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D&D 5E Post your oldest PC!


I don’t have the sheet, but my first character was a human cleric named Father Bernard in 1st edition who rolled the 1% chance for psionics. The 1st-level party entered a cave and was immediately set upon by ghouls. Surrounded, the party quickly were taken down or paralyzed, except for Father Bernard: he used a psionic blast to force my way out after my turning proved ineffective.

Undaunted, Father Bernard decided to recruit new adventurers (new characters rolled up by the other players) to go back into the cave with him, not only to finish the quest, but to save the others. The party returned to the cave and were at once slain by the now-larger group of ghouls (the previous characters having of course been turned into ghouls in the meanwhile).
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Li Shenron

Cheaters. I've always been loyal to the dice :D

My first PC was a Dwarf in BECMI called Gorgo "the swine". Abysmal scores but never bitten the dust!


My first PC was from 1989 and he was a 60 year old cleric called Magnus the Pious (Even at 10 I was liberally ripping off other people’s IP). I played him more as a spellcaster than a warrior. Only thing was, I’d only had about 10 minutes to look at the PHB because it was being shared between 6 of us. So I didn’t realise there were spells in the back. The only book I owned was the Tome of Magic and I though they were all the spells! If anyone has read that book you’ll know the cleric spells are pretty niche. Somehow we made it to level 5 then our friends mum got bored and me and my brother switched to WFRP where magic made sense to me 😂😂😂. Ahh the halcyon days!


Victoria Rules
My first PC (1982) was a Ranger - got beginners-lucky on his past profession/secondary skill roll and hit "high nobility". He turned out to be a prince, first in line for the throne of a realm nowhere near where the party was adventuring...which of course meant he was an insufferable arrogant ass, used to giving orders and having them instantly and unquestioningly obeyed by whoever he met.

Yeah, that went over well with the party. :)

Then to add to the fun, half an adventure later he got seduced against his will by another PC (charm spells were involved, I think); and when he later realized who was responsible for stealing his virtue things got real ugly. A major PvP throwdown resulted: his murder of the woman who had seduced him was quickly followed by a brawl as the party took him prisoner then put him on drumhead trial and hung him from a tree until dead.

A later storyline got him revived (some people in his realm wanted their prince back) and sent home. All in all a waste of some rockin' good stats, in hindsight.

My next character (early 1983?) was a far more practical down-to-earth Fighter with a very bland and boring stat line (he came into the game as the engineer you can rescue from the basement of A2 Slavers' Stockade) who somewhat amazingly is still in active play, though intermittent. He did provide one lasting element to our games, however, in that he pioneered the often-seen-since NG alignment: Neutral Greedy. :)

The other bizarre record he holds is that over the years he's become a 4th level Fighter on 5 different occasions, twice from below and three times from above! Level-drainers are not his favourite opponent....

EDIT: if this thread is to talk about ancient characters, why is it in the forum dedicated to the newest version of the game?
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Gardens & Goblins

First Post
Those stats!

I've noticed that as our table has gotten older, over the 20-25 years we've been playing together, our stats have become less extreme.

Some might say they're down right normal these days! :)


I don't remember my oldest characters. I don't tend to hold on to characters long. But I do remember a couple things.

My ABSOLUTE VERY FIRST character was a 2e rogue that my brother built for me specifically to run a solo dungeon. He was only used for that one game.

I played a paladin a couple times.

Aaaand then, at the book store in the mall, in the dark back corner where they hide the D&D books, all 6 they had at any given time, I found the brown/burgandy 2e Complete Psionics Handbook. Given that I was like 9 at the time, and this was the only D&D book that was MINE and not my brother's, you can probably guess where this went.


My first character from fall 1981

I have a few character sheets from high school, although not the first, this is my highest level reached from 1993


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Dusty Dragon
I am almost certain that I do not have my first D&D character (a dwarf), but I am nearly certain that I do have my *second* character ... (goes to check)


Dusty Dragon
Aha! All tremble before my Wild Mage, Ajax Vornfell! and his fearsome toad familiar, Clorox! I think he ended his career at level 8 or 9...

And check that art. Really captures the character :p (note the toad in the front pocket)


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