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Recent Star Wars Saga chat session with designers


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EditorBFG said:
Our group did homebrew styles, and then when the Hero's guide came out it seemed some published characters couldn't qualify or wouldn't benefit from styles they were supposed to be masters of, and that seemed kind of lame. If styles are rolling with the Core, it would be nice for a character like Mace Windu to actually have Mastery of Form VII reflected in his stats right off the bat.

The real problem is that as new game material comes out, you basically have to re-do the stats for the major characters. The stats in the core book will never be able to keep up with the ever-expanding amount of abilities and powers. It's one of the downsides to presenting stats for the iconic characters, especially for an evolving game.

EditorBFG said:
A question: In this version, it seems the Lightsaber styles will be in the main book. Will the Lightsaber style requirements be reflected in the characters who are listed in EU and canonical sources as having them?

I sincerely hope that will happen, but unfortunately I am not in charge of the "iconic" stats this time around, so I can't say for any certainty. It would make sense, though.

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Pbartender said:
Oh, I know... That's why I'm remaining cautiously and skeptically curious, and reserving judgement until I've seen more. :D

I love this comment, basically implying that he would be more than willing to go fly off and make uninformed judgements on a product he's never seen had the response been different. :)


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Corsair said:
I love this comment, basically implying that he would be more than willing to go fly off and make uninformed judgements on a product he's never seen had the response been different. :)

To some degree, yes... But I think you misread me.

I was simply agreeing with Moridin that we, as people who aren't in the know, don't really have enough info to make a decision yet.

Had the response been different, had he given us more information, then yes, I'd likely be coming far closer to a judgement, one way or the other, based on that more useful and complete information... In other words, if we had more information, I might be swinging closer to "confidently curious" or "skeptically disinterested", rather than staying "skeptically curious".


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Here's a question that (I think) hasn't been asked:

How will the other character classes stack up next to the Jedi? Having never played or played with a Jedi character, I'm honestly curious. Many people say the Jedi classes (particularly Guardians) are no brainers in a high-action game like Star Wars. Many also say that they're just plain too good.

Having little experience myself, but often finding that what looks amazing paper isn't as good in practice, I'm curious about your approach to the Jedi. Did you look at the Jedi from the previous editions and compare them to the other classes? Maybe you decided to work on the system first and try and make the classes work within that system? Would you say that you wanted to make Jedi PCs clearly better than their non-Force-wielding counterparts? Or is Jedi power toned down in the interest group fun and game balance?


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GoodKingJayIII said:
Here's a question that (I think) hasn't been asked:

How will the other character classes stack up next to the Jedi? Having never played or played with a Jedi character, I'm honestly curious. Many people say the Jedi classes (particularly Guardians) are no brainers in a high-action game like Star Wars. Many also say that they're just plain too good.

Having little experience myself, but often finding that what looks amazing paper isn't as good in practice, I'm curious about your approach to the Jedi. Did you look at the Jedi from the previous editions and compare them to the other classes? Maybe you decided to work on the system first and try and make the classes work within that system? Would you say that you wanted to make Jedi PCs clearly better than their non-Force-wielding counterparts? Or is Jedi power toned down in the interest group fun and game balance?

I would like to think we've balanced the Jedi better against other classes (or, I should say, have made the other classes stack up better against the Jedi). The thing about Jedi and other Force users is that having access to the Force essentially gives them an entire game mechanic that other characters don't have access to. In the previous edition, Force users had this balanced out by having to spend skill points and feats on the Force, and that worked to a degree. However, since, as you said, it's a high-action game Jedi and tend to dominate combat, thrusting them more into the spotlight. In Saga Edition, however, it's also going to be possible to create non-combat focused Jedi, so your classic trilogy Yoda-style Jedi will be more readily available. I think you'll still be able to build a combat hoss Jedi, but the new and improved soldier should be able to go toe-to-toe. By the same token, if you want to build a diplomat character, you could probably easily build a Jedi diplomat that could go "diplomatically" toe-to-toe with a noble.

Jedi will still be good, but I hope we've made the other classes better so as to better stack up. However, I'm afraid that's a judgment that is going to have to be made once the game is actually played.


Moridin said:
I sincerely hope that will happen, but unfortunately I am not in charge of the "iconic" stats this time around, so I can't say for any certainty. It would make sense, though.
Yeah, I guess it is one of those things. I know it sounds nitpicky, but when I was playing SW, part of the allure of the styles was to say you had mastered Mace Windu or whoever's fighting style.

I know there are complexities at the Big Publishers we don't see here in web-land, that's why to us it just seems like someone needs to say, "Left Hand, I want you to meet Right Hand. Get acquainted, it looks like you might be doing some work together."


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In Saga Edition, however, it's also going to be possible to create non-combat focused Jedi, so your classic trilogy Yoda-style Jedi will be more readily available. I think you'll still be able to build a combat hoss Jedi, but the new and improved soldier should be able to go toe-to-toe.
This encourages me greatly. I'm working on a campaign setting that I plan to use with Saga if I like it, and I'd already noted that it "will have a classic trilogy feel. Characters like Yoda and the Emperor might be physically weak and not strong with a lightsaber, but you'd do best not to understimate them because their ally is the Force." I also always liked the image of Mandalorians, skilled bounty hunters, etc. being able to take on Jedi.

Overall I'm very excited about Saga. Like others I have some reservations on certain mechanics (the new skill system for instance) but it shouldn't be hard to house rule back to RCR if I don't like it, and most of the stuff I've seen looks like a big improvement.


The overarching goal is to make the game easier to run while improving the overall play experience. That statement is the part that interests me the most. A d20 game is pretty hard to run, especially as the levels increase. I have considered running a Star Wars game with Savage Worlds to make it easier to run while improving the overall play expereince, so I'll definitely check out the Star Wars Saga Edition.

Also, getting rid of the idea that Force powers are fuled by vitality points is good. It is sort of like playing a sorcerer or wizard whose spells are powered by hit points--not much fun to me.

Thanks to the original poster and to the designers who have commented.

scourger said:
A d20 game is pretty hard to run, especially as the levels increase.

It sure can be. And, a chunk of the people who want to play a Star Wars rpg are casual gamers who are hard-core Star Wars fans, rather than hard-core gamers who are casual Star Wars fans.

But also... we want to keep things simple for hard-core gamers too. Rodney and I have run a LOT of Star Wars games. We want to make our own jobs as easy as possible, without giving up any of our own fun. Indeed, many of the changes to the rules are things that started by one of us saying "You know what bogs down my games?"

scourger said:
Thanks to the original poster and to the designers who have commented.

You're welcome!

Owen K.C. Stephens
d20 Triggerman

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Here's another question for you guys...

How about stun weapons and explosives? These are two things that, in my games at least, never see much play... In general, the players find them ineffective and don't feel as if they are getting enough bang for their buck.

Will there be any changes as to how they are handled?

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