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Pathfinder 1E Question about Way of the Wicked


Hey folks...Just a pretty simple question. Some Ap's will assume the characters can buy stuff with their loot..ie..the Magic Item Shoppe. In Way of the Wicked, are PC's just supposed to use the treasures they get, or are they allowed to purchase/create alot of stuff? I love the first 2 books, which I downloaded today and also ordered the bound copies. I think my group will have alot of fun with this..

Thanks you,

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First, thanks for your kind words. I'm glad you're enjoying "Way of the Wicked".

I definitely leave the presence of ye olde magick shoppe an open question. This is precisely the sort of issue that varies immensely from GM to GM and is something every campaign will have to answer on their own.

That said, I have built in great gaps of time in the plot that allow PC wizards to make their own magic items. Crafting items is definitely something I expect will happen in most campaigns.

Hope that helps and thanks for you order,
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games


First Post
Well I would def say that (if they do it right) they should have the right connections in farholde to buy and sell a lot of goods. So at least for that book I would compare it to the magic item shop.


2 more questions, that my players are asking...

1) Are the only 2 Gods of importance Asmodeus and Mitra, or is there more of a pantheon...if not, should I just import some PF Gods?

2) What do you recommend as far as limitations on races go...I didn't see anything in the gazeteer at first glance...One wants to play a "fallen" asimar...might mak a good infiltrator/spy type....andother was asking about stuff from the Race guide...Ifrits, Damphirs, undines, catfolk...are there any enclaves that these races would be considered still uncommon, but not bad?



One more question..I have not read the entire Gazeteer yet...Should I give the PC's a copy of it, to familiarize themselves with the setting, or are there serious spoilers?


First Post
Well personally I wouldnt let them play with anything that has more benefit than a standard race. Other than that I belive you can always come up with a way to introduce other races. 2 of my players were droe(I say were since the ninja died Xp)


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To the question of the Magicke Shoppe, I read an interesting article on that concept just the other day, posing the question of what we do in that "low magic realistic game" where magic is not a commodity. The writer suggested that, ironically, the only practical answer is MORE magical loot being found. Why?

Because the stats of higher CR creatures presumes the ability of PC's to pick and choose their magic items. If they cannot, they are de-powered. The PC who can purchase magic can walk his +3 weapon, with which he is an expert, into the Magicke Shoppe and power it up to +4. The PC who cannot will still need that +4 weapon to be as powerful as the stats of his opponents assume, but will have to find it, which means he will also still have the +3, +2 and +1 versions. That will mean his wealth per level is much higher than the rules would suggest, because it is largely held in items whose utility is overridden by his more powerful weapons.

The alternative is either downgrading all the opposition, or redetermining their appropriate CR in light of the PC's reduced power. Not a practical task for most GM's, and definitely an arduous and tedious one for even those possessing the needed skills and judgement.


I understand that in a "homebrew" game...my question was specific to an AP....I was wondering wether this increase in power was accounted for in the loot they find...I personally, being old school, hate the super customizing of your magic items...I just don't think that there are wizards sitting around crafting stuff just for Joe the Fighter....those wizards would have to be adventuring to gain more xp, so they could craft these powerful weapons etc....Pathfinder did a nice job addressing the availability of major items in towns though...


First Post
While the game does provide good loot and a chart for what magic items the towns can sell. If your player isnt using a longsword great sword or halberd they are pretty much out of luck. Those and 1 +! greataxe are the only weps you will find magical in the first book. And in the second they kind of need all the help they can get .Lol


well, to me, the GM's job is to tweak the items a bit..like if Joe the fighter is using a scimitar...just change it in game, I guess...I was just never comfortable with the whole buying and selling of stuff...just makes stuff realy disposable, and in my weird old school mind, that magic weapon should be more "treasured" I wish they kinda had legacy items back again...stuff that gained powers as the characters did. That way the family heirloom was not sold off for cash at 3rd level :)

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