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Recruiting for Ongoing 3.5 Wildwood game

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hellrazor111 said:
I need to know two things

What are my skill points and how do I figure out how much gold I have?

Depends whether you gestalt or not. If not then you get 2+int skill points per humanoid Hit Dice with the normal x4 for first level.

Max rank is 5. All skills are class skills.

If you gestalt then it is the better of the two skill rates from your overlapping classes.

Starting gold for 2nd is 900 gp equivalent. If you want to be a character newly summoned to the world then generally any equipment is fine. In the setting there are no smiths and metal items are not easily acquired, though stone equivalents for many things (daggers, axes, arrows, spears, etc.) work the same mechanically. Natives generally have no metal or very little (which has been picked up from a ruin, a trader, or a newly summoned person who got eaten and left behind his armor, or sword, or pots and pans, as the case may be).


Brazeku said:
As for wildshape, upon reflection, the ability to turn from a passive milquetoast into a huge plant beast is too hilarious an image. So it's more or less decided I'm going to go standard. Plus the advantages of being an 'improved grab' beast like a tendriculos with improved grapple from my own feats is pretty sweet.

If you wanted the PHII shifting ability from level 1 and wanted the appearance to be plant like I'd be fine with that. I think it normally costs the animal companion which would be the domain power under my system.


Brazeku said:
Voadam: I actually just looked at your IC thread right now and saw that the party is talking to a plant-based druid. Bizarrely enough, that's pure synchronicity; I was just riffing off the 'Wildwood' name. If you're okay with my concept and I get accepted, I suppose I could be connected to that fellow in some fashion - it seems natural. Although whatever works best, of course.

I've been thinking along those lines a little. :)


First Post
On examination, I'll probably take that shifter variant, chiefly because it is easier and more in keeping with the character concept. Although I'm probably going to switch to a Vow of Poverty build given I now have no item reliance at all and the wildshaper equips won't work on me. It also fits in perfectly with the aesthetic monk concept.

One thing though - I want to be able to keep my tea and pipe until I can give them away after taking a vow of purity as a plot point.

EDIT: also maybe you would want to strip the exalted feats out of vow of poverty; even if they're in I don't know if I have to meet the ability requirements for them
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Voadam said:
You did, then you disappeared right before you were supposed to join in.

Yeah, lol... went offline for a while... wife decided she didn't want to live in the state we'd moved to... after almost 3 years... so we pulled up roots and zipped back to the Oregon area, lol. Freakin' backlog on the only provider in our new area... Comcast... guaranteed my disconnection for almost a month!!! Blackberry access doesn't work for the boards... not really, lol. Then there was the following almost 3 months to get life back into it's normal paths with all our kids, heh... and finally... I make it back. :D


First Post
heres my concept

Name: Syfer
Race: 2HD Humanoid Chiao
Class & level: Barbarian 0

Alignment: Neutral
Sex: Male
Darkvision: 60ft
Base Speed 30ft

AC:17 Touch14 Flat-footed13
Will 2
Fort 3
Ref 4

Str 22 (+4 racial)(+16)
Dex 18 (+4 racial)(+6)
Con 16 (+2 racial)(+6)
Int 10 (-2 racial)(+4)
Wis 14(+6)
Cha 10(+2)

Racial abilities:
Poison use
Low-light vision
Weapon familiarity tiger claws

Hide 4*
Craft(poisonmaking) 5
Move Silently 2
*+8 in heavy undergrowth
Ex skill pts=1

Weapon focus(Tiger Claws)
Power Attack

Metal Tiger Claws 1d4 crit:x3 4gp 1lb.
Stone Greataxe 1d12 crit:x3 20gp 12lb.

Studded Leather +3AC; +5dex 15gp 15lb

Other Possessions:
x3 LargeScorpionVenom 600gp SaveDC:14 Initial Damage:1d4Con Secondary damage:1d4Con
Backpack 2gp 1lb
Lantern, Hooded 7gp 2lb
x5 Oil 5sp 5lb
Waterskin 1gp 4lb
Whetstone 2cp 1lb
x4 Vial 4gp 4/10lb
Rope, Hempen (50ft) 1gp 10lb

Syfer is a typical Chiao, stripes and all, he stands a little less than 6ft and is weighs 183lb. He has one visible scar running from above his left eye to his left cheek, given to him by a drunk human. He is quick to anger but shows much self control.

Syfer had a normal childhood for his kind, learning the fighting tactics of his people. Shortly after becoming an adult, feeling restricted by others of his Clan, Syfer ran off to adventure the world. Taking only his tiger claws and a few of his possessions, he traveled to the closest city, in the hope of finding work. When he arrived in the city, he wandered the it looking for a place to rest. While walking, he was attacked by a drunken man, who slashed his face with a knife. In rage, Syfer killed the man and fled the city. He ran through the forest until he was forced to stop, tired from the running. Finding a safe place to sleep, Syfer passed out.
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First Post
hellrazor111 said:
heres my concept

Name: Syfer
Race: 2HD Humanoid Chiao


With 16 Con and d8 Humanoid HD, shouldn't your HP be (8+3)+(5+3)=19?

hellrazor111 said:
Will 0
Fort 3
Ref 4

With a 14 Wis your Will save should be at least +2. Also, Humanoid HD have one good save, which for catfolk is probably Reflex. Note that as per House Rules that may impact your AC.

hellrazor111 said:
Intimidating Rage (Complete Warrior)
Power Attack

You don't have Rage yet, so you can't take Intimidating Rage as a feat yet.

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