crazy Lady That Owns Half of the Galley - Tormal likes thsi idea for one of a few reasons. First it's going to be profitable in some way. We get to visit a new land which may give Tormal more insight on Gobadan's Lost Secrets, we won't have all of the other options to bother us (Even though there may be new ones) and Heroes coming back from a distant land rich is always a story to tell!
Not too interested in this one. Deigh has ties to things going on here. He would prefer to stay in the current area, and just wealth doesn't interest him. He comes from a family of farmers, so he's already making a family fortune from that point of view. Deigh deosn't like this much. Too much looking for treasure and too little bashing of evil skulls for his taste.

Tormal said:
We also have...

The Soul Gem - Tormal is not really interested. But a million gold is nice! On the other hand what would we have to sacrifice to get it?
Deigh doesn't know much about this. A quest of unknown difficulty, again with the foremost reason to undertake it being money. Deigh would rather be fighting evil just for fighting evil instead of hunting down some gem.

Tormal said:
The Wizard's Promise - The writing all along the mountian side could prove to be a valuable effort. We already know the goblins are working to uncover it.
Deigh would be all for this. An ancient riddle, legendary in stature, and some evil goblins to slay to boot. A great chance to build up a reputation ("Oh, you're th eones who solved the goblin's riddle!"), the possibility of making some money (wizards tend to have fancy tastes) and evil to fight. A great option.

Tormal said:
Tyrm's Visions - We could investigate these more. Tormal, although not a follower of Belmay, fears the loss of one of the moons for any reason as well. He understand the consequences that could bring.
Deigh is worried by the visions too, but there's not too much we can do to actively pursue them. I say we gather what information we can while undertaking other quests.

Tormal said:
Yuan-Ti - Tormal has no real connection to this but I do! I would love to do this quest. It would be profitable as well. On top of that this is an old war if we were to take part there would definately be stories told of our efforts or vicotries.
As a player, I'm itching to undertake this, just to follow up on Li's intentions. HOwever, Deigh isn't too interested. If I was playing Li, I would be all over this, but Deigh just isn't interested. Sure, there is evil to fight, so its not all bad, but Deigh has ties to this area, things he wants to pursue, so he'd rather stay on this continent. But if he met Wu Cho, who might convince him that fighting there would be on Pter's behalf, he might be more interested...

Tormal said:
Ogres - eh, Goblin king has got this one taken care of IMO. But, we could still take part if we wanted to.
Deigh deosn't know much about this, and isn't too interested in working with goblins, even if they are like Dola and her crew. It's acceptable, with plenty of evil to smack his chain on, but not a priority.

Tormal said:
Borgesh(sp?) - We check this wicked place out. Not to sure if tormal is interested or not though.
Deigh is very interested in this place. Somebody he's looking of rmight be there... But he's not sure if we could handle it. Going into an entire city that would likely want to kill us might not be best, as we could easily be overwhelmed. Deigh likes the idea of taking the fight to a hive of evil like Bargesh, but he isn't sure he oculd handle the fight. Maybe someday.

Tormal said:
The Train - Find out what's going on w/ this odd contraption.
Interesting, but not Deigh's thing. If we end up in the area, it would be woth checking out, but I don't think it warrents a trip just to see it. Scouting is Deigh's forte, but the Train seems like an economic venture without much chance for building our legend.

Tormal said:
Continue the Hunt for the Merinthians - This one is a mystery. Who knows what dangers or riches we may find?! This one, at least immediately, will involve the Gnolls too. Something to think about.
Deigh thinks this would best be paired with fighting the goblins and/or gnolls. We could search around while taking on the armies of the gnolls or goblins. Not really a quest in and of itself, but a good thing to keep in mind of we're in the area.

Tormal said:
The Road to the Gods - Tormal doesn't have any serious affilitation with the gods but this may help in that regard. He's not to sure what this would provide for the group other then that.
This actually interests Deigh quite a bit. No better way to get the gods' attention then to see them face to face... but still, we don't really have any way to really pusue it. If we had a solid lead on where to go or what to do it would be more of an option. Maybe we should start getting information on this while undertaking another quest?

Tormal said:
That's all I can think of right now. I'm cetain there are more and more to come. But i'm pretty sure Tormal is most interested in either the Yuan Ti, The new quest, or the hunt for the Merinthians.
Deigh's top choices:
Fight Goblins/Gnoll and gather Merithian Stuff
Wizard's Promise
Giants to the North
Road of the Gods


Macbeth said:
Deigh would be all for this. An ancient riddle, legendary in stature, and some evil goblins to slay to boot. A great chance to build up a reputation ("Oh, you're th eones who solved the goblin's riddle!"), the possibility of making some money (wizards tend to have fancy tastes) and evil to fight. A great option.

Just in case I was unclear at some point: The inscription on the mountain is supposedly one from an ancient wizard. Oddly, nobody knows the wizard's name. According to the folks you have spoken to, nobody throughout history knows the wizards name. Though many people know of the 'riddle' and that it was made by a wizard.

The goblins, apparently, have embarked on a mission to decipher the 'riddle'. At least, that's what the goblin notes seemed to indicate.

Macbeth said:
But if he met Wu Cho, who might convince him that fighting there would be on Pter's behalf, he might be more interested...
These words will be coming back to haunt you. Probably starting next session or thereabouts.

Kind of the reason why I wasn't sure I wanted Ayla taking off with Li's Nagamaki. But heck, there is still plenty of reason why the group will recognize Wu Cho.

Macbeth said:
Deigh is very interested in this place. Somebody he's looking of rmight be there... But he's not sure if we could handle it. Going into an entire city that would likely want to kill us might not be best, as we could easily be overwhelmed. Deigh likes the idea of taking the fight to a hive of evil like Bargesh, but he isn't sure he oculd handle the fight. Maybe someday.

Sounds like a it of research might be useful in this regard.

Macbeth said:
Interesting, but not Deigh's thing. If we end up in the area, it would be woth checking out, but I don't think it warrents a trip just to see it. Scouting is Deigh's forte, but the Train seems like an economic venture without much chance for building our legend.

Granted! This is a case of me weaving in old potential story hooks back into the game. Early on, the group might have been interested in a bit of trail blazing. Now, maybe not so much. At this stage, the primary interest of the train probably has more to do with it's implications on trade, power and politics. Of course, you guys might not care so much about that either. I'm not sure.

Macbeth said:
This actually interests Deigh quite a bit. No better way to get the gods' attention then to see them face to face... but still, we don't really have any way to really pusue it. If we had a solid lead on where to go or what to do it would be more of an option. Maybe we should start getting information on this while undertaking another quest?

Few people pursue the Road to the Gods. Most that have any experience with it were on their way to a holy place or something. Research might provide more information, but the Road to the Gods is more legendary and nearly mythical. Lots of people have heard of it, but most think it is a metaphor or pure myth. There are people who know it exists. There are fewer people who know how to find it. A small group of people have travelled along it. Supposedly the ancient Elves travelled to it's end, but that too may be myth. Certainly no living Elf can say what lies at the end of that road.


First Post
Tyrm will give the academy his name and offer any assistance he can to their preperations and dealings with the city.

As for future plans Tyrm is rather adament about going back and fighting the goblins and gnolls. While at it though he would love to look around for merinthian things.

As for the after party Tyrm is all for attending and wearing his finest outfit.

OCC: I will not be able to make it this week until late. Probably around 1015-1030. Sorry guys but I couldnt get out of it.


First Post
Oceas will stand firm on not giving up Seiche. "Please give my regards to the scholars but I am unable to attend. I will press on with matters concerning my temple while we are here".

Oceas is a little concerned that the group is easily swayed into taking on new missions. I do not want the group to get a reputation for taking on a task and only half finishing it. I would like to conclude our business with the scholars, take the dragon and the relic to Mt Ternell, a quick trip to Greerson to report on Li's death (Ayla could catch a ride as far as Mt Ternell if she chooses to), Then a return to Delve to mop up the goblin mess and strike some blows against the gnolls. Some searching for traces of Merinthian culture could be in order while fighting the gnolls but if no ruins/traces/notes/remains are found then I believe a trip to the northlands to help fight giants could be a next test. The owner of the Galley and her map may still be around for a while. If these ruins and treasures have been around for ages then there is no reason to think they will disappear overnight. Put her trip on a back burner for future use.


First Post
I agree. In fact, Oceas' plan of action sound right by me. Do our buisness here (maybe train?) got to Mt. Ternell for a quick visit, and then kick some goblin/gnoll @$$ in Delve.

By my estimate, we've been away from Delve maybe 3 weeks so far. If that's correct, we could spend a month training, a week getting to Mount Ternell, and still be back to Delve within 2 months of when we left. In the grand scale of a war, thats pretty quick.

Everybody seems to agree that Mt. Ternell is our next logical step, but after that we don’t seem entirely sure. Here are Kind’s preferences.


a.Kind has been waiting most of his life to have the ability to change into animal forms and he feels that he is now ready to undertake that. Greerson would be the best place for him to learn that.

b.Everybody else has also been waiting to increase their effectiveness and Greerson would be good for them as well.

c.While in Greerson we can get some closure with Lord Tannerson about Li’s death. Also we can taunt Ayla one last time.


a.Kind’s original intent when he came to this area was to fight the gnolls. He would hate to see the gnolls gain any more power and he also understands that Tyrm feels the same way about them.

b.We already have a good amount of information on the gnolls compared to everything else.

c.We can continue to get more Merinthian stuff.

3.Ms. Terious’ expedition

a.Kind would enjoy this quest because it would take him to whole new environments that he has never experienced before, which includes new animals as well.

b.Kind would also like this quest because he is always looking to gain more knowledge and this could be very educational.

c.Of course there is also treasure to be had.

4.Wizard’s riddle

a.This might be one of the best options for the group because it is a legend.

b.There might also be a lot of treasure invlolved.

12.Anything in Stromhaven.

a.Kind does not enjoy being in Stormhaven. He would rather do any quest that we have been offered so far than spend more time in Stormhaven.

Everything else is pretty much even on Kind’s list. Kind might eventually be interested in stopping construction on the train, but doesn’t even really know what it is at this point.

(Check within the next day or so on the ‘best in life’ thread for what I as a player would prefer)

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