pogre's model and figure thread


First Post
Nice work, of course.
That's some long snake!!

What Warmachine mini's are you assembling?
Not all of them are that challenging. Trust me :)

Game ON!

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First Post
Pogre, these are just plum amazing. The details on those snake scales... whoa...

And whoa! You linked to my web page! Whoa!

Thanks for the compliments. :)

And keep up the good work! These are just plum terrific!


First Post
You would end up with Khador for your first mini's. :)
They are very cool to look at and play, but those Warjacks are a challenge to assemble. They are famous in the Warmachine circles for the "Khador Gap".
There's a website with tips on assembling and handling the particulars. Let me know if you want me to 'hook you up'.
There are a couple of other mini's that have pieces that require a delicate hand.

I buy mini's from lots of different sources and multi-part metals are really tough all over. I wouldn't say that Privateer is worse than anyone else.

Anyway... Sorry you had so much trouble. The end result is worth it (according to Khador fans). The warjacks I have purchased went together well and look good on the tabletop. I haven't purchased those Jacks, so I can't say from personal experience how hard Khador is to deal with. Those are also the first models they manufactured. They've grown a lot since the beginning...

Keep up the great work and where the heck are those Dungeon rooms?

Game ON!


The Dungeon is mostly packed and I'm ready to head over to WinterWar for the premier of my Dungeon 3D game. Keeping it simple for this time around - I'll add to the madness as I go along.

Here's an older picture of one of Boethricus's minions.



All pictures are thumbnail link to larger photos.

The Dungeon 3D! game went quite well. WinterWar 32 had a tremendous turnout with a lot of very well done games. The convention now has several folks from around the Midwest making the pilgrimage to C-U and enjoying the nine gaming slots. It’s a great little convention well worth your time.

I could not quite get the whole dungeon layout in one photograph, but my other photos are a bit out of focus.

Wow, very nice dungeon! Can I ask how long it took for you to build all that?

I've been tempted the past two years to pick up some of those molds at GenCon, but I keep getting cold feet and just drooling over what can be done with them. Which molds do you have, and which were used for this layout?


Cthulhu's Librarian said:
Wow, very nice dungeon! Can I ask how long it took for you to build all that?

This is a combination of Hirst Arts and Dwarven Forge Mastermaze. I built a number of the 20' x 20' rooms over the last couple of weeks. The building and painting is not all that time consuming - it's the casting that takes time. Some of the other rooms I have built for various adventures over the last few years. One could easily build a room, like the one I have a step-by-step instructions for at the start of this thread, in a week - assuming about 40 minutes of work per night.

Cthulhu's Librarian said:
I've been tempted the past two years to pick up some of those molds at GenCon, but I keep getting cold feet and just drooling over what can be done with them. Which molds do you have, and which were used for this layout?
The better question is what molds don't I have! To better address your question though, you could do almost everything I do above with Fieldstone Wall Mold #70, Fieldstone Accessories Mold #71, and Flagstone Floor Tile Mold #260. To start cheaply you could skip #71.

I use the fieldstone because it better matches my massive master maze collection. I have seen some really impressive Gothic stone dungeons - so if you do not use master maze that might be a good choice.

You can see a lot of cool projectson thehirst arts page - in particular check out their message boards for cool ideas.


First Post
Love the Dungeon! Sounds like it was a blast.
With the convention over with, you should be able to post some more stuff for us to drool over ;)

Keep up the great work Pogre. An inspiration to us all!
Game ON!


All pictures are thumbnail link to larger photos.

Finally got some of those Privateer WarMachine figures done. Unfortunately, one of my lighting bulbs burned out and I have not had a chance to replace it and so the pictures may appear a little darker. For those familiar with the WarMachine line, my client wanted a deeper, darker red than the candy red the box shows. He also requested a more industrial darker look on the mechs. I think they are pretty good and I am calling them done;)


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