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Pogre's New Story Hour with Mini pics - (12/7 The Final Update)


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Malystrx said:
Come one can't us elves get some of that lovin'? I know there is a E'lissar fan club out there because I keep sending out all of those fan letters! hehe :D

Ummm...You do realize it only counts if you're sending them to other people, right? And, no, Rannin and Quarion don't count.

(Gerhard in Pogre's New Story Hour)

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Episode 30
Dark Bargains

“I do not have time for this,” the mage whined.

“Time, all I have is time skeezicks,” a low rumbling chuckle came forth from the infernal. His belly covered in grotesque folds jiggled with his merriment. His eyes shown no joy, however, only pure damnation beyond hatred, “You may recall, you called me.”

“I wish you would not name me that.”

A huge toothy grin broke across the infernal’s face, “I know skeezicks.”

“Of the bargain,” the mage began.

“There is no bargain,” the low reply returned.

“What will it take?”

“You must make the offer. It was your summoning.”

“A dozen sacrifices.”


“Young humanoids.”

“Goblins? Please skeezicks, you must be daft.”

The mage felt the blood rush to his temples, he was running out of time. “What is your counter?”

“I have none,” the infernal laughed. “You make another.”

“Damnation and brimstone!” the mage was furious.

“Now that, that is a bit more interesting skeezicks.”

“What do you mean?” the mage was genuinely puzzled. “That was not an offer.”

“Your soul, skeezicks. Eternal damnation that is a worthy bargaining chip.”

“I already offered you a dozen sacrifices.”

“Goblins, hah, they will be on their way to Hades anyway. You could be redeemed skeezicks, even at this late date. A free soul is a worthy price. I offer my services for six terra months in exchange.”

“Never! I summoned you from Hades! I will not return there with you!”

“Calm yourself skeezicks. It was an offer for a bargain - Farther towards a bargain than you have gotten in the last two days.” The immense infernal began tapping his digits on his chin, “You need sleep and something to eat. Go sup and rest and think about my offer.”

“I cannot afford to waste more time,” he really was exhausted. The fiend’s offer was starting to sound attractive. “We must strike a bargain. I only require your services for a short time. What else may I offer you?”

“I do not know,” the infernal cracked his toothy grin again, “make me an offer.”

“A dozen sacrifices and two of my spells,” the mage offered, suppressing his anger.

“Too little,” came the infernal’s quick reply. “Why not break this circle and let me have free reign? I find you most amusing skeezicks. You and I could have a lot of fun together.”

“You would snap my neck as soon as I broke the circle.”

“Then break the focus and send me back to Hades*,” the smell of brimstone rose from the infernal. “The bargain cannot be set.” The outsider disappeared in a magical darkness.

The mage smiled, now I am getting somewhere.


E’lissar took a deep breath, “Well, I saw the book.”

Hilde rose to her feet, “Who had it?”

“He looked like a mage.”

“Was anyone else there?” Inga asked.

“Only the biggest frickin’ demon I have ever seen,” E’lissar answered.

“Demon?” Gerhardt asked. “No one said anything about fighting demons.”

“Where was the demon?” Hilde asked, ignoring Gerhardt’s comment.

“He was just standing there,” E’lissar answered.

Hilde continued her queries, “Describe the floor around the demon – was there anything unusual?”

“This thing was the ugliest 15-foot tall monster I have ever saw, that counts as unusual in my book. But, um, yeah it was standing in a circle of painted gold.”

“I suspected as much,” Hilde answered. “He has summoned an infernal, but he has not made a bargain with him. We may be able to confront the wizard without dealing with the infernal.”

“Now wait a minute - How much is this book worth?” Gerhardt asked.

“Everything,” Hilde answered, “My friend died for it.”

“Well unless it has a raise dead ritual it isn’t going to do Morgan a lot of good,” Gerhardt replied. “I was thinking in monetary terms – give me a guesstimate, something I can get excited about.”

“I want the book. It must be destroyed,” Hilde answered resolutely.

“We must have a solid plan,” Inga stated. “E’lissar, did you notice if the portcullis was locked?”

“I do not think it was, but it looked heavy.”

“Heavy I can handle,” Inga remarked. “I will hold the portcullis while others dash in at the wizard. With luck we can close ground with him and avoid the demon altogether.”

“Hold on,” Gerhardt objected. “We got the cart before the horse here – what’s the upside to taking this guy on?”

“Gerhardt, he murdered my friend and I want revenge,” Hilde answered.

“Now that’s something I can relate to – we’re killing him because you want revenge,” Gerhardt answered.

“Yes, and I need your help,” Hilde said.

“You can count on it sister. I love it when you’re hateful and full of vengeance,” Gerhardt smiled. “If Inga holds the portcullis, Gjord and me can sprint across to the mage. The pointy ears can lay some arrows into him. However, I got to tell you Hilde – if that demon is in the fray I am out of there.”

“It seems like a very simple plan,” Quarion said.

“Simple is best when the battle starts,” Inga stated.


Inga heaved the gate up and lightning rocketed through her body as she continued pushing the iron up. “Go!” she commanded horsely.

The mage alerted to the group’s presence, began flying in the tall chamber.

Gerhardt charged across the chamber.

Gerhardt could not reach his foe and he knew he was in trouble. He tried to stay light on his feet for whatever the caster might throw at him. The elves and Hilde came into the chamber. E’lissar landed a heavy shot into the wizard and Gjord moved up to Gerhardt’s position.

The Arcane power of the mage manifested as a mighty arc of electricity striking both Gerhardt and Gjord. Gerhardt was able to dodge most of the bolt’s wrath, but Gjord was fairly burnt.

The elves launched more arrows into the flying mage and the wizard responded by pulling out a wand and pelting E’lissar with a pair of magic missiles. Quarion and E’lissar closed the distance to gain better shots on the wizard.

Hilde pulled out her crossbow and carefully loaded a bolt. The blessings from her deity shone brightly on her as she lodged the bolt deeply into the mage’s torso. The mage twisted in pain and was obviously struggling to maintain his concentration. More arrows from the elves hit home and the wizard’s lifeless body fell to the ground.

A low grumbling laugh came from the circle behind the wizard. All eyes turned towards the hideous infernal colossus. A huge toothy grin broke across the infernal’s face. “Well done. And to think, that worm and I almost made a bargain…”

Hilde snatched the dark book from the mage’s body.

“What use is that book to you sister?” the infernal’s menacing grin was almost too much for Hilde to bear.

“I am going to destroy it!” she found herself nearly shrieking.

“Excellent, its power is far beyond your comprehending in any case,” the challenge in the infernal’s voice was obvious.

“I am sure you are right,” Hilde replied more calmly.

“What kind of bargain did you have going with this pin cushion?” Gerhardt asked.

“Oh, just a soul for unbelievable riches and power,” the Infernal laughed in his low, gravelly voice. “Nothing you might be interested in.”

“The power of the binding circle is beginning to fade,” Hilde announced. “We would do well to prepare to battle this fiend.”

“Sister!” the infernal complained in mock concern, “How did I offend thee?”

“Your existence,” she replied.

“You are not what you are without me, child of Opheria,” the infernal argued.

“We will banish you to lower Hades for a thousand years in the prison of the condemned or we shall die in the attempt,” Hilde countered.

“This is all unnecessary,” the demon replied. “All you need to do is destroy the focus and I can return to the Netherworld. No need for fruitless conflict.”

“That sounds reasonable. Where is the focus?” E’lissar asked.

“He is a deceiver,” Hilde warned. “For all we know destroying the focus will free him.”

“And that is different from your plan how?” Gjord asked her.

“Fine,” Hilde knew the ranger was right.

“The focus is a dark mirror in yonder chamber. Break the glass and I will be gone.”

Inga looked at Hilde.

“Go,” Hilde commanded.

The barbarian sprinted down the passage and a short time later there was a loud crash.

“We will meet again daughter of Opheria,” the infernal’s eyes glowed with hatred, “and you will be my bride.” A dark mist that smelled of brimstone filled the room and the infernal was gone.

“Well, that was easy,” Gerhardt remarked.

To be continued…

*Olde Realm Cosmology is different from the D&D norm. There are two main outer planes – Elysium and Hades. Each plane has two thrones, one of chaos and another of law. The area between the chaos and law thrones in Hades is a source of constant battle. There are numerous pockets of power within the planes.

Astral, Aether, Shadow, Elementals – these D&D planes are all part of Oblivion or the Void.

Gods do not inhabit planes, their areas of existence are beyond man’s understanding. The deities do however; draw on the planes for followers, messengers, and soldiers.
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First Post
pogre said:
*Olde World Cosmology is different from the D&D norm. There are two main outer planes – Elysium and Hades. Each plane has two thrones, one of chaos and another of law. The area between the chaos and law thrones in Hades is a source of constant battle. There are numerous pockets of power within the planes.

Astral, Aether, Shadow, Elementals – these D&D planes are all part of Oblivion or the Void.

Gods do not inhabit planes, their areas of existence are beyond man’s understanding. The deities do however; draw on the planes for followers, messengers, and soldiers.


Good adventure, Pogre.


Nail said:

Good adventure, Pogre.

Thanks Nail - hope your game went well this evening.

Hairy Minotaur said:
Do you have elemental lords and such? How does this cosmology affect your Druids?

Great questions, in game terms it has no real effects. However, in terms of the cosmology Druids are followers of the Olde Faith. The Olde Faith venerates the natural energies, the green force if you will, of the Earth Mother. The Druids are not clerics per se', but instead work to keep the natural energies of the Earth Mother in alignment. A slightly more Celtic feel than regular D&D, but no real game mechanics differences.

Elemental Lords reside in the Void, but there are no pure elemental planes as such.


First Post
pogre said:
Episode 30

“Now wait a minute - How much is this book worth?” Gerhardt asked.

“Hold on,” Gerhardt objected. “We got the cart before the horse here – what’s the upside to taking this guy on?”

Wisdom. Behold Great Gerhardts understanding that no risk should be taken unless it entails a gain to be had.

“Now that’s something I can relate to – we’re killing him because you want revenge,” Gerhardt answered.

“You can count on it sister. I love it when you’re hateful and full of vengeance,” Gerhardt smiled. “If Inga holds the portcullis, Gjord and me can sprint across to the mage. The pointy ears can lay some arrows into him. However, I got to tell you Hilde – if that demon is in the fray I am out of there.”

Charisma, and Intelligence. Behold Great Gerhardts ability to sway those beneath him to follow in his lead, and his ability to analyze the skills of the party, pitiful though they may be compared to his, and create a plan to best utilize them.

“Simple is best when the battle starts,” Inga stated.

Behold, how this cohort of the Great Gerhardt begins the road to enlightenment, in acknowledging the Great Gerhardts genius.

“Well, that was easy,” Gerhardt remarked.

Behold, how the penultimate skills, strength, and intelligence of the Great Gerhardt see him easily through situations where other, lesser men, would quail in terror and lay down to die.

I joyfully accept the offer to spread the words, teachings and tales of the Great Gerhardt across the land. His name shall be heard from kingdom to kingdom, and soon all shall bow before him, in honor of his awesome deeds.

Indeed, perhaps I shall even detail the workings of his faithful followers and cohorts, for they have been blessed with the wondrous glory and honor to travel with the Great Gerhardt. Is it not true that, through association with greatness, one may attain a small spark of greatness oneself? Truly the path they follow is wise, and perhaps they may yet gain an inkling of the blessing they have recieved in being chosen to follow the most Great Gerhardt.

Wulf Ratbane

pogre said:
“We will meet again daughter of Opheria,” the infernal’s eyes glowed with hatred, “and you will be my bride.”

Sure, he's a demon; but he's also a hopeless romantic, so he's got that going for him.

Gerhardt gets my vote for "Best Wulf Ratbane Impression Evar."



Wulf Ratbane said:
Gerhardt gets my vote for "Best Wulf Ratbane Impression Evar."


High Praise indeed.

LuYangShih said:
Behold, how the penultimate skills, strength, and intelligence of the Great Gerhardt see him easily through situations where other, lesser men, would quail in terror and lay down to die.

You have NO idea what you're doing to my campaign!
:D lol


Episode 31

“Lord Hallerian is prepared to pay you 2,500 crowns each if you take care of this problem in a fortnight and 1,500 crowns if you take care of it in one month.” The messenger repeated the message for a second time.

“One more time, this is better than a bordello full of starving lasses,” Gerhardt was positively giddy.

“I assure you, as personal assistant to Lord Hallerian he is very sincere about this offer,” the young lady reiterated.

“You just have no idea how nice those numbers sound, and let me say his lordship has fine taste in personal assistants as well,” Gerhardt replied.

“The salt concession is a vital business interest and stoppage in the production cannot be tolerated. Haste is of the essence.”

“Why us?” Hilde asked cautiously.

“I have been assigned to assemble investigative teams as fast as possible. If you do not help resume the shipments quickly, I will be hiring other teams,” the messenger replied.

“Surely a member of the ruling table has access to his own troops?” Hilde asked.

“None as efficient or available as us, I dare say!” Gerhardt interjected. “Enough of this meaningless debate. You may tell your lord we accept the charge and salt will be flowing into his warehouses in less than a fortnight.”

The messenger bowed. “I thank you. You will find in this pack maps and other materials to aid you in this endeavor.”


“He is going to pay us what?” Gjord asked.

“2,500 clinks in solid yellow my friend,” Gerhardt replied.

“Do we need the elves?” Gjord asked.

“Yes, absolutely, it is a per person reward, the more the merrier,” Gerhardt answered.

The group set off for the salt mines the following morning. They found an overturned cart on the road, but no animals, corpses, or salt. The second day was another full of quick travel and they pressed on into the night. When they arrived on the outskirts of the village of Saline, they were ill prepared for the sights that greeted them.

A huge bon fire burned in the middle of the village green. Strange creatures, half men and half beast, were dancing in drunken stupors around the fire. The village was sacked and several men and women were strung up on poles, their lifeless bodies swinging in the breeze.

“What are they?” E’lissar asked Ranin.

Ranin shook his head from side-to-side, “I have no idea. Gjord are these some strange creatures from the north?”

“None that I know of,” Gjord admitted.

“Clearly, they’re evil,” Inga stated.

“I am not wading down there into the middle of that group, even if they are drunk,” Gjord said.

“No, I quite agree,” Hilde said. “We need something to draw them into our position. I believe that fellow in the middle may be a shaman of some sort. If we could get them to come uphill at us we would maintain the advantage.”

“Yes, well if we run downhill we can charge faster,” Gerhardt countered.

“You’re not really that dumb are you?” Ranin asked.

Gerhardt whirled to face the ranger, “Try me ears, just try me.”

“I guess he is,” E’lissar added.

“Enough!” Inga commanded. “I will run down and catch their attention and draw them to our position.”

“Everyone, get in position,” Hilde commanded.

Inga began to move down into the village valley and crept up to the celebrating beastmen. “Oh boys,” she called. “Is this a private party?”

The beastmen immediately ceased their dancing and turned to gawk at Inga for moment. Inga curtsied for the beasts and then began running. The beastmen tripped over each other in mad pursuit.

The beastmen chased Inga straight up the hill, running right into the rest of the party.

Inga turned to face the beastmen, “Where’s the shaman?” she yelled to Hilde.

Hilde shrugged.

Inga charged down the hill as the elves let arrows fly towards the cloven-hoofed foes.

Gjord and Quarion followed, supporting Inga’s flanks. The beastmen charged ahead and divided into two groups attacking all of the party members.

The drunkenness of their foes allowed the adventurers to carve into the beastmen quickly. Two of the foul beasts fell and three others had sustained severe wounds. Suddenly, the missing shaman made his presence known. Appearing just outside of Quarion’s reach the shaman invoked a spell.

Fire rolled from the shaman’s fingertips, but his aim was errant and he missed Quarion narrowly. Another set of attacks from the adventurers killed more of the beastmen. The shaman, sensing the battle was lost, began his retreat.

The remaining beastmen rapidly fell, but one managed to wound Quarion heavily. Two elven arrows tagged the retreating shaman, and Inga began pursuing the wild spell caster. Sprinting down the hill the enraged barbarian caught the shaman quickly, and her blade cleaved a major portion of the shaman’s skull off. The beastman collapsed in a pool of blood. The battle had lasted less than three minutes.

“We can rest and then see what is going on up in the salt mine,” Gerhardt announced.

“We will rest and bury these villagers properly tomorrow,” Hilde corrected.

“That will take hours,” Gerhardt complained.

Gjord placed a hand on Gerhardt’s shoulder, “It is only day three.”

Gerhardt shrugged Gjord’s hand off like an insolent child, “We don’t know these people. Let the wolves have them.”

“I will take first watch,” Quarion volunteered.

“There are some shovels and picks in that building,” Inga announced.

“I will stand watch with you Quarion,” Ranin offered.

“Thank you friend,” Quarion replied.

“Well, tomorrow is shaping up to be a fun day,” Gerhardt sulked.


Morning brought a bright day and the group started work on their grisly task. Over villagers were laid to rest, and all graves were consecrated by Inga or Hilde. The group decided to wait another night before checking out the mine, much to Gerhardt’s distress.

Finally, the daybreak came and the group walked the trail to the salt mine entrance. The first chamber was neatly laid out and numerous tools were pegged neatly along the walls.

A short passage led to another finished chamber, there a horrific sight greeted the adventurers. Twisted and mangled bodies were strewn about the chamber. Shredded beyond recognition, they barely resembled men anymore.

Inga said a mundane prayer to herself.

The area beyond the chamber was far rougher and unfinished. A grating noise came forth from the passage.

“What was that?” Gjord asked.

“I will scout ahead,” Quarion volunteered.

Slowly and carefully the rogue crept down the chamber. His low-light vision picked out the faint details of the darkening passage. The passage opened up into a larger chamber where he spied…

to be continued…
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