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Recruiting for High Level Gestalt


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Wrahn said:
Being able to concentrate on one stat is a big deal (at least in my way of thinking). *Shrug*

Except I can't just concentrate on one high stat. I also need a good Con for my Incarnate levels.

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First Post
Azaar said:
I am curious, though, Pyrex: where did you get this druid variant from? I thought perhaps it was the druidic avenger from Unearthed Arcana, but that's more a druid/barbarian hybrid.

It's one of the 'other variants' listed in UA, found here in the online SRD.


First Post
Hmm! It's going to be hard to come up with a character idea that's not at least partially similar to someone else's...

So far I have two main ideas.

A monk/sorceror, who emphasizes self-reliance and the importance of knowing and using every aspect of oneself...body, spirit and mind. Inner power and outer power. He'd be a horrifying AC monster, plus a damage hound with Arcane Strike and flurry of blows. And Haste. Ow.

A wizard/warlock...inspired a little by tales of Merlin, in that his heritage is tainted. It is his own abilities that spurs him to undertake magical study, and he develops both his inner power and his learned magic at once. The synergy should be clear enough... I considered sorceror/wizard, for just plain huge magic might...but I think the class abilities of a warlock suit a wizard better. Self healing, DR, d6 HD, etc...they help shore up the wizard's physical vulnerability. The eldritch blast is weaker than most blasties, but it's a reliable fallback attack, and good for encounters that don't warrant the expenditure of precious memorized magic. I also see this concept as perhaps dipping into Loremaster and even Archmage, as it advances. And through Warlock, becoming quite the maker of items as well.

Both ideas are primary casters, though the monk/sorceror would probably focus on buffs and support more than blasties.

I've other ideas too, including some clerical ones, in case holes develop in the party that need filling. :)

Lord Wyrm

First Post
Endur said:
I'd like to play a legendary barbarian if that is ok. I used Wrahn's suggestion that LA in gestalt is mutiplied by 1.5 rounded down, so that +7 LA for Monster of Legend becomes +10 LA.
You don't have to adjust the LA on templates, and with the freed up +3 you can find a way to meet the prerequisites for the template. The writeup looks good and I especially like the War Chant, its my favorite.

Shayuri said:
Just wanted to toss an idea out for everyone, including myself, to gnaw on.

If we're playing an Ascension style game, and that seems to be the case, it's worth pointing out that we ought to design our characters with the idea that one day they will be -gods-. All this half-dragon fiendish dire prawn templates are cool and all...but it might be a little weird for such an alien being to try to attract worshipers.

One thing I've been chewing on is the idea of a central theme to the character...like, "If he was a god NOW, what would he be a god OF?" and so on. I figure it might save time down the line.

Just a thought.

On the other hand, it's a lot of fun to see the ideas pour out.

I was wondering if someone would catch on. ;)

Lord Wyrm, am I safe to assume 40 point buy is the final decision? And on the subject of animal companions, should we calculate their hp the same way as is done for characters? And do we just take their stats from the books or are they subject to some form of stat generation?
40 point buy looks to be the decision, animal companions will recieve the same hp as characters and can have 28 point buy to work with. (I'd usually roll for them but I'll see if this makes things simpler)

MeepoTheMighty said:
Are there gods currently? If I were to play, say, a cleric, would my god be pissed about me trying to join his ranks?
The are indeed gods, as for them being angry it would depend on the god. Syira would be rather irate as would Kaloren.
The gods are here:
[sblock]Dieties are as follows:
Shadow- The Weapons Lord, Master of Silent Things; True Neutral god of darkness, last of the elder gods, his concerns are unfathomable by his human servants who often receive prophetic dreams. No domains for clerics, he has something else to compensate. All weapons are favored.

Drake- The Knowing One, Walker Between Worlds, Wounded One; Choatic Good god of wisdom, one of the Ascended Ones, he cares for the poor and downtrodden and is responsible for keeping humanity safe from Syira. Domains are Good, Healing, War, and Sun. Favored weapon is the greatsword.

Kaloren- The Watcher, the Patient, Lord of Patricide; True Neutral god death, one of the Ascended Ones, keeps the records of the dead and dying, once responsible for destruction of elven kingdom when mortal. Domains are Death, Destruction, and Knowledge. Favored weapon is the longbow.

Syira- Lady of Blood, The Bloody Queen, Harbinger; Chaotic Evil goddess of agony, One of the Ascended Ones, concentrates efforts on torture of mortals, mental domination, and dragging heaven into the Abyss. Domains are Evil, Chaos, Destruction, and Trickery. Favored weapon is the quaterstaff.

Aracus- Magelord, Seeker of Ways, Heaven's Tear; Chaotic Neutral god of magic, Unknown Origin, his concerns are bringing the knowledge of magic to all beings and developing a way to become Overgod. Domains are Magic, Chaos, and Fire. Favored weapon is the dagger.

Arlon- Warmaster, Kingmaker, the Loyalist; Lawful Neutral god of war, valor, and tyranny, Risen Mortal, his concerns are the propagation of war so as to find the valorous and the meak. Domains are War, Air, Law, and Strength. Favored weapon is the bastard sword.

These are the greater deities, if you want a particular niche deity I could find a few lesser or intermeadiate candidates to choose from.[/sblock]

Bloodweaver1 said:
Ok, I got three ideas. I didn't see anything on races so hopefully there won't be any problems.
Warforged are not a problem, they are a creation of Aracus and appeared roughly ten-thousand years ago. As mentioned in Eberron they have no upper age limit so a few of the first warforged still exist. They have a way of self replication/reproduction so there are newer warforged.

Lichtenhart said:
Lord Wyrm: Sorry. Here they are for you:
Thank you.

Azaar said:
And Lord Wyrm: I've decided on my concept -- I think you'll find it a very interesting choice. I'll fix up stats and the like tomorrow evening -- Friday evening at the latest.
I await tham eagerly.

garlicnation said:
Is there room for another. I have run a high level campaign, but have never been in one. Working on charachter concept now.
Always room for more.

Shayuri said:
Hmm! It's going to be hard to come up with a character idea that's not at least partially similar to someone else's...

So far I have two main ideas.

A monk/sorceror, who emphasizes self-reliance and the importance of knowing and using every aspect of oneself...body, spirit and mind. Inner power and outer power. He'd be a horrifying AC monster, plus a damage hound with Arcane Strike and flurry of blows. And Haste. Ow.

A wizard/warlock...inspired a little by tales of Merlin, in that his heritage is tainted. It is his own abilities that spurs him to undertake magical study, and he develops both his inner power and his learned magic at once. The synergy should be clear enough... I considered sorceror/wizard, for just plain huge magic might...but I think the class abilities of a warlock suit a wizard better. Self healing, DR, d6 HD, etc...they help shore up the wizard's physical vulnerability. The eldritch blast is weaker than most blasties, but it's a reliable fallback attack, and good for encounters that don't warrant the expenditure of precious memorized magic. I also see this concept as perhaps dipping into Loremaster and even Archmage, as it advances. And through Warlock, becoming quite the maker of items as well.

Both ideas are primary casters, though the monk/sorceror would probably focus on buffs and support more than blasties.

I've other ideas too, including some clerical ones, in case holes develop in the party that need filling.
I like the concepts, I had not thought of warlock/wizard as particularly viable but you bring up some interesting points.
Last edited:


First Post
Ok, lets say the +3 LA that's freed up is used to allow my human barbarian to qualify for the Monster of Legend template and become a Legendary Barbarian.

Lord Wyrm said:
You don't have to adjust the LA on templates, and with the freed up +3 you can find a way to meet the prerequisites for the template. The writeup looks good and I especially like the War Chant, its my favorite.


First Post
Lord Wyrm, what are your thoughts/feelings about the Leadership feat?

If it makes any difference, my idea was to have the cohort/followers play largely behind the scenes roles, with the followers basically being a spy network and the cohort the spymaster that coordinates and collects reports...as well as maintains a place of residence.


First Post
I'm not done yet, but here's a draft for review:

[B]Class:[/B] Druid/Incarnate Gestalt
[B]Race:[/B]   Human
[B]Size:[/B]   Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] NG

[B]Str:[/B] 14 +2  ( 6p.)          [B]Level:[/B] Drd 10 / Inc 10
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2  ( 6p.)          [B]BAB:[/B] +8                [B]HP:[/B] 73 (10d8+30) 
[B]Con:[/B] 16 +3  (10p.)          [B]Grapple:[/B] +10           [b]XP:[/b] 50000
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2  ( 6p.)          [B]Speed:[/B] 60' 
[B]Wis:[/B] 18 +4  (10p. +2 Lvl)   [B]Init:[/B] +2        
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0  ( 2p.)          [B]ACP:[/B] -0         

               [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]          10    +0    +0    +2    +0    +0     +8    20
[B]Touch:[/B] 20          [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 20

                   [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                7    +3   +0     +10
[B]Ref:[/B]                 3    +2   +0      +5
[B]Will:[/B]                7    +4   +0     +11

[B]Weapon                  Attack    Damage     Critical[/B]

[B]Languages:[/B] Auran, Aquan, Common, Druidic, Ignan, Sylvan, Terran

[B]Feats:[/B] Bonus Essentia, Double Chakra(Shoulders), Greater Spell Penetration, Spell Penetration

[b]Class Features, Druid:[/b]
  AC Bonus (2 + WisMod)
  Animal Companion
  Fast Movement +30'
  Favored Enemy (Abberation    +6)
  Favored Enemy (Undead        +4)
  Favored Enemy (Evil OUtsider +2)
  Nature Sense
  Resist Natures Lure
  Swift Tracker
  Trackless Step
  Venom Immunity
  Wild Empathy
  Woodland Stride

[b]Class Features, Incarnte:[/b]
  Detect Evil (at will)
  Open Chakras - Crown, Feet, Hands, Arms, Brow, Shoulders
  Expanded Meld Capacity +1
  Incarnum Radiance 2/day (+3 to AC for 3+ConMod Rounds)
  Rapid Meldshaping 1/day
  Share Incarnum Radiance (Share Radiance effect with allies within 30')

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 83(91)   [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 13
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]

Concentration             12    +3    +0   +15
Diplomacy                  8    +0    +0    +8
Handle Animal              5    +0    +0    +5
Heal                      10    +4    +0   +14
Kn(Nature)                 5    +2    +2    +9
Kn(Planes)                 5    +2    +0    +7
Listen                    10    +4    +0   +14
Spellcraft                10    +2    +0   +12
Speak Language*            3
Spot                      10    +4    +0   +14
Survival                  10    +4    +2   +16

*Cross-class Skill

[B]Equipment:                 Cost  Weight[/B]

  Explorers Outfit          0gp    0lb

[B]Total[/B]:          49,800gp    0lb        
                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy    Lift    Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                 58   116   175     350     875

[b]Spells/Day:	0    1    2     3    4    5   [/b]
                6+0  4+1  4+1   3+1  3+1  2+0 

[b]Prepared Spells:[/b]
  Lvl 0: Create Water, CMW, Detect Magic x2, Mending, Read Magic

  Lvl 1: CLW, Endure Elements, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Speak w/ Animals

  Lvl 2: Animal Messenger, Barkskin, Fog Cloud, Resist Energy, <Restoration

  Lvl 3: Call Lighting, >Magic Fang, Pro: Energy, Speak w/ Plants

  Lvl 4: CSW, Flame Strike, Freedom of Movement, Giant Vermin

  Lvl 5: Animal Growth, Death Ward

[b]Soulmelds[/b]:          6
[b]Essentia Pool[/b]:     12
[b]Essentia Capacity[/b]:  3

[b]Currently Shaped[/b]:

  Crystal Helm (Bound), Essentia: 3
  +2 vs Charm, +Essentia Deflection to AC
  Bind: Melee Attacks gain [Force] descriptor

  Truthseeker Goggles (Bound), Essentia: 3
  +2 + 2*Essentia to Gather Info, Search, Sense Motive
  Bind: Darkvision 60'

  Mantle of Flame, Essentia: 0
  d6 + d6*Essentia Fire Shield
  Bind: Flame adjacent squares as Std Action, Ref Half

  Theraputic Mantle (Bound), Essentia: 3
  Heal additonal SpellLevel + 2*Essentia when healed
  Bind: +CLvl*Essentia when casting Healing spells

  Dissolving Spittle, Essentia: 0
  d6 + d6/Essentia Range Touch 30'

  Vitality Belt, Essentia: 3
  +4 to Con checks & Con based Skill checks
  +Lvl*Essentia HP

[b]During Combat[/b]: 
  Move 3 Essentia from Truthseeker Goggles to Mantle of Flame.
  Move 3 Essentia from Theraputic Mantle to Dissolving Spittle (and back) as needed.

Lord Wyrm

First Post
Endur said:
Ok, lets say the +3 LA that's freed up is used to allow my human barbarian to qualify for the Monster of Legend template and become a Legendary Barbarian.
As mentioned by Wrahn the monster of Legend template can only be applied to animals, magical beasts, and monstrous humanoids, humans can not qualify. Use the extra 3 levels on that line to pick up a monstrous humanoid race, I would consider the Goliaths from Races of Stone, they only have LA +1 and no racial HD.

Shayuri said:
Lord Wyrm, what are your thoughts/feelings about the Leadership feat?

If it makes any difference, my idea was to have the cohort/followers play largely behind the scenes roles, with the followers basically being a spy network and the cohort the spymaster that coordinates and collects reports...as well as maintains a place of residence.
If you wanted the effect of behind the scenes followers just include them in your background. I'm not going to allow a cohort for this size adventuring group, though you can come up with allies that you may of acquired in your adventures and I may bring them in during the adventure. Include a class for them and a general level of power (higher than you, equal to you, lower than you.)

Pyrex: You should have 80 HP, otherwise everything looks good.

garlicnation: monk/cleric will probably work better for the whole campaign, the rogue/paladin will fit well early game but probably not later on. If you really want to play a rogue/paladin then I can alter a few things and they will not have the problems.


First Post
Thanks for the feedback! Just a few more questions, and I'll have some crunch ready.

First, I see you allow some races from Eberron. How about Changelings? I'm interested in picking up the Recaster PrC, and I've always enjoyed the changeling's penchant for subtlety and mischief. If allowed, do they have any background material in your campaign world?

Recaster PrC is detailed in Races of Eberron.

Second, are there any rules I should observe when creating a 10th level spellbook for wizard levels? The usual +2 spells per level, plus any scrolls scribed works fine, but omits the possibility of discovered spellbooks and traded spells during one's travels...

Finally, are there any ECL 0 races in your campaign background that have an Int bonus? :)

Thanks again!

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