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Rebel Alliance: Freedom Fighters


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Dol Tarin; Kel Dor Fighter Pilot

The Kel Dor feels nervous, wonder just what he can do on this whole expedition and wondering why he was chosen to come along. He tries to make himself useful and checks over the sensor readings again.

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The three ships streak over the main sections of the complex, beyond the building where the defectors are hiding and following the underground sewer line. The end of the line is easy to find, as it does indeed end exactly on a large cliff, falling off into a lake a hundred meters below.

The actual sewer itself looks to be a two meter by two meter pipe that comes out of the rockface, just at the top of the cliff itself, draining off into the lake below. The ground looks to be stable enough to land.

After the first pass, the voice of one of the other assault transport pilots sounds over the comm, "We've got reports of dissention among the Imperial ranks. Making the job of our boys in there easier but its not going to last long. The fleets going only going to hang around a short while longer, so this is going to get hairy soon. We'll wait down here for you as long as we can, but if it gets dangerous we're going to have to pull out."

Karl Green

First Post
2nd Lt. Gorwooken, wookie scout

Gorken points and growls "Rrhhhaaa gggrrr. bbbBBrraaaKkk yyrrrnnn? Urro rrggg, Gggrrrnnn"
For those who speak Shyriiwook
Looks like a good landing place sir. You think we have any rope on this ship? I'm a pretty good climber, just in case


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Lt. Lyss Arkess, SpyNet infiltrator

“Sounds like we might need another diversion eventually. Here's my take on the situation: We land this shuttle near the sewer drainage, hide it as much as possible, and major Trual'Nuin, Gorken and myself go inside to fetch the defectors. Our two X-Wings patrol the perimeter and report any changes to the situation immediately. If necessary, they can fly in and attack any Imperial forces threatening to discover our parked shuttle, then retreat towards the fleet to draw them away.”

The transport found a spot to land not far from the opening to the sewer line without too much trouble. It was below a few larger hills, so the assault transport would at least have some cover.

Dol and Van Dien:

Not long after the transport lands and powers down, you recieve a transmission over the comm from the command ship, "You've been spotted! There's a group of fighters that broke off from our screen and are coming your way. Two troop carriers just launched and are headed towards you. Its going to get hot down there real soon. We can take ten more minutes of fire before we'll have to get out of here."


First Post
"Acknowledged." Dol Tarin replies then changes the settings on his comm unit to the gang below. "Heads up. We've been made. You've got 9 minutes. Over." the Kel Dor says as he brings up his HUD, powers up the weapons, and switches his radar from passive to active.

Karl Green

First Post
2nd Lt. Gorwooken, wookie scout

Gorken growls "ggGGrrrrooo. Rrraaauunnnrr"
For those who speak Shyriiwook
I hate Imperials. Lets get going then

He will draw his blaster pistol and readies his Ryyk Blade... he does not look happy


First Post
Lt. Lyss Arkess, SpyNet infiltrator

“Nine minutes... then we have no time to lose. Let's go!”

Lyss readies her equipment as well and then heads for the exit.

Ground Group:

The ship powered down and secured, you quickly move to the the sewer access. The entrance itself is small, but it thankfully opens up to provide more than enough headroom. There are soft lights lining the ceiling at five meter intervals, providing just enough light for you to see the water running across your ankles is clean. Or at least...it looks and feels relatively clean. The water seems to be running strongly, and the higher sections of the walls are dripping wet, suggesting that the level of water dropped very recently.

Flight Group:

As your fighters turn to address the incoming threat, your scanners pick up the ships that you were warned about. The tight formation of ships is heading your direction and flying across the atmosphere towards you. From the look of the scanner's readouts, the formation consists of at least six TIEs, two of which are likely bombers, and the two troop transports in the center. The exact nature of the ships cannot yet be determined, but its likely that they aren't going to fly in and say hi the polite way.

Voidrunner's Codex

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