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Project: Daedalus (Issue #2)


University of Colorado Hospital; Denver, Colorado

0845 hours, MDT, Sunday, July 6th, 2014

The AF aerodyne reached the hospital around 2 in the afternoon. The more seriously injured were admitted to emergency and operated on as soon as possible. The others were treated as best as could be done. American Freedom requsitioned the use of an unused room in the hospital to keep those that weren't in need of care to remain under their custody while the more badly hurt shared a room in ICU.

Once the wounded were tended to, Screaming Eagle left to do some checking on the story she was given, leaving Jersey Devil to watch over the others. The night has gone rather uneventfully, and Screaming Eagle has yet to return.

Tyrone, Miguel, Kiro, Max
You're in a room on the 5th floor of the hospital. No windows announce the time of day, but the clock overhead shows it to quarter to nine in the morning. Four cots and four end tables adorn the room. Privacy screens are present but not currently in use. Jersey Devil sits in a chair reading a book, glancing up at you every so often, looking rather tired, having stayed up the entire night. "Where the heck is she?" he mumbles to himself.

Aaron, Sarah
The room you lay in is bright, machines and monitors hum and beep beside your raised hospital beds, all of them connected to you in some way. Jaya and Neutron share the room with you. Neutron is awake but appears to be lost in thought. Jaya has yet to awaken, lying quite still in her bed.

OOC: If you were asleep (I assume most of you were, that's the best way to get healed) you can wake up with your first response.

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First Post
The bright lights shining down on his face, along with the familiar tones of monitors brings Aaron squinting back to consciousness.

"Uuugh, not again...." Letting his eyes get accustomed to the light, he recognizes the forms of Jaya and Sarah nearby. The conscious yet unfamiliar (I would assume the bruising after being trampled would be significant) face in the nearby bed makes him curious. "Excuse me mister, did they capture us again? At least we arent in those ugly yellow energy cells this time. You must be new here. Did they capture you after we escaped? My name is Aaron." Aaron attempts to get out of bed but with all the attached machines and the incredible pain he is in, he changes his mind and lays back down.

A sudden realization hits him, "I don't see Tyrone, Max, Kiro, Sam, or Miguel! Oh no! Has McDermott been in here yet? Has he said what happened to the others? Did AF and Evolution kill them? I hope they got away. Oh, please let them have gotten away...."

Aaron curls back up into the fetal position and sobs softly into his pillow.


First Post
The light is so bright it hurt her eyes even with them closed and the familiar sound of a heart monitor echoes rhythmically in her ear. Even with her eyes shut she feels the sensors taped to her skin in various places and the I.V. piercing the back of her hand. She screams inwardly at the realization that she had been the one chosen for that days experiments in McDermotts lab. Sarah swallows hard, her mouth so dry it feels like it's stuffed with cotton. Her tongue darts out, licking her dry and split lips, and lifts her hand to her forehead.

That was the first difference she noticed, no restraints on her arms, and as she slowly opened her squinting eyes she notices the second, no Doctors hovering around taking notes. The third difference iss the freshly washed blonde hair that falls across her eyes when she shifts. The Biogen people had never bothered to properly wash the dye from her hair before.

As she struggles back to counsiousness, she hears Aaron's voice in the same room talking and then sobbing. Her heart leaps at the thought that something was happening yet again to the poor kid, the machine monitoring her heart rhythm sounding the sudden increase in its palpitations.

She grits her teeth, tearing at the wires attached to her chest and forhead, the heart machine suddenly going into a flatline alarm. She pulls out the I.V. needle and sits up, sending a new wave of pain through her abdomen and bringing the escape from the Labs, their flight from Colorado Springs, and fight at the ranch rushing back to her memory.

Gasping for breath, the pain making it nearly impossible for her to move, her panic at being once again in the hands of Biogen giving her strength to swing her legs from under the covers and onto the cold floor beneath the bed. Her body shakes in protest as she tries to stand but, lacking the physical strength, and she collapses to the tiled floor.

The tears are on her cheeks before she realizes she's crying, the overwhelming sense of helplessnes too much for her. She manages to push herself against the wall next to her bed, pulling her knees up to her chest in an attempt to relieve the pain lacing through her abdomen, the alarm of the heart monitor masking her choked sobs.


First Post
Tyrone sits at the edge of the uncomfortable hospital bed and glares at the clock. Mama'd have a fit if she saw me in bed this late, shot or not! he thinks, stepping to the cold floor and bending down to grab his clothes from the bottom shelf of the end table. "Damn, I feel a draft," he says when he bends over in the hospital gown. He grabs his socks and underwear, noticing that someone went to the effort of washing his washables. He spies his leather pants and jacket neatly folded as well, and his black shirt, clean but with the bullet hole still present. Grabbing his clothes, he winces only slightly at the tightness in his arm.

"$80 shirt, and the bastard went and shot it up. Aw damn," he says, picking up his trenchcoat and noticing the matching holes. "Oh lord, give me the strength to change the things I can, the courage to accept the things I can't, and the wisdom to bury the people I have to kill because they screw with my wardrobe."

Tyrone notices the others waking, and sees JD watching him and puts on his photo op smile.

"Yo, furball, you look tired. You should get some sleep," he says as he steps past JD into the washroom and slides the door closed. Ten minutes later, the shower has stopped and the other bathroom fixtures have been operated, and a fully dressed Tyrone steps out, quickly sliding the door closed. "Anyone wantin' in there, best bring a match," he says with mock direness to everyone in the room.

He grabs the rooms' door handle and as he pulls the door open says, "Where's the cafeteria, brother. I'm starvin'. And the supply shop too; felt like a pit bull crapped in my mouth, an' that bakin' soda crap they call toothpaste aint tastin' much better. Hey, you weren't doing anything nasty to us while we were sleepin' were ya? I should call mama too," he says, the last bit said more to himself than anyone.


Sarah and Aaron

Berrett shifts a bit in his bed to get be able to look towards Aaron and winces as he does. "Easy, kid. This is a hospital, that's all I've been able to figure out on my own. My name's Berrett," he says. "I don't know where your friends are, but I can tell you there's no way Screaming Eagle would let them die if it could be helped.

A nurse enters the room and buzzes a comm on the wall. "Doctor, some of the patients have awakened."

Suddenly, Sarah begins to rip the sensors from her body in an attempt to get up. "Oh, my god," the nurse says in alarm, rushing over the her side to try and help back into bed. "Miss, please, lay down, you're badly hurt!"

Max, Kiro, Miguel, Tyrone

"Sorry, brother," Andrew says, pushing the door back closed with his foot wihtout rising from the chair. "I'm afraid you guys are stuck in here. If you want something, I can have it brought up. You leave, I ain't going to stop you, but you'll be putting yourself in a bad situation. Understand?"


First Post
"You could have it brought up for us?" Kiro says, sitting on the floor across the room from Andrew, Kiro stands and paces slightly as if lost in thought, when he speaks his voice is sobered, almost as if speaking his own thoughts, "What day is it, what year? Just how long where we imprisoned I wonder... I haven't had any decent food in what seams like years, I was wondering if you could get ahold of a Japanese restaraunt and get some food 'sent up'..."


First Post
Agamon said:
"Sorry, brother," Andrew says, pushing the door back closed with his foot wihtout rising from the chair. "I'm afraid you guys are stuck in here. If you want something, I can have it brought up. You leave, I ain't going to stop you, but you'll be putting yourself in a bad situation. Understand?"

"How exactly," Miguel states getting off of the cot and getting dressed "Would we be putting our selves into a bad situation? Can you at least tell us how our friends are doing?"


First Post
Agamon said:
Berrett shifts a bit in his bed to get be able to look towards Aaron and winces as he does. "Easy, kid. This is a hospital, that's all I've been able to figure out on my own. My name's Berrett," he says. "I don't know where your friends are, but I can tell you there's no way Screaming Eagle would let them die if it could be helped.

A nurse enters the room and buzzes a comm on the wall. "Doctor, some of the patients have awakened."

Suddenly, Sarah begins to rip the sensors from her body in an attempt to get up. "Oh, my god," the nurse says in alarm, rushing over the her side to try and help back into bed. "Miss, please, lay down, you're badly hurt!"

A Hospital... that would explain a lot, When the nurse approaches Sarah pushes the woman away none too gently, keeping her back to the wall but forcing herself to stand. "Don't touch me," she hisses, one hand on the bed for support, the other held up defensively. " Just stay the hell away from me."

She quickly looks around the room looking for her clothes - but more specifically the guns she had been carrying. Not that she wanted to use them, but knowing where they were would have definately been comforting. Her eyes fall on Aaron lying in his bed and gives him a reassuring half smile, ignoring Neutron completey, and turns a vicious glare on the nurse. "Care to tell us where we are, and explain what the hell is going on?"


First Post
Agamon said:
Max, Kiro, Miguel, Tyrone

"Sorry, brother," Andrew says, pushing the door back closed with his foot wihtout rising from the chair. "I'm afraid you guys are stuck in here. If you want something, I can have it brought up. You leave, I ain't going to stop you, but you'll be putting yourself in a bad situation. Understand?"
"Come on, Miguel's right. What could possibly happen. I've been locked up for months, same with these dudes. Besides, you can come down to the cafeteria with us, get some coffee before you pass out in your chair," Tyrone says smoothly.

"The sun is probably shining and we're in here missin' it. Nobody is out to blow us up and you guys hold our get out of jail free passes, so until Angel gets back, I aint goin' nowhere fast. And I really should call mama. All the press coverage'll be makin' her frantic. A 300 pound frantic woman is not a pretty sight.

"Breakfast is on me,"
he finishes, pulling out an envelope full of cash.

SKILL: Diplomacy (+10, should be fairly reasonable) and no, I harbor not thoughts of escaping.


Sarah and Aaron

A doctor, another nurse, and an orderly enter the room as the original nurse backs away from Sarah with fear in her eyes. The doctor strides forward, the orderly close behind. "Miss Edwards, please, you'll undo all the healing you've done last night. You've been hurt, shot in the abdoman. You're in the University of Colorado hospital in Denver. My name is Dr. Lewandowski, I've been treating your injuries and those of your colleagues. Please, lie back down, you're safe here."

The other nurse moves to Aaron's bed to check on him. "Sweetie, it's alright. You need to lie still, everything is alright."

Max, Kiro, Miguel, Tyrone

"You guys really were locked up somewhere, hey? It's July 6th, 2014," Andrew says. He sets his book aside and sighs. "Well, I guess if I stay with you, we can leave for a bit. We should stop and see how the others are doing, anyway. I can leave word of where we are in case Eagle shows up while we're gone. We're not going unless all of you come, though," he adds, standing and stretching, his tail flicking about. "Alright?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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