Razor Coast Kickstarter is live

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Is this a game, a setting or a scenario/adventure path? The Kickstarter did not immediately answer this question for me.

The first lines of the KS are: "The long awaited sizzling pirate adventure in [notranslate]Pathfinder[/notranslate] and Swords & Wizardry."
So it is an adventure but yeah doesn't spell t out very well! On the 2nd preview it says "Razor Coast is a 250+ page mega-adventure by Nicolas Logue for 5th to 12th level characters. Using an exciting and entirely non-linear plot web format Razor Coast allows you and your players to brave wild adventures in any way you see fit. Set sail for peril. There will be blood by the bucket-full boyos." As a sandboxy/open adventure it also contains a lot of details on the region.

Player's Guide has been detailed:

Currently estimated as a 64 page book, with ~54 pp dedicated to new player options, ~7 pp of gazetteer on adventure opportunities throughout the greater Razor Coast, and ~12 pp of gazetteer expanding Port Shaw (plus a traveler's guide to Port Shaw and Kai Bay), the players' home base, with 10 new establishments to visit, 6 new languages, and 7 new organizations to join or oppose.

Player options in the book include 2 new playable races, 10 new archetypes, a new domain, a new prestige class, 18 new feats, 12 new traits, new equipment, new spells, 13 new magic items, 16 magical tattoos worn by sailors and Tulita throughout the Razor Sea, and new rules for close-quarters standoffs with flintlock pistols or crossbows.

There is a whole section on ships. Oh and 6 pre-generated characters that use the new options!


Nick Logue is an excellent adventure writer...but that's ridiculously expensive. I'd be interested in the S&W version of this, but not enough to subsidize the orders for the people that tried to get this last time.

With the KS racing to 25k, then stopping almost in the last 10 odd hours a couple of posts have gone up at Paizo. It explains the costs to a certain extent:
Greg A Vaughan said:
A short preview from the gazetteer chapter of the book:

"An archipelago of fire-blackened stone and volcanic earth rises from the bloody waters of the Razor, a slash of islands like a jagged wound on the surface of the sea. This coast was once a sprawling kingdom, ruled by the mighty chiefs of the Tulita. With a wave of their hand, these chiefs commanded the fires of Pele’s fury and the winds of the fiercest storms. They danced darkly with old inscrutable gods. Their ancient powers now wane, and a new mandate has come to their home. Foreign ships of wood and canvas prowl the Razor, shedding the blood of the oldest gods with cruel steel harpoons and peeling back their sacred flesh with hook and blade.

Old enemies rise from the deep and even more ancient gods stir from their slumber to lust for blood once more. Meanwhile, Pele, ever fickle, fumes over the invasion of her children’s home, threatening a deluge of magma and fiery death at any moment.

The Razor Coast keeps the secrets of thousands of souls, all gone to the depths, bathed in god-fire, or torn apart by unwholesome things in the night. Naturalists plying the waves strive their best to catalogue the thousands of monstrous oddities lurking in her bosom, and cartographers descend on her treacherous waters every year to coax her curves and secrets onto parchment. Even so, hundreds of islands remain uncharted on the Razor’s surface, and the horrors inhabited by them are better kept from the world.
Here follows all I can share.
- Malza Trintos, naturalist and explorer of the Razor Coast"

As has been mentioned, this is WAY more than just an adventure. This is a whole campaign setting complete with players guide, it's own character sheets, and a whole host of additional adventures and materials available as bonus goals (oops wasn't supposed to say that yet). Plus departing from prior FGG releases of resurrected projects (i.e Slumbering Tsar, Black Monastery, etc.), this one is in COLOR. Why? Well, a few years back Nick went and hired a bunch of folks like Wayne Reynolds to make a bunch of color illustrations and maps. They've already been made, but they make the book much more expensive to produce, especially when you can't make huge print runs like a Paizo or WotC can. So, yeah, the price is steep for sure, but this is a whole treasure chest full of all kinds of awesome that I think will be worth your while and that is going to have an extremely limited rpint run. FGG has committed to not putting out bad adventure products, and this one (with Nick Logue doing principal writing there can really be no doubt) will certainly not let you down.

But we've got to have you on board to make it work. Even if you signed on for the original back in 2008 like me, if we can't make goal we can't produce those either. This was a massive undertaking to get the stars all aligned to make this thing possible. I know because I watched everybody try it--such has been the clamor for RC to see print. FGG has been given the opportunity to make a go of it, so we want to do it right, but pledges have slowed WAY down after only 24 hours which is frankly a little scary to us. A lot of resources have already been put towards this in additional writing, art, etc. (not to mention the Herculean tasks Lou has undertaken in organizing and making the product a go), but we've still got printer bills and a thousand other things looming over us that will force us to eat the investments and cancel if we can't hit that goal. So we're definitely looking at you guys if you are thinking of coming aboard to give us a shot, and for everyone that's following it to let their friends know. We're not a big company and we need the pledges to make this happen.

Anyway, I had seen some banter about the prices (which are high, I admit) so I wanted to come in and give some perspective so they make more sense plus put in a little bit of rah rah for the project.

So thanks to everyone that has pledged or is going to or is even rooting for RC to make. We appreciate it!!!!

Greg - one of many developers for Razor Coast
Chuck Wright said:
Greg said something up there that I do want to touch on.

"We're not a big company."

And seriously, we aren't. When you open up Rappan Athuk and you see "Frog God Games is" and a list of credits. That's it. There are no more behind-the-scenes folks other than the freelancers.

It's just Bill, Greg, Matt, Rachel, Chuck, and Skeeter working to get this product out to you. You can add Lou for Razor Coast as well, he's got a lot of skin in this project.

I only say this to re-iterate that we are just like you, only we're getting books and entertainment out to you because we love what we do and we love this industry. We aren't out to get one over on you. Most of the time it's exactly the opposite, truth be told.

Thanks to our supporters. You guys are fantastic.
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