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Retro Story Hour: (Contact's) Temple of Elemental Evil 2!

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Lucky Seven

Seven: The Calm Before the Storm
(or, This doesn’t look so bad! Try that door.)

Sir Willam a demon! The party rushes to the Lady Marie to report the shocking news. She is shocked, and surprised. She promises to inform her husband at once.

After briefing the Lady, the PCs strategize. Lucius advocates hunting down Locke, Dick Rentch and any witnesses involved in the Waterside fight, but the party won’t hear of it. After all the grueling town play, the group decides to duck back into the dungeons beneath the ToEE for a little R&R. They troop into the 1st level (instead of the ‘back door’ 3rd level), which of course, is their rightful place, as their average character level is 4. They hit upon the lair of a few human bandit-types, and after having adventured over their heads, the following fight feels nice and casual. A talkative prisoner mentions that the bandit leader is named X’im.

They move on, and find themselves in a strange room. Bones litter the floor to the depth of two feet, the grisly remains of some titanic battle. The rogues hear voices from around a corner, and spy several goblins and dire wolves arguing amongst themselves. The party determines to charge the goblins, and hopefully win the surprise.

The bones hinder movement, however, and the party barely manages to make it halfway to the corner when the Goblins come blazing out mounted on their wolves, attacking with crossbows and lances. The wolves charge past the characters, biting as they go, with their riders adding lance-thrusts to make things worse. The PCs, mired in bones, are forced onto the defensive, hoping for counterattacks with missile weapons.

As the brawl slowly moves toward the cleared area, Tisha is the first to see a pair of Ogres emerging from open doorways. She blasts one with an Aganazzar’s scorcher, but cannot survive his reply. The Ogres’ clubs are small trees, and in short order, Suhi is also killed.

Illustration: Tisha finally finds an admirer just seconds after her death.

The PCs sorrowfully return to Hommlet to bury the body of their companions, only to find that Kelanen’s Rest has been burned to the ground. It seems that word had spread around the refugee camps in Knulb that the PCs were responsible for Sir Willam’s death. The night before, while the PCs were gleefully beating on bandits in the Temple, a mob of Shieldlanders came to Hommlet and set the Inn ablaze.

Several of the Shieldlanders were captured before the mob was driven off, and Lucius sets to work on one of them. After a rather lengthy ‘session’ during which he wrests forth the names of the civic leaders in the refugee camps, he proposes a killing spree: A quick, and murderous foray into the refugee camps to repair the party’s reputation as people not to be trifled with.

The party shoots this down.
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Irda Ranger

First Post
Re: Lucky Seven

(contact) said:
A quick, and murderous foray into the refugee camps to repair the party’s reputation as people not to be trifled with.

Buttercup: "Who are you?"

The Man in Black: "I am no one to be trifled with. That is all you ever need know."



The tingling means it’s working!
Re: Lucky Seven

(contact) said:
Seven: The Calm Before the Storm

They troop into the 1st level (instead of the ‘back door’ 3rd level), which of course, is their rightful place, as their average character level is 4.

I love how The Calm Before the Storm resulted in 2 PC deaths. That's the calm.

So, the average character level is 4. Any chance we can get stats for the characters? Or, at least, a few of them?

-z, who thinks this story is even better the 2nd time around.

Wulf Ratbane

Re: Lucky Seven

(contact) said:
A quick, and murderous foray into the refugee camps to repair the party’s reputation as people not to be trifled with.

That's it. That right there. Ohhh, yeah.

Favorite line of the story.

I don't remember that comma in there before... Reads better without it, you know...




You guys are funny. Lucius wanted to murder all of the wise elders, respected businessmen and matron mothers in the refugee camps in order to get pay back for the Inn and the Waterside Affair!

Wulf-- you're so right.


Re: Re: Lucky Seven

Zaruthustran said:

I love how The Calm Before the Storm resulted in 2 PC deaths. That's the calm.

So, the average character level is 4. Any chance we can get stats for the characters? Or, at least, a few of them?

And it is the calm, too! Things start really getting intense from here on out.

As far as their stats, Characters who survived the events of the TOEE2 (and the inevitable Iuzian reprisals in the Liberation of Tenh) have their stats in the LoT rogue's gallery thread.

Spoiler Warning: That thread will tip you off as to who makes it and who doesn't. Half the fun of reading these logs is rooting against the long odds for your favorite PC!


I'm taking the weekend off, so no more updates until Monday. Have a good weekend, and I hope noone's character dies.
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Re: Lucky Seven

(contact) said:
They troop into the 1st level (instead of the ‘back door’ 3rd level), which of course, is their rightful place, as their average character level is 4.

This is actually one of the funniest and truest D&D-related quotes I've ever read.
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