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Retro Story Hour: (Contact's) Temple of Elemental Evil 2!

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First Post
fett527 said:
.....which means I should try and read your [Wulf's] story hour apparently.:D

Another convert! Egads! When will th' madness end?

Originally posted by Wulf Ratbane
It was like a 16-gauge shot of adrenaline to this writer's heart.
Ouch. ...The parts I like most about (cntxt)'s stuff is how accurately they show how "typical players" go about their business: Charge in, Kill what you can, figure out the weenie-@ss plots and clues later.

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Conductor: "Destination?"
Passenger: "Early Grave."
Conductor: "That's Hommlet on this line."


Unfortunately (or fortunately), the elves kept flitting away into the forest before Lucius got a chance to murder them, but that's exactly what he meant to do.

A little backstory:

Lucius is a LE assassin (2e-3e hybrid). He grew up in refugee camps, having first fled Geoff with his mother and abusive father, ending up in the Shieldlands. It was there he (long story for another time) came to understand the *finality* of death, and murder's ability to 'solve problems'. Specifically the one his mother was having with his father.

After fleeing the Shieldlands, he grew up near Knulb, and started 'work' for the Nine Sisters at a young age. It was in Knulb that he became fanatically devoted to the doctrines of St. Cuthbert. The Cuthbertians recruited heavily out of the refugee camps, and Lucius was a sucker for their doctrine of struggle against Iuz.

He double-tithes, and always asks for Canon Turgeon's advice. As Canon Turgeon, along with Sister Keriann (we'll meet her soon, she's also a Cuthbertian cleric) represent the Lawful Good 'voice of reason', they manage to keep Lucius in line.

It made for some damn fun role-play, with a LG and a LE both professing devotion to the same church doctrine, but twisting it to their own ethos. Of course, in the end, Lucius would always humbly defer to the Canon. His defrence (bordering on obsequiousness) was also generally hilarious, because everyone else *despised* the Canon. So Lucius would show up with 'instructions' from the Canon, and try to press that agenda. Over the course of days, those 'instructions' would degrade, becoming more and more evil.

Day 1:
Lucius: "The Canon says we should ask those guys if they saw anything."

Party: "F*** the Canon. Shut up, Lucius."

Day 2:
Lucius: "The Canon said we should interrogate those guys."

Party: "F*** the Canon. Shut up, Lucius."

Day 3:
Lucius: "The Canon wants me to capture those bastards and cut them until they talk."

Party: "We'd better get back into the dungeon now."

Lucius was very strongly of the belief that total unity is the only means through which the small group could oppose the Temple. So while he thought the party was handling the politics all wrong, he sublimated his opinion (like a proper fascist) into the party’s decision. Plus, he never really got the free time to go on a killing spree, although he certainly meant to.

Fun PC. Too bad about the whole . . . um. . . well, you'll have to read on!


Six: Swords Shining and Spells Streaking By.
(or, "It's easy, you just don't lead 'em as much . . .")

While the party has been busy getting beat on, both in the temple and in barroom brawls, the Canon has put out a call for assistance to his superiors. They responded by sending him Sister Keriann Croller ("It's KeriANN!") a priestess of St. Cuthbert, and zealous Smiter of Evil.

The characters barely have time to return to the surface and heal up before one of their guards reports an armed band of orcs heading toward the tower! The PCs spring to action, weapons bared but without spells. An opening volley of missile fire takes the Orcs by surprise, and as Heydricus throws open the tower door to ready himself for the melee, the orc's leader shouts, "You!". Heydricus recognizes the voice, although the form has changed: Faust is back.

A furious melee ensues. The orcs are tough, and just outside of the tower doorway the party has their hands full. Isuld, following the lead of her dead mentor, charges to face Faust and his henchorcs mano-y-mucho. She is surrounded, and things look grim. But once Faust takes a blast from his former wand o' lightning, he realizes Tisha is the woman he really wants to kill.

And he would have, but Isuld (who hasn't hit him yet,) crits him with her attack of opportunity as he charges Tisha. The party is victorious, Faust is slain, and no PCs died. It's a good day. During the fight, one of the men-at-arms, Ywain, (known as Urin), is so heroic, that he spontaneously gains a class: Urin becomes a first-level Fighter.

When the Animating Spirit leaves the body of Faust, the PCs see his true form: some sort of black-skinned humanoid with small horns and white hair, scaly skin and red eyes. A demon, to be sure. The orcs all wear holy symbols of Iuz.

Flushed with their revenge on Faust, the party troops back through the secret entrance. They find a nasty room filled with statues of monsters that start coming to life. The party fights a Gauth Beholder who promptly feebleminds Lucius and bites off the head of Isuld, trapping the party in the entrance corridor and blasting them with alternating lightning bolts and cones of cold. The party finally defeats the beast only to see a manticore and a gargoyle animate. The party decides to run, and leave the statues of a fire giant, a wight, a lich, a chasmae, and a werewolf alone. Fortunately, Lucius' feeblemind was not permanent, and despite the drool stains on his favorite adventuring shirt, he is none the worse for wear. Isuld's decapitation, however, is permanent, and a shrine is raised for her in Kelanen's Rest, the Inn now owned by Heydricus.

The party changes their minds about the wisdom of using 'the back door', and Lucius suggests that they should fence the art objects (using a reliable source he knows) and try to find a buyer for the piles of weapons and armor taken from the battles in the moathouse and temple.

"When it comes to dirty-deals, dirty dealers come to Knulb".

While not a slogan promoted by the Knulb Chamber of Commerce, it pretty well sums up the place. Lucius facilitates the sale of dungeon treasure through the Nine Sisters, but when it comes time to sell weapons and armor, he decides to go through other avenues. A contact by the name of Locke in the Thieves' Guild arranges a meeting with a buyer.

The buy takes place at the Waterside Inn, a den of iniquity if one ever was the backdrop for a D&D encounter. Lucius and Heydricus sit alone, acting as the representatives for the rest of the party, who are surreptitiously drinking around a table on the balcony.

Lucius smells a set-up, so he begins to bribe any of the Inn's patrons who look like they can fight. He promises each of them 100gp to join the PCs if a fight should occur, and drinks on him for the rest of the evening if one doesn't. He convinces a round dozen blackhearts, scoundrels, drunks and ne'er-do-wells to join the cause.

The buyer shows up with a couple of heavily armored knight-types trying to look inconspicuous, yet still cover the room. Who should the buyer be but Sir Willam himself! Lucius negotiates in good faith, but tells Willam that he will have to discuss the price with the rest of his group. Willam, of course, remembers Heydricus from Hommlet.

The PCs have a brief debate about whether to sell Willam the arms, call the deal off, or try to arrest the fugitive Knight in the name of Lord Henri. Lucius votes for killing him. Heydricus confronts Sir Willam and orders him to lay down his arms and surrender to the rightful authority of Lord Henri. Sir Willam calmly replies that Heydricus and the party are no match for him, and they will either finish the deal, or die. Lucius believes him.

To no one's surprise, the stare-down ends in a bloody melee. Sir Willam and his two bodyguards do indeed prove to be heavily armed and armored. To add to the danger, the rogues hired to help the party split 50/50 as to which side they're on! And worst of all, the owner of the Waterside, Dick Rentch (! Hey, that's his name - - it's in the module), and his Thieves' Guild members posing as bar workers jump in against the PCs!

The resulting bar-brawl is long, drawn out, and deadly. Locke backstabs Lucius, mortally wounding him and somewhat unnecessarily promising the dying PC: "You'll never work in this town again!" Only healing magic keeps Lucius from death's door. The hired bar patrons do not fare so well, however, and die to the last man. The Guild Members flee, but Sir Willam and his men are not so lucky. As Sir Willam's mortal remains melt into a puddle of foul, acidic ooze, his demonic nature reveals itself. (Sir Willam was a maurezhi Tanar'rai, as well as a 7th level fighter, and he was protected by a 4th level fighter and 2 3rd level fighters, plus a half-dozen Rogues of indefinite levels.) The party was very lucky to prevail.

Illustration:Locke backstabs Lucius, mortally wounding him and somewhat unnecessarily promising the dying PC: "You'll never work in this town again!"

edit: added Keriann's portrait
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Original Character Portraits for the TOEE2

I forgot that I already have character portraits for several of the TOEE2 characters online. When the character's name is first mentioned, I will link to the appropriate page. I made the portraits directly onto the character sheet as the game progressed. Then the character would die, I'd roll up a new one, and do another drawing.

Little Leaf, noone's favorite xenophobe.

Tisha, doomed to die for being Way To Cool.

Keriann Croller, a respectable nun definately not named after filthy dungeon vermin.
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First Post
Hammerhead said:
Lucius was so cool. Farewell, Lucius. :-(

Among the many dead, especially in the _______ where he ______ and the elves __________.

So it's obvious I shouldn't get too attached to any one character in this story hour.

Only healing magic keeps Lucius from death's door.
This means he's still alive for a little while longer.

I appreciate the background on Lucius though.


First Post
Re: Chapter 4-- WTF, nobody dies?

(contact) said:
Four: To the Darkest Ground Comes a Light.
(or, "Say hello to my little friend!")

Unfortunately, these men's levels totaled equal Little-Leaf's charisma bonus: zero. But hey, warm bodies . . .

Please more!!! I can't stop laughing and reading!!!

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