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Rediscovery of the World - 4e (OOC)

Steve Gorak

One warlock coming up in a couple of hours! Sorry for being a bit slow on posting a more complete character, but will be up soon!

Dooh! you beat me to the warlock Rayex!;)
I've been dying to try out the 4e warlock!!! I'll be in standby, in case you change your mind.


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A couple house rules.
-No raising dead. Death is PERMANENT. (at least, beyond some really exceptional plot-driven exceptions)
-The disenchant magic item ritual has no cost
-Human artificers, lacking a third at-will power at the moment, will be able to select an at-will from another arcane or martial class as an encounter power. Multiclassing will only be possible in that class, though.


First Post
So, "after work today" turned into "tomorrow morning." But, here it is: my Tiefling Warlord... trying to do something nifty with the Tiefling race as far as personality goes.

Elias (pronounced like the English word "alias" but with a bit of "eh" for the first vowel) - Male - Tiefling - Warlord - 1

Str 16
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 18
Wis 10
Cha 15

Ac 17
For 14
Ref 14
Will 13

HP: 24
(Surge Value: 6, Bloodied: 12)
Healing surges/day: 8

Languages: Common, Draconic
Alignment: Unaligned
Patron Deity: None

Racial features:
Bloodhunt (+1 to Attack vs Bloodied foes)
Fire Resistance (5 + 1/2 level)
Infernal Wrath (Encounter Power) (Minor Action, Gain +1 to next attack to anyone who has hit you since last turn. Add CHA mod to damage.)
Low-light vision

Class features:
Combat Leader (You and all allies within 10 squares who can see and hear you gain +2 to Initiative)
Commanding Presence (Tactical Presence: When an ally you can see spends an action point to make an attack, they gain a bonus to the attack roll equal to hone-half your Int modifier)
Inspiring Word (Encounter Power) (Minor Action. One ally in five squares can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6 HP. Can use twice per encounter but once per round.)

Skills (*trained):
Acrobatics +0
Arcana +4
Athletics* +6
Bluff +4
Diplomacy* +7
Dungeoneering +0
Endurance -1
Heal* +5
History +4
Insight +0
Intimidate* +7
Nature +0
Perception +0
Religion +4
Stealth +0
Streetwise +2
Thievery -2

Tactical Assault (Whenever an ally who can see you spends an action point to make an attack, the attack's damage roll gains a bonus equal to your Int modifier.)

Powers (with description if possible):
-at will:
Viper's Strike (Str vs AC, 1[W] + Str mod damage. If target shifts before start of your next turn, it provokes an opportunity attack from an ally of your choice.)
Wolf Pack Tactics (Str vs AC, 1[W] + Str mod damage. Before the attack you let one ally adjacent to either you or the target shift 1 square as a free action.)

Hammer and Anvil (Str vs Ref, 1[W] + Str mod damage. One ally adjacent to the target makes a melee basic attack against it as a free action. Ally adds your Charisma modifer to the damage.)
Infernal Wrath (Minor Action. Gain +1 power bonus to your next attack roll against an enemy that hit you since your last turn. If attack hits and deals damage, add your Charisma modifier as extra damage.)
Inspiring Word (Minor Action. Target one ally in close burst 5, target can use a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6 HP. Can be used twice per encounter but once per round.)
Lead the Attack (Str vs AC, 3[W] + Str mod damage, You and each ally within 5 squares of you gain a power bonus to attack rolls against the target equal to 1 + your Int mod until the end of the encounter, Miss: You and each ally within 5 squares of you gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls against the target until the end of the encounter.)

Equipment (100 gp):
- Chainmail (+6 to AC, -1 to Speed, -1 to Check)
- Light Shield (+1 to AC)
- Flail
- Hand Crossbow (60 bolts)
- Standard Adventurer's Kit
- 27gp

Background (brief is enough):
-What does the character look like? (pics welcome if you have a clear idea)
Standing about five feet and eleven inches tall, Elias has flowing, jet black hair from behind his horns, which point straight back and slightly up from his forehead.
Elias's silvery orbs of eyes contrast the dingy, brownish red colour of his skin in an almost majestic way. His tail usually coils in his cloak, mostly so no one steps on it, but also so that he can avoid any unwanted attention.

-What's his story? Where does he come from?
Elias is from a small, nameless village halway between Thum-Binyas and Nesiah. For as long as he can remember, he has wanted to leave that village and experience something truly grand in one of those two big cities.
He never knew his real family, but his foster parents took care of him and the rest of the village orphans with great care.
When he was still fairly young a band of mercenaries passed by his village. These men, all former officers in the Militia of Nesiah, trained Elias as if he was their new prodigy. He learned tactics and strategy from their best men, and his weapon skills grew as if inspired by some extra-worldly force.

-What's his personality? Why is he an adventurer?
Elias has strived for a long time to not be what people expect of him as a Tiefling. The introverted and untrusting, slightly evil, Tiefling is what Elias does not want to be. While it does take him time to develop trust in someone other than himself, he does try harder than most of his kind.
Occasionally, though, he does have "episodes" of internalised anger, releasing it at anything and anyone near him in controlled bursts.
Perhaps by leaving his home and joining this strange Guild, Elias might have a chance to really develop his own reputation. Perhaps people will, when they see him, think "There's that one Tiefling. The one I know I can trust." Perhaps it's a childish or meaningless goal to some, but to Elias, it's imperative.

-Any hooks or plot devices you'd like to include will be considered
Elias wants to make a name for himself not only amongst Humans and the mass of people in Nesiah, but also before The Council of Peace.
He also wants to meet back up with the band of mercenaries that abandoned him barely any closer to Nesiah than he was when they found him. (Abandoned by parents and his mentors, it's a difficult task for Elias to not be vindictive and untrusting.)
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First Post
Nightsky, female Tiefling Warlock [Star Pact]

Str: 8 (-1) [8base]
Con: 16 (+3) [16base]
Dex: 14 (+2) [14base]
Int: 14 (+2) [12base + 2racial]
Wis: 10 (+0) [10base]
Cha: 18 (+4) [16base + 2racial]

Ac: 14
Fort: 13
Ref: 13
Will: 15

HP: 28 (bloodied 14)
Healing surges/day: 9 (7hp)

Languages: Common, Primordial
Alignment: Unaligned
Patron Deity: Sehanine

Racial features:
+2bluff, +2stealth
+1 racial on attack rolls VS bloodied foes.
5 Fire resistance
Can use Infernal Wrath as Encounter Power

Class features:
Proficiencies: Cloth & Leather armor, Simple melee & Ranged Weapons.
Implements: Rods & Wands.

Arcana +7
Bluff +11
History +7
Insight +5

Lvl 1: Ferocious Rebuke

Powers (with description if possible):
-at will:
Eldritch Blast (All, Standard Action, Ranged 10, One Creature)
Attack: +4 vs. Ref
Hit: 1d10+4

Dire Radiance (Star, Standard Action, Ranged 10, One Creature)
Attack: +3 vs Fort
Hit: 1d6+3 radiant. If target moves nearer to you on its next turn, take extra 1d6+3 radiant.

Infernal Wrath (Racial, Minor Action, Personal)
Effect: gain +1 power bonus on next attack roll vs. an enemy that hit you since last turn. If attack hits and deals damage, +4 extra damage and push back 1 square.

Dreadful Word (Star, Standard Action, Ranged 5, One creature)
Attack: +4 vs will
Hit: 2d8+4 psychic, target takes -3 will untill end of next turn

Dread Star (Star, Standard Action, Ranged 10, One creature)
Attack: +4 vs Will
Hit: 3d6+4 radiant, target is immobilized till end of next turn.
Effect: Targets takes -2 will (save ends)

Standard Adventurers Kit [15gp]
Leather Armor [25gp]
Money: 60gp

Background (brief is enough):
-What does the character look like?
Nightsky is fair of skin, silvery eyes and two small, curved horns. Her hair is blue-gray and is gathered in a thick braid. She usually wear dark blue, bordering on black, leathers.
-What's his story? Where does he come from?
Nightsky never felt like she belonged in her family, and as such ran away at the age of 14. As she suspected, her family didn't even bother to go looking for her. She spent the next few years traveling from town to town, offering her services as a singer at the local taverns. Her voice and skills were such that she was able to live by what she earned. Each night after she was done with the singing, she would go outside and find a silent place where she could look at the star. In her mind she would journey in the skies, traveling from star to star and unravel the mysteries of the unknown worlds up there. It so happens that one night she was mind-traveling the skies, a pair of hungry eyes had noticed the small, unsuspecting girl. A hungry bear had come down from the wild woods, and was known for terrorizing the outlying farms. This night, it had ventured into the town.
The bear was upon her before she knew it was there, and as she screamed and lifted her hands to fend of the creature, star-silver shot out of her hands. The bear roared in defiance, but the star-power (as she from now would call it) was too powerfull. The bear fled, and Nightsky was left in awe and wonder of her new skills. She knew now, that her dreams of traveling the stars would come true.
-What's his personality? Why is he an adventurer?
Nightsky is a lively young woman. She is known to hum silently almost at all times, when she is not talking. Which she likes. Alot. She is now an adventurer, in search of more knowledge about the stars and the wonders in the skies, as well as looking for someone who can teach her more.
-Any hooks or plot devices you'd like to include will be considered
- Did her family really not care? Or did they in fact search for her, in vain?
- Are her powers indeed from the Stars, or do they come from some darker, unknown source?


First Post
Без перевода “Blizzard”- Male - Dragonborn - Wizard 1

Str 10
Dex 10
Con 16 +3
Int 18 +4
Wis 10
Cha 12 +1

Ac 15
For 13
Ref 14
Will 13

HP: 26
Healing surges/day: 7
Surge: 9

Languages: Draconic, Common
Alignment: Good
Patron Deity: Ioun

Racial features: Dragonborn Fury: when bloodied +1 to attack rolls.
Draconic Heritage: Healing Surges +Con Modifier
Dragon Breath (Ice) – *see Encounter Powers

Class features: Staff Defense: +1 AC and *see Encounter Powers
Cantrips: *see At-will Powers
Ritual Casting/Spellbook : Comprehend Language, Silence, Tenser’s Floating Disk,

Skills (*trained):
Acrobatics +
Arcana +*9
Athletics +
Bluff + 1
Diplomacy +*6
Dungeoneering +
Endurance +3
Heal +
History +*11
Insight +*5
Intimidate +3
Nature +
Perception +
Religion +4
Stealth +
Streetwise +1
Thievery +

Feats: Burning Blizzard

Powers (with description if possible):
-at will: Ghost Sound: Range 10, Produce sound
Light: Range 5, 5 minutes of light within 5 squares
Mage Hand: Range 5, 20lbs. Telekinesis, Sustain Minor
Prestidigitation: Small Magical Effects
Magic Missile: Range 20, +4 vs. Ref., 2d4 +4 Force Damage
Ray of Frost: Range 10, +4 vs. Ref., 1d6 +5 Cold and target is Slowed

Dragon Breath: Close Blast 3, +5 vs. Ref., 1d6 +4 Cold
Staff Defense: Interrupt, +3 AC
Icy Terrain: Burst 1 within 10 Squares, +4 vs. Ref., 1d6+5 Cold target is knocked prone

-daily: (Know 2 Daily per level, can only prepare 1)
Freezing Cloud: Burst 2 within 10 Squares, +4 vs. Fort., 1d8+5 Cold (miss: half), Lasts until end of next round, Any creature starting in or moving through subject to another attack.
Acid Arrow: Range 20, +4 vs. Ref., 2d8 +5 Acid ongoing 6 (save ends), Secondary Attack targeting all adjacent, +4 vs. Ref., 1d8 +5 Acid ongoing 6 acid (save ends), Miss: Half damage ongoing 3 no secondary

Staff: +2, 1d8 (5gp)
Ritual Components: 2x Tensers (20g), 2x Comprehend (20g), 1x Silence (30g)
Standard Adventurer’s Kit (15g)
Gold: 10

Background (brief is enough):
-What does the character look like? Aqua and azure scales covered over with a cloudy white finish peak out from the traveling wizard’s grey robes. Cascades of platinum white “hair” stretch down his back and across his shoulders. A thin tendril of “hair” hangs off his chin at least a foot. He walks hunched and leaning heavily on the intricately carved staff. He is a harmless old traveler, no one to worry about.

-What's his story? Where does he come from? Без перевода is a name he only knows. It is the name his father gave him 75 years ago. It is Draconic for Born of Ice. Blizzard is the name some wonderful children gave the charlatan when he told them great stories. He won’t tell anyone where he is truly from or what the true story of his life is. Every time some one asks he takes great pleasure in spinning out another grand adventure of his life. The truth that he won’t tell is simply he was normal and average and he just had a wanderlust that has never gone away. He grew up in a tribe of dragonborn that hunted and survived along the taiga. The elders saw his aptitude for the arcane and sent him to learn from a white dragon they had associations with. Blizzard’s fundamental goodness could not endure the ramblings of the evil beast any longer so he ran. He found his way into a human village and found kindness in the population. So he stayed and learned their voice and enjoyed the hospitality of their evenings. He found a way to enjoy those evenings every night. And so it has been for him, every night in a new inn or a new town he spins fanciful stories to the delight of the crowd.

-What's his personality? Why is he an adventurer? He is a kindly old man, harmless and jovial. His outlook on adventure is simple: Adventure happens when you are on your way to something. He has a great passion for life and a greater passion for stories. Living a story he can tell would be a great accomplishment.

-Any hooks or plot devices: Really Blizzard is a perfect adventurer. He just takes what comes his way and reacts to it. So any plot will work, he will just be along for the ride.

Edit: 25 point buy... Quick explanation of why his Con is so high. He is old. While humans and most races lose toughness as they age those races derving from draconic heritage grow thicker and tougher. His scales are not so bright and have hardened. Also, he is a dragonborn and most of their racial abilities rely on high Con scores. His dragonbreath is completely con based, his Surge Bonus is con based, and his Staff Defense from Wizard is con based.
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First Post
[sblock=geogator]Geogator, I really, really like your concept. However, if you don't mind, i'd like to ask something about Blizzard's stats. Why did you sink four points in wisdom, charisma and dexterity? They really do nothing for you! And nine points in constitution are really too much, isn't Blizzard fairly old too?
I understand you have your idea of the character and I don't believe characters necessarily have to be optimized, but having only 16 int in a 25 point-buy really hurts a wizard a lot. Since the party will probably only have one controller (two is difficult) i'd like it to be efficient. Hope my comments didn't bother you. I only told you this because I think your idea is really good.[/sblock]

Who applied as of now:

Walking dad - Jorje, Human Wizard
Garyh - Oak, Warforged Ranger (dual-wielder)
Velmont - Lucen Silverleaf, Elf Cleric
Lobo - Desh, Dragonborn Paladin
Bialaska - Grungni Goldtooth, Dwarf Cleric (no stats)
Shaggy - Ardan Silverbeam, Elf Fighter
Geogator - Blizzard, Dragonborn Wizard
Sarah - Human Artificer (no background)
Redclaw - Iandain, Human rogue
Ivellius - Aust Xilocent, Eladrin Cleric (no stats)
Rayex - Nightsky, Tiefling Starlock
Is907 - Elias, Tiefling Warlord

12...Wow, a lot more than I thought...am i missing someone?
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First Post
[sblock=Arden Silverbeam]
Arden Silverbeam - Male - Elf - Fighter – 1

Str 17
Con 14
Dex 14
Int 10
Wis 15
Cha 11

AC 17
For 15
Ref 12
Will 12

Initiative: +2
Speed: 6 in Scale (7 unarmored)

HP: 29
Healing surges/day: 11

Languages: Common, Elven
Alignment: Unaligned
Patron Deity: Sehanine

Racial features: low-light vision, elven weapon proficiency, fey origin, group awareness, wild step, elven accuracy.

Class features: Combat Challenge, Combat Superiority, Fighter Weapon Talent (2-handed)

Skills (*trained):
Acrobatics +2
Arcana +0
Athletics* +8
Bluff +0
Diplomacy +0
Dungeoneering +0
Endurance* +7
Heal* +7
History +0
Insight +2
Intimidate +0
Nature +4
Perception +4
Religion +0
Stealth +2
Streetwise +0
Thievery +2

Feats: Blade Opportunist

Powers (with description if possible):
-at will:
Cleave: Melee. +6 vs. AC; Hit: 2d4+3 and an enemy adjacent to you takes 3
Reaping Strike: Melee. +6 vs. AC; Hit: 2d4+3; Miss: 3

Elven Accuracy: Free Action; Personal; Reroll an attack roll, use the second roll.
Steel Serpent Strike: Melee. +6 vs. AC; Hit: 4d4+3 and the target is slowed and cannot shift until the end of your next turn.

Brute Strike: Melee. +6 vs. AC; Hit: 6d4+3; Reliable.

Equipment (100 gp): Scale Armor, Glaive, 2 Javelins, Backpack.

Background (brief is enough, more accurate is better though):
-Appearance: Arden has long reddish blonde hair he keeps tied back, under his helmet. His scale armor is old, worn, and out-of current style with somewhat clunky leaf-shaped scales. His glaive is serviceable with a somewhat battered blade and a solid, thick wooden haft wrapped in black leather near the grip. Arden generally wears a cloth-of-silver sash around his waist and ties a matching scarf around the end of his glaive as a rememberance of Sehanine, goddess of the moon.
-History: Arden grew up in the elven community of Gaveen, a mountain city as known for its beautiful countryside as for its gentle folk. Unfortunately, 2 years before Arden was to come of age, a horrible plague struck Gaveen, leaving many of the townsfolk sick and dying. Many suspected foul play or supernatural influence in the plague, but nothing was ever conclusively proven. Rather than risk the death of their only son, Arden’s parents left Gaveen for human lands, pulling Arden from the home he loved so much and the friends he valued so dearly.
Arden has spent the last two years in the town of Prisa, waiting until he was old enough to set out on his own and get away from his parents whom he resented for moving him away from Gaveen. A caravan bound for Nesiah and the Fellows of the Path Unknown provided him his chance.
-Personality: Arden is a solitary individual who can sometimes get too caught up in his own thoughts. He rarely speaks, and when he does it is generally in short and precise language. The large exception to this rule are the subjects of Gaveen and Sehanine. Arden is always willing to expound upon the unique beauties of his two great loves and relies on the latter’s guidance while following his own unknown path, hoping that somewhere along the way, the path will lead back to the former.
-I’d love to see hints and clues regarding the mysterious plague of Gaveen and possibly even a visit to the plague-ridden and decimated town somewhere down the line.

Hey Velmont, maybe Lucan can be another elven Gaveenese refugee who left during the plague as well? That could give Lucan and Arden a common background to draw upon and talk about. What do you think?


First Post
Hah! Added Daily... that's one of my favourites, too. Can't believe I forgot it.
Did I mention that I like your anagrams and the setting background? I like that it's got good inspiration but is open ended for us to write into ;)


First Post
Shaggy, I think I prefer Lucen to have left the town by conflict with the spiritual belief of his family and community rather because of some major event like a plague.

Lucen could easily have left before the plague strike. They could have known each other since time, and when it was time to flee, Arden would have chosen to go toward the city where Lucen was, knowing he would more easily find a shelter.

Voidrunner's Codex

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