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Puppy-Kicking PCs, OOC, part 2


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I checked those characters who have raised a level. Comments:

Guilt Puppy: Everything looks fine

Serpenteye: your attack bonuses were 2 off on your character sheet before (although we've been using the right ones IC I think), and when you added one to them (for the level increase) their still two off. With no feat modifiers, it should be +9 (+3 BAB, +6 Str, +1 MW, -1 Large)
And why couldn't you take a feat like Iron Will? Two-Handed Power Strike is going to hurt all my NPCs! :) j/k, the feat's fine.

Paxus: I get Gwyn's HPs as 26, not 24. Probably forgot your Con bonus

Isida: On Lydia, I total 27 skill ranks spent, with 28 ranks available. Probably forgot the one bonus for behing human.

Cepter: Dex of 13 doesn't change your Dex modifier; it's still +1. Your AC is still right though at 17 (+6 from armor, +1 Dex). Your Base Attack Bonus should be +4, increasing the attack bonus on all your attacks by +1. And your saves should be Fortitude +5, Reflex +2, and Will +1

Everyone else: no hurry. :)

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First Post
Telsar said:
Serpenteye: your attack bonuses were 2 off on your character sheet before (although we've been using the right ones IC I think), and when you added one to them (for the level increase) their still two off. With no feat modifiers, it should be +9 (+3 BAB, +6 Str, +1 MW, -1 Large)
And why couldn't you take a feat like Iron Will? Two-Handed Power Strike is going to hurt all my NPCs! :) j/k, the feat's fine.

I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that... Well, anwyay, it's been corrected.

Bah! Alicia doesn't need puny Iron Will, (she's pretty safe from Charms and Holds at our level). She needs to kill all the stupid little humans in a single blow! ;)

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Sorry for the delay, but life's busy right now. Aligor will probably go up in a level of Barbarian. Not too sure, but that's the most likely right now. He needs the hit points and that uncanny dodge is a nice feat. I will try to get him updated before Wednesday at the latest. It depends on if I go home before then or not...

Telsar, great game by the way. I really don't know where Aligor is going now, since his plan was to kill Hex. now he doesn't have anything to do except wait around and see what happens. Apparently to him, from looking around, he is the only one here. From his warrior state of mind, that is unacceptable. Let the interrogation begin....


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Fixed the Dex issue, got a little ahead of myself there!

I'll do skills sometime tonight most likely, once my grading is done.

Sorry I haven't been around lately, been a bit busy. :) I'll post soon... I figured it could wait a bit because it's solo. I've been swamped lately. ;)

(And I realize you weren't trying to rush me, I just wanted to give an update. ;))


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Just to let you all know, I'm moving to a new house on Saturday, and my phone line won't be hooked up until Tuesday, according to the missus (who's been handling that), so I may have a bit of a lapse.


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Hey guys,

The group is kind of stalled right now, and I guess I'm trying to light a fire under some of you so we can continue. :) Isida, I think Accalon is expecting 'payment for services rendered' from Lydia, and since I don't think Accalon is planning on going to the ruins, that would best be resolved now. But maybe I'm wrong, and Accalon does plan on going.

Also, Accalon was told by Brie that Lord Vandior Moonstrider would have a job for a group of adventurers that would allow him to pay back Brie, with plenty of money left over for the party who does it. But of course, that would mean skipping the ruins for now and possibly being seen in town, where things are going to be much hotter after all the thefts and killings. So you guys very well might not want to do that.

Girdra, the female dwarf, has a rough idea where the ruins are, but it will take probably an extra week or two of searching that wouldn't be necessary if you had Aligor's map.

Fangor: on Aligor, I'm going to wait a bit to make sure the party isn't doing anything that could involve the dwarf, like trying to rescue you or even just staying in town, before I continue with you a day or two later, when you see the magistrate. Question: you more than likely will still have your map... if you're freed, would you head for the ruins yourself? Or would you prefer if Boone had some other work for you?

I've noticed, the group planning stages is what really slows down PBPs, especially ours. :)

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
For Aligor, he is in somewhat of a turning point. He has the option to go to the ruins, which he was intent on doing before he met the group. Now, since they are headed to the ruins without him, as he sees at the present moment, he either can let them go around lost, and have a chance to have his ruins searched and plundered without him, or he can head out on his own, with the intent to plunder them himself. If he ran into the others, then that would be a real tricky situation, as that would deifinately show him that they left him for dead, and intent on 'robbing' him of his ruins.

The other option is to sit and wait, hopefully getting out of this jail after a few days. This dwarf would go to Boone, tell him that there's a possibility of Sunedilar being the one who plundered Boone's place. That should light a fire under Boone. After all, Aligor now has to look out for himslef and nobody else, as his recent trials have shown him that his once thought friend is not as much a warrior as he would have liked to believe.

Or there is that OTHER option....:]

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Telsar said:
The group is kind of stalled right now, and I guess I'm trying to light a fire under some of you so we can continue. :) Isida, I think Accalon is expecting 'payment for services rendered' from Lydia, and since I don't think Accalon is planning on going to the ruins, that would best be resolved now. But maybe I'm wrong, and Accalon does plan on going.

That is correct for the most part, Accalon is expecting payment but he also realizes that without a group, something they do not have, that he cannot do Brie's jobs... He also realize that with the heat turned up like this that it’s not a smart idea to be stay in the town... So the ruins are looking like a better idea than they where before. :)

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