[Recruiting] HUSSies Graduation Exam (Elements of Magic Revised)

The Goblin King

First Post
I need characters for a test-run of Elements of Magic Revised. Humans only but Bloodlines are available. 32 point buy, 4th level characters. Please use Mage, Mageknight, or Taskmage. Besides those three classes the only other core classes available are Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, and Rogue. I am open to variants such as totem barbarian or feat rogue. I will also be using the Defense Bonus variant. Take the average of the hit die for HP after 1st level.

The set-up:
You are all members of the Hiddles University of Sorcerous Studies. An elite school where the geatest mages in the country learn their craft. Your training is over. You have only to complete the graduation exam to earn a place at the Ministry of Magic. The final exam is a practical one. Your team will be inserted onto an island used for this purpose. Your mission is to infiltrate the castle and retrieve the mages spellbook. Intel is limited but expect heavy resistance. The spells used are live, not phantasms. If you or any of your team are killed the whole team will fail and you will all wash out of the program. You have until sunrise when the air skiff will return for your pick-up. See the equipment manager on your way to the dock to get your gear. Expect the unexpected. Only the best of the best are chosen for government service. Good luck.
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
I'm game. I've got it, and I've been wanting to give it a go. :) When do you want a character by?



A few questions:

1) You say the spells used are live, not phantasms. Does that just mean the spells used against the characters, or do you mean that you don't want any Illusion spells lists to be used by the characters?
2) Would this be a Play-by-Email type game, or would you take the characters and run them yourself, just to test the adventure out?

Anyhow, here's what I came up with for an Illusionist-Sorceror-Scout type, if that is legal:

Adam Brait (There is a pun in the name, btw :) )

Human Mage 4: Male Human; CR 4; Medium Humanoid (human); HD 4d4 + 12; hp 23; Init + 2; Spd 30 ft; AC: 15; Atk: +2 meelee (1d8 -1, mw morningstar), or +5 ranged (1d8, light crossbow with mw bolts); SA spells; SQ caster level 4, magical boons; MP 34; Free Cantrips/day: 6; AL NG; SV Fort +5, Ref + 4, Will +2; Str: 8 Int: 10 Wis: 8 Dex: 14 Con: 16 Chr: 18.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +10, Spot (tradition skill) +6, Listen (tradition skill) +6; Illusion Specialist, Extra Magic Points (x2).
Magical Boons: Uncanny Vision (x2) (low-light Vision, Darkvision 30).
Spell Lists: Illusion Crystal/Sound/Light/Metal/Shadow/Void/Life/Ice/Acid/Nature/Force, Create Nature/Force.
Equipment: Cloak of Resistance (+1 to saves), 15 potions of Healing Dose, Chewing Tobacco Mana Battery (20 MP, no spell of more than 5 MP), Backpack (Bag) of Extradimensionality, Light Crossbow with 30 mw bolts, Spell Component Pouch, mw Morningstar.
42 gp, Waterskin, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Hooded Lantern, 5 pints of oil, 3 days rations, 50' hemp rope, Holy Water (flask), 2 sunrods, 9 sp, 10 cp.
Signature Spells (4): 1. Invisibility (Illusion Shadow 3/Gen 0) Duration 1 minute; 2. Bolt of "Lightning" (Illusion Light 1/Crystal 1/Gen 2) Range 30' Line (Note Illusion Specialist Feat gives free simple effects from Force (20% damage is real*), Sound, & Ice (for that ozone smell). * How you calculate damage here (i.e. What the 20% is 20% of) is your lookout as DM, since it is not that well spelled out. 20% of 1d6 seems too weak, and 20% of 20d6 seems too strong); 3. "Human Warrior" (Illusion Light 1/Sound 1/Gen 2) Range 30' Targeted Area, Duration 10 minutes. Has free simple effects from Crystal/Metal/Force/Life/Nature - Again the "hp" and "damage" of the human warrior is your lookout at DM - it is 20% real, anyhow; 4. Wall of "Stone"(Illusion Light 1/Crystal 1/Gen 2) Duration 10 minutes, 20' wide & 10' high wall. Has free simple effects from Ice/Nature/Force (so is 20% real!).

The Goblin King

First Post
Particle_Man said:
A few questions:

1) You say the spells used are live, not phantasms. Does that just mean the spells used against the characters, or do you mean that you don't want any Illusion spells lists to be used by the characters?
2) Would this be a Play-by-Email type game, or would you take the characters and run them yourself, just to test the adventure out?

1) What I meant was that the instructors are not going to be pulling any punches. This is as close to a real fight as you can get.

2) This will be play-by-post. I will put up a thread to post in character tomarrow after work.

Particle_Man said:
Adam Brait (There is a pun in the name, btw :) )

I won't hold that against you. I will look at him tomarrow. Its time for me to go to sleepy land.


I'll throw in a character too, based on another character I've made, and tweaked slightly. Should be up in a day or two.

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