Recruiting! In the Service of Cyre [4ed Eberron]

Yeah, we haven't made any progress in over a month. I don't suppose one of the other group members wants to DM a new campaign? I like the group members and wouldn't mind jumping into a new game together.

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First Post
If I had any DM experience I'd give it a go, but as it is it would be painful for everyone :)

Sad that this fizzled before we even got off of our horses


First Post
I have experience, but alas, not the time. While I can't promise that you'd get to game together, you can check out the Living Worlds in my signature for both an Eberron 4e Living world and the other is for a home-brewed enworld developed setting for 4e.

I can say that they are far, far less likely to have DM's disappear from them unexpectededly, but if it does happen a judge will pick up the game and run with it, therefore preventing users from being stuck in limbo. I am a judge in both of them and am more than happy to answer any questions.


First Post
Looks like it can take a bit to get a character looked-at, so hopefully I will be ready by then.

Most characters are lvl. 4/5 - is that a safe place to start?

EDIT: just RTFM'ed and saw that I can build from 1-4. Looks like lvl. 4 is a safe bet so as to fit with a party.


First Post
In LEB only 1 character was created below 4th, but he upped the PC to 4th before his first adventure. You can start an adventure without being reviewed, just can't receive XP (which is typically handed out at least a month or more after the adventure starts).

Actually, now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind DMing. It's be my first in PbP, but I've run 3 campaigns of about 4 months each in person with friends. I'd probably want to change the setting to my homebrew one, since I don't think I know enough about Eberron to run a campaign in it. If we get some interest, we could jump right in and not even bother with the recruitment phase.

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