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ALLLLrighty, I believe mr. Vrukor is now ready to rumble. I've modded my armor and my weapon from Greataxe and Banded Mail to Greataxe of the Flame (Greataxe + 1d6 fire dmg.) and Masterwork Banded Mail (i have went through and adjusted the modifiers to be less one). Correct me if I am wrong, a weapon that has magical ability is also counted as mastercrafted (adding +1 to attack) correct? Oh yeh and I took away the necessary gold as well (2000 for the greataxe and 150 for the mastercrafted armor). I added the 1k of gold for selling back the bracers of armor +1.

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Vrukor, a magic weapon, armor, or shield needs a minimum of a +1 enhancement bonus before it can receive any special abilities, such as Flaming. Any magic weapon, armor, or shield must be masterwork before it receives such an enhancement bonus.

But the masterwork +1 on attack rolls does not stack with the enhancement bonus (the masterwork bonus is ignored on a magic weapon). Masterwork armor and shields have 1 point less Armor Check Penalty instead of a +1 on attack rolls, and this is retained even after the armor or shield receives an enhancement bonus.

(EDIT: Dragonwriter, just noticed you put 15,000 as the starting XP, but 10,000 is the minimum needed for 5th-level; 15,000 XP is 6th-level. So is it 5th-level with something less than 15k, or 6th-level with 15k? And please clarify the 100 XP limit on spending for magic item creation before play; if my wizard starts with the minimum XP for his level, is he getting 100 virtual XP for item creation or would his XP total be lowered appropriately?)

I still have to work up a background and description (or rather, type out and expand upon the vague background I thought up while making the character), and I'm still considering a gnomish mage of some sort that would head for the Dreamwalker prestige class from the T13K Setting Guide, but for now this is my PC's stats. I also need to pick out more gear for him, which will include some scrolls and maybe wands. When I update this in the morning or afternoon with completed data, I'll switch it over to the standard T13K character sheet format.

For new folks' reference, natives of Ceomyr generally don't use a family name, just their personal name and their guild's name, or the appelation "of Banandario" if they belong to the country's military, which is commanded by the Banandario royal family.

[B]Indolo of Stormspeakers Guild[/B]	Human		Male		Evoker Wizard 5
Strength	10 (+0)		Medium-Size		Speed 30 ft.		XP: 10,000
Dexterity	14 (+2)		Chaotic Good		Patron Deity: Typhus
Constitution	14 (+2)		Total HP: 30		Current HP: 30		Nonlethal: 0
Intelligence	17 (+3)		AC: 12 (+2 Dex)		Initiative: +6
Wisdom		14 (+2)		BAB: +2			Melee: +2		Ranged: +4
Charisma	10 (+0)		Fortitude: +3		Reflex: +3		Will: +6
Character Level: 5 (+0 ECL)	Age 27			5'-9"			137 lbs.
**32-2-6-6-10-6-2 point buy, Intelligence was originally 16 before 4th-level**

Speaks, reads, and writes Vweogyn (Ceomyr), Aquan, Auran, Draconic, and Tradespeak (Ceomyr).

Skill			Total		Key		# Of		Ability		Misc.
Name			Bonus		Ability		Ranks		Mod.		Mods.
Concentration		+10		Con		8		+2		+0
Decipher Script		+10		Int		7		+3		+0
Knowledge (Arcana)	+10		Int		7		+3		+0
Knowledge (Geography)	+5		Int		2		+3		+0
Knowledge (Local)	+5		Int		2		+3		+0
Knowledge (Nature)	+5		Int		2		+3		+0
Knowledge (Planes)	+10		Int		7		+3		+0
Knowledge (Religion)	+5		Int		2		+3		+0
Spellcraft		+12		Int		7		+3		+2
Swim			+2		Str		2 cc		+0		+0

Feats: Scribe Scroll, Improved Initiative, Toughness, Spell Focus (Evocation), Craft Wand.

Wizard Abilities: Summon Familiar (summoned a raven he named Zarkas, speaks Vweogyn, master gets +3 Appraise and Alertness, Tiny Animal, 5 HD, 15 HP, AC 17, touch AC 14, flat-footed AC 15, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +6, Initiative +2, BAB/Grapple +2/-11, claws +6 melee for 1d2-5 damage, Listen +5, Spot +7, Intelligence 8, speed 10 ft./fly 40 ft. with average maneuverability, low-light vision, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver Touch Spells, Speak With Master), bonus feats, Evocation specialist (banned from Conjuration and Enchantment, +2 Spellcraft to learn Evocations, -5 Spellcraft with banned schools, must learn at least one Evocation per wizard level, gets an extra spell slot of each level for Evocation only), Arcane Spells (Intelligence-based, save DC 13 + spell level + 1 more with Evocation spells; knows the 0-level spells Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, and Touch of Fatigue; knows the 1st-level spells Burning Hands, Color Spray, Feather Fall, Identify, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Ray of Enfeeblement, and Shield; knows the 2nd-level spells Alter Self, False Life, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Scorching Ray, and Shatter; knows the 3rd-level spells Dispel Magic and Lightning Bolt; may cast 4+1e/3+1+1e/2+1+1e/1+1+1e spells per day; has prepared the spells Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Message, Prestidigitation, Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Shield, Shield, False Life, Invisibility, Scorching Ray, Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt, and Lightning Bolt, with one 1st-level spell slot and one 2nd-level spell slot left open).

Gear: Club, Dagger, Light Crossbow, 10 Bolts, Spellbook (43/100 pages used, researched Alter Self and False Life at the cost of 400 gp in his guild's library), 2 Spell Component Pouches, Powdered Silver (1 pound, 50 gp, divided between both spell component pouches), Wooden Typhus Holy Symbol, Scholar's Outfit (Free), Traveler's Outfit, Handy Haversack, Scroll Case, Bedroll, Flint & Steel, 4 Days Trail Rations, 4 Waterskins.

Racial Traits: Humanoid (human), Medium-sized (factored in), base Speed 30 feet (factored in), bonus feat (factored in), +4 skill points at 1st-level and +1 skill point at each additional level (factored in), highest-level class is favored class.
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First Post
Yep, looks good Ark. It'll be good to see the background and description, but the numbers all look right to me.

But yes, I meant 10,000 XP, not 15,000 XP... Serve me right for not taking a good long look at the EXP per level right in the PHB... So, yes, please everyone change your current XP to 10,000 rather than 15,000. Thanks for pointing that out. And about the crafting, I meant you can use 100 of your 10,000 to craft items. So, if your wizard crafts wands or scribes scrolls, he's getting knocked down to 4th for a little while.


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Okay, I need everyone who's coming for my tutorial tomorrow (Sat. the 24th) to sound off in the OOC Thread located here

This is really to let me know how many to expect...

But, yes Vrukor, Ark is right about magic items. Before you can add a special ability, you need a +1 on there, which would make it a +1 Flaming Greataxe, and raise the price to about 8,000 gp... If you just make it a +1 Greataxe for now, that will be fine, and cost the same. And, one last thing I noticed on your sheet, Vrukor... your Init should be +6, not +5. Like I said, Max Dex only applies to AC.

On people's names in Coemyr... Ark's right. Natives use their affiliations (guild or Noble house) for their last name. A guildsman would use something like "Carlson of Stonemason's Guild" or some such. Soldiers are similar, but all use "Under Banandario" (The Emperor's House). People not in guilds or companies or the army just use their parent's last name (Men using father's name and women using mother's name) like this: Voreg, son of Darson or Sallina, daughter of Nerina.

EDIT: And it looks like anyone who is interested can watch the Monday night T13K game, called "For More Than Glory." If you'd like to see a full-on game session, drop in. It's Monday night, 7 PM PST.
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Dragon, when I try to click that link, I get this:

vBulletin Message You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

  1. You are trying to use a function available only to Community Supporters (Search, Private Messaging, Who's Online?, Custom User Title).
  2. You are not logged in. Fill in the form at the bottom of this page and try again.
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  4. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
Note - Are you having trouble posting or staying logged in? I get so many queries about this that I thought I'd make a permanent announcement about it.
A lot of people are having trouble posting once logged in - they find that the board logs them out again when they try to post, asking for their username and password again. 99% of the time, the problem is caused because you're using the wrong address to visit the messageboards. Look at the address bar in your browser - if it has the word "cyberstreet" in it, you're using the wrong address, and the boards won't work correctly for you. The correct address for these messageboards is: http://www.enworld.org/forums/
If you have been using the wrong address, you will need to do two things:
1) Clear out your cookies (in Internet Explorer you can do that by going to Tools > Internet Options > Delete Cookies).
2) Come back to the boards via the correct address.
Hope that helps!


any ideas?


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Okay, maybe you need to join the usergroup "T13K Player"... Look at the top of the page and click on "My Account". Look at the left, on the Control Panel. There should be a spot about halfway down that says "Group Memberships". Click that and select to Join "T13K Player". That should fix it.

EDIT: Do NOT click "Social Groups." That's just a bunch of other stuff that will only cause confusion right now...


First Post
I wound up doing other things for much of the morning and late afternoon, so didn't finish my background yet, but it'll be done and posted soon.

Maybe at 6th or 9th level Indolo can take Craft Magic Arms & Armor to enhance weapons cheaper, but right now I dunno.


First Post
Awww and here I had a nice hook for Vrukor's flaming axe. Oh well. So as it stands if I take away the flame damage and just keep the axe a masterwork and modify my initiative to be +5 I should be finally ready to go?


First Post
Yeah, those things and the EXP line. I goofed and said 15,000 at 5th level... That was wrong... You're supposed to be at 10,000 and level again at 15,000 XP. Then your character is good to go.

Voidrunner's Codex

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