Remembering Gary Gygax, One year later


It can't be said often enough:

We wouldn't be here without Gary. There wouldn't be an ENWorld. There wouldn't be a Wizards of the Coast.

There wouldn't be World of Warcraft. I'd even argue that there wouldn't be a flourishing fantasy genre of any kind, games, books or movies.

I very likely wouldn't be a writer of any kind.

Well put Monte.

My life would be so much worse if it weren't for D&D. It makes me think about the friends I never would have met, even a lover I wouldn't have met, and the fun that would have been missing from my life. To paraphrase: A cosmos without Gary Gygax scarcely bears thinking about.
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First Post
It can't be said often enough:

We wouldn't be here without Gary. There wouldn't be an ENWorld. There wouldn't be a Wizards of the Coast.

There wouldn't be World of Warcraft. I'd even argue that there wouldn't be a flourishing fantasy genre of any kind, games, books or movies.

I very likely wouldn't be a writer of any kind.

Well put Monte...


I miss him a lot. :(

My recent favorite memory of him was being in his house, around 8PM, wondering what type of "intellectual stuff" he was watching with Gail out of the House, as he liked to watch stuff like Discovery channel.

He kept switching between some Ultimate Extreme Fighting sport on one channel and the movie "Romeo Must Die". (With a few views of Bill O'Reilly on Fox News in between). :confused: (Gary was a habitual channel switcher).

Needless to say I don't know what he might have been inspired to write from watching those, save a new Monk. :p

I can imagine him in an afterlife, on an EZ-Boy chair, switching between people's gaming sessions on his cosmic TV.

Miss ya Gary...


I miss Gary very much. I only knew him for 3 short years, but in that time I got to work on creative material with him, and consequently we became friends. I'll always cherish the brief times we hung out together, at his home, at a few cons, out to dinner, meeting his family -- even if he was a Bears fan and enjoyed torturing me with clips of the Superbowl Shuffle from 85-86 (yes, I'm a Pats fan).

It was honor to have known him, and Monte hits the nail on the head -- none of us would be here at ENWorld were it not for Gary. Just think of all the times of fun and gaming we've all enjoyed, we who convene at site like this -- with family and friends, the memories we have, the bonds forged, the shared pleasure of putting aside the trials and tribulations of our personal lives just to roll dice together, talk in funny voices, kill things, and take their stuff. We owe so much if not all of that to Gary, who was the most influential driving force this hobby has ever known.

R.I.P. Gary.

Jeff Talanian


I never really knew him, or even met him, living half a world away.
He has nevertheless always been important to me, and still is.
I miss his good natured posting here.

Rest in peace, Gary! Know that we still honour your memory by playing the games you created!


It can't be said often enough:

We wouldn't be here without Gary. There wouldn't be an ENWorld. There wouldn't be a Wizards of the Coast.

There wouldn't be World of Warcraft. I'd even argue that there wouldn't be a flourishing fantasy genre of any kind, games, books or movies.

I very likely wouldn't be a writer of any kind.

No better words were written.
R.I.P. Gary


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