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Rank the Marvel shows


Well, that was fun
Staff member
You can also include the Netflix ones (Daredevil etc). So that’s Wandavision, Falcon & The Winter Soldier, Loki, and Hawkeye. Plus Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Punisher, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. Oh, also Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter.

If a show has multiple seasons it should be listed as one show, not as the individual seasons.
  1. Hawkeye (so far)
  2. Daredevil
  3. Wandavision
  4. Jessica Jones (first season was so good, but the second lowered the average)
  5. Luke Cage (such a good villain killed off halfway through!)
  6. Punisher
  7. Loki
  8. Falcon & the Winter Soldier (I think this was hurt by COVID and could have been much better)
  9. Agent Carter
  10. Iron Fist
  11. Agents of SHIELD
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Hmm. I haven’t seen any of the Netflix shows.

I’m going to go with:

1) Hawkeye
2) WandaVision
2) Loki
4) The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

Yes, WandaVision and Loki are tied for 2nd place. That is not a typo.

1. Wandavision
2. Daredevil
3-T. Loki
3-T. Jessica Jones
5. Falcon and the Winter Soldier
6. Punisher
7. Luke Cage
8. Iron Fist

Until Hawkeye finishes a season I can't rate it. It's trending toward a podium finish though. Overall 1 and 2 are neck and neck. The 3s are close behind. 5 is comfortably middle. 6 and 7 are fine but not things I'd re-watch. 8 had things to like but was let down in many ways.


A suffusion of yellow
  1. Hawkeye (so far)
  2. Wandavision
  3. Falcon & the Winter Soldier
  4. Punisher = Daredevil
  5. Agent Carter
  6. Jessica Jones (first one was great, but second meh)
  7. Luke Cage (great character but stupid villain writing)
  8. Loki
  9. What...If? (I assume Morrus wasnt including animated shows but heh)
  10. Agents of Shield
  11. a blank screen
  12. Defenders
  13. Iron Fist
Edited after Enevhars comment
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No Agents of SHIELD or Agent Carter or that awful Inhumans?

Anyway, the only ones I can properly rate are the D+ shows, as they are the only ones I have watch every episode of so far.

1 and 2 - tie between Loki and WandaVision
3 - Hawkeye
4 - Falcon and Winter Soldier
5 - What If?

All five of those are at least a B+ for me, so no duds so far. What I saw of Daredevil and Jessica Jones was good. Agents of SHIELD was real hit or miss, depending on the season.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
No Agents of SHIELD or Agent Carter or that awful Inhumans?
Sure, feel free to include them!
Anyway, the only ones I can properly rate are the D+ shows, as they are the only ones I have watch every episode of so far.

1 and 2 - tie between Loki and WandaVision
3 - Hawkeye
4 - Falcon and Winter Soldier
5 - What If?

All five of those are at least a B+ for me, so no duds so far. What I saw of Daredevil and Jessica Jones was good. Agents of SHIELD was real hit or miss, depending on the season.

I'm liking Hawkeye so far, but of the shows I've watched..

Wandavision and Loki were both very solid for me, I think. I think I'd edge Loki a bit towards first just because I loved the concept more and the weirdness.

I didn't watch most of the Netflix shows - couldn't get into them - but I did watch the Defenders and really enjoyed it. I knew the characters so I don't feel I missed out on the origin story stuff.

I didn't watch the other shows. They just didn't grab me at the time, but maybe I'll go back later. I think Agents of SHIELD was hurt because it felt like the hype was 'this is going to connect into the movies!' but due to the way tv schedules shake out vs movies, it was hard to actually get that solid continuity. Now, if it had been released during this Multiverse era, I think it would work 'better' (?) since it doesn't have to directly connect Coulson's trip to Tahiti into anything MCU YMMV


I want to start by saying that first 7 shows on my list are all top-notch TV; the margins between them are paper thin. I’ve given them an order because, well that what the thread’s about.

  • Jessica Jones. Gets the top spot because all 3 seasons were very good. I think season 2 was the least good but still very good.
  • Daredevil - Seasons 1 & 3. Two excellent, edge-of-the-seat seasons.
  • Agent Carter. A criminally underrated show. Tells a great story while examining the impact of the post war period and the return of all the men on women’s roles in the workforce.
  • Wandavision. Such a great premise. (Yes, I’m aware of its comic book origins.) Really well done. The ending was a little too busy. Don’t think we needed the Vision on Vision battle but even with it it’s still very, very good.
  • Luke Cage - Season 2. Two great villains opposing our Hero of Harlem with an excellent (even if it was unintended) downbeat ending to our hero’s journey.
  • Loki. LOVED the aesthetic of it. Some great moments of comedy, action, and romance. My only real concern is that, going forward, there’s no way it’s going to be able to live up to the twisting timelines plot it has begun.
  • Luke Cage - Season 1. Such a great show that failed to stick the landing. Swapping out Cottonmouth for Sidewinder was a serious mistake. A real Dickensian twist of a coincidence (I effin hate Dickens) that undercut the drama they had spent the rest of the season building. Total writing fail. I strongly suspect executive meddling. But everything up to that point was great.
  • Iron Fist. Firstly – Ironfist should not have been a white guy. (A sentiment with which Davos agrees.) But, since the decision was made to keep him as such, the writing did the right thing of making him an entitled jerk. Not a complete jerk. But certainly given to some jerky, entitled moments. This should have given him the chance to grow as a character. That didn’t really happen.
  • Falcon & Winter Soldier. Yes, I’ve ranked this below Ironfist. Its main problem was that it tried to make a political point without actually making any political points. This confused the theme and plot. But great characters. I look forward to seeing more of Falcon, WS, and (other) Agent Carter. And of course, USAgent.
  • Agents of Shield - Season 1. I think the best part of the show
    (Ward’s betrayal)
    was only due to the events of the wider MCU. But I can’t prove that. So this one gets points for one of the best WTF!? moments I’ve ever had watching a TV show.
  • Punisher. Objectively this was good TV. (Okay, I only watched the first 2 or 3 eps. But what I saw was good TV.) I just don’t like the character, sorry folks. Also I have residual irritation for Punisher co-opting season 2 of Daredevil.
  • Daredevil - Season 2; aka Punisher - Season 1 and/or The Defenders - Season 1. This whole season was a mess. Absolutely reeks of executive meddling. I imagine it went something like this:
Exec: “We need to introduce Punisher before his show. Doesn’t matter that Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Jessica Jones all did just great introducing themselves in their own shows. Punisher needs half of this season. Oh and the other half can help build the back story for the Defenders or something.”

  • The Defenders. Sigh. More executive meddling? A mess and a desperate attempt to put all 4 Netflix Marvel characters into on show because that’s what the Avengers did. Doesn’t matter how awkward it makes the show.
  • Agents of Shield – the rest of the seasons. This is a show that went downhill season after season. I think I managed to get through 4 seasons before giving up. Not totally without some good points, Mockingbird and Hunter come to mind. But otherwise pretty standard TV.

Haven’t seen What If? Or Hawkeye as yet.


This is hard, and the first four are all fairly close...

Loki - It was an odd start and I am way burned out on time travel and Kang stories in the 616. But I liked it anyway and this made me care about Loki!? Owen Wilson was great (although he reminded me a bit of Dr. Cox in Scrubs).Sylvie better be back in Season 2. The infinity stone portrayal was odd.

Wanda Vision - Except for the first 10 minutes of episode 1, how her name was revealed, and white vision just flying away, this was great. I can't decide if part of my loving it is just how much better than it was from the comics that inspired it.

Falcon and Winter Soldier - This one surprised me most. It had a lot of things from the comics and incorporated them well. The one that fits in with the movies the most I think.

Hawkeye - The others really changed as they went along, so this could go up a lot still. The source Fraction mini-series was fun but Hawkeye was portrayed as stupid and too lethal based on his comic history. Hailee is great.

What If? - Great standalone stories that really nail the feel of what the comic What Ifs were like. The team up really didn't do it for me and how the infinity stones worked cross dimension was odd.

Agents of Shield - Had it's moments, but by far the bottom of the list.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Wandavision - really appreciated the mystery and unfolding of what was happening. Enjoyed Darby & Jimmy as well. I expect to I will enjoy this even more after some Phase 4 movies are out and we see what it set up. Was very amused by the different sitcom generations and things like the "Agatha All Along" song. But the Big Bad was so transparently bad - I guess you needed someone like that to distract from that the Big Bad could have been/is Wanda.
Loki - Sylvie double plus good. Lots of mystery. But Loki himself seemed faded - low powered, wasn't really able to trick people, etc. Where is the powerhouse who told us mankind wanted to be subjects and almost made us believe it? That's on the writers - Tom Hiddleson did an A+ job acting, and showing change over time for the character. The big bad was a bit Deux ex Machina for me, even if it was setting up Phase 4. That said, I'm excited for the cliffhanger at the very, very end. And Loki and Sylvie have some unfinished business.
Hawkeye - So real and honest. Solid. But missing the mystery and reveals that had us glued when a new Wandavision dropped.
Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Good, and I love the new players who were introduced.
Daredevil (season 1) - First taste of Netflix MCU, unburdened by a need for lack of violence or gore. And with great casting and action.
Agents of SHIELD (early seasons) - Good ensemble cast, like the action, lots of WOW moments - if this came out after Falcon & the Winter Soldier it would have felt "on-par", but for when it came out it felt spectacular.
What ...If? I quite enjoyed these, but the (mostly) episodic nature kind of inherently will put them behind highly serial shows for me.

Good enough but didn't finish
Something that I didn't finish or go back to seems like it needs fall below the shows that pulled me back.
Agent Carter - quite enjoyed what I saw, will probably go back and finish it at some point.
Jessica Jones (season 1) - quite enjoyed parts of it, but we drifted off watching it and I haven't had a pull to go back to it. Perhaps because I didn't have a huge empathy for Jessica Jones herself.
Agents of SHIELD (later seasons) - there were some good parts. And then there were increasing parts that weren't. Hey, I'll take Kyle MacLachlan as a positive.

Didn't see (purely imagined order)
Daredevil (season 2)
Luke Cage
Punisher - Not my cup of tea.
Iron Fist - warned away, specifically about the fight scenes which was part of what made Daredevil good.

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