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Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil

((Sorry for the delay...still not actually home and not all my books are with me.))

As Krog and Hedwan carefully move along the winding muddy path between the bogs and reeds, they notice something stirring off to the left. Its slight, and would have been easy to miss if not for the soft swishing noise that accompanied it.

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For a moment, it looked as if the reeds had only been disturbed by a soft breeze. This was soon proved to be wrong, as a large, greenish shape emerged out of the marsh-water. It was hard to tell what the thing was until two large, yellow eyes opened and locked onto Krog. The creature hopped out of the marsh and up to the edge of the muddied path that they walked on, opening a mouth that could swallow Hedwan whole. In fact, the entire creature was nearly the size of Krog.

Redithidoor yelped and nearly tripped over his own feet, but Chatrilon ignored him and grumbled, "Damned frogs are all over this place. Unfriendly things."

((Going to initiative. Already rolled it but lost the post it was on somehow, so here's the order without the details:

Hedwan, Krog, Jerrick, Tanya, Chatrilon, Redithidoor, then the Frog.

I'll be running both Jerrick and Tanya as NPCs, seeing as both the players haven't been around since mid December. I'll work on getting some alternates in once I get home(Sunday). I've attached a map, hopefully you can figure things out. The lines mark out the path through the marsh itself. So...actions?


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Already having a bead on the creature, Hedwan snaps a shot off and then takes a step back.

[firing crossbow; +5 ranged (1d6 dmg), move to g10]


First Post
Krog already holding his bow will fire twice at the creature (rapid shot) and move to protect Hewan from a potential charge(5 foot step)

OOC Comp LBow(str+4) +6 or +4/+4(rapid shot) 1d8+4 20x3 110ft

((Hedwan's crossbow shot is an 8. Misses.))

The crossbow bolt goes high, shooting off over the bulbous frog and digging into a tree off in the marsh waters.

((Krog's first shot is an 18. Hits and deals 6 damage. His second shot is a 15. Another hit, dealing 8 more damage.))

Both of Krog's arrows hit hard, getting loud croaks of pain from the creature as the arrows sink into it. Quickly, and without a word, Jerrick positions himself on the edge of the path, another to keep the large frog where it is. Standing just at the edge of the marsh waters, the Paladin delivered a quick, downward kick towards the head of the creature.

((Jerrick's attack is a 17. He hits and it deals 6 more damage.))

The kick hit just between the two large eyes, forcing the large frog down slightly with another loud croak. Tanya, on the other hand, stayed back for the moment. She moved next to Hedwan, then reached over to motion towards the frog. Her animal companion caught on, the wolf diving forward and into the thick waters, biting at the frog as it landed.

((Wolf's attack is a 5. Miss.))

The waters were the only victim of the wolf's bite, a thick splashing from the water popping up. Drawing a well craft rapier, Chatrilon took a few quick steps next to Jerrick. He did not, however, attempt a strike at the creature. It was obvious to both Krog and Hedwan that the man was instead doing a very good job at putting himself in a defensive position without actually having to dive in on his own.

Redithidoor, however, seemed to look wide eyed and exilerated by the sudden rush of combat. There was an odd grin on his face as he drew the large longbow off of his back and took a few steps foward. In an awkward few movements, he knocked an arrow and let it loose over the head of the wolf and just a little too close to Chatrilon.

((His attack is a natural 1.))

The young minstrel was probably a little too excited, though, as his arow went high and wide, nearly taking off Chatrilon's head in the process. That didn't seem to please the other man, who shot a hard glare over his shoulder and looked about ready to jump the younger Elf in a moment.

There wasn't time to act, however, as the frog croaked once more and pounced up out of the thick water at Jerrick. Its wide mouth opened, and the gigantic amphibian chomped down towards the Paladin's leg.

((Attack is a 26. Possible critical...confirmed. Jerrick takes 34 damage.))

The mouth bit down hard, catching Jerrick's leg and part of his torso in the process. The surprise came when he felt sharp teeth digging deep into him, and he couldn't help a loud yelp of pain.

((Whew...that's round 1. No new map yet, as not all that much has changed.))


Obviously Jerrick got the brunt of that poor beasts anger, whatever the case Hedwan pulled the string back on the crossbow and loaded another bolt training it on the beast, and pauses to look at the creature, "Krog, get Jerrick out of there would you? I don't think he likes it very much, and I don't it'd be good if I shot at the frog with him in that position."
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First Post
Krog drop his bow, grabs his Greatsword and charges on the amphibian (OOC assuming he is less than 40')He shouts "Lit up the BBQ, we have frog legs tonight" Krog looks at the frog as if it were a roasting chicken ready to be eat, drool driping from his mouth

OOC Greatsword+1 +9(+9+2charge-2PA) 2d6+11(+7+4PA) 19-20x2
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((There isn't a straight line for Krog to charge in(now I think I should have posted that map last time...), and only one square to move anyway. Krog's attack is a 9. It misses.))

As Hedwan speaks, Krog takes a heavy step forward with his shout and a strong swing of his sword. But the sword falls right next to the slimy frog, which hops to the side just enough to send Krog's blade down into the murky 'water'.

((Jerrick sticks his ground and attacks again. His swing is a 10. Another miss.))

Determined and somehow ignoring the pain wracking his body, Jerrick takes a small step forward and plants his injured foot. He ignores even more pain as his body kicks out at the large creature, but his depth perception fails him and the kick goes just over the frog's head. With the miss, he can't help but feel a bit more dizzy.

Seeing the danger of the situation, but not feeling able to assist with all of the others surrounding the large frog, Tanya stays back. Her scimitar is drawn, though, and she has a quick look around to make sure there isn't another of the creatures behind them. Her wolf, however, attempts another strong bite, diving through the muckish water at the frog again.

((Wolf's attack is a 7. Misses.))

For the second time, the wolf got a good taste of the marsh water. Chatrilon gave a quick glance to Hedwan and Tanya, an odd look in the man's eyes, but quickly moved around to the other side of Krog. Almost lazily, he jabbed out with his rapier.

((His attack is a 13. Miss. Redithidoor's attack is a 12. Yet another miss.))

Still staying his ground, the nervous looking Redithidoor nocked another arrow and loosed it at the frog. This arrow was much more carefully placed, and didn't nearly kill an ally. At the same time, though, it didn't hit the frog, shooting over it and falling off out of sight.

Another croak, and the frog pounced at the already injured Jerrick. Its large mouth opened for a second time, and it attempted to go for his other leg.

((Frog's attack is a 17. Barely hits. Jerrick takes 18 damage. That brings him to -12hp. He's dead.))

The large jaws bit down hard, taking the leg and dragging the Paladin in a little before chomping a second time. The second bite was up at Jerrick's torso, and there was a sharp, anguished grunt from him before his body went limp and was dropped back to the ground. The frog's two eyes watched its new meal for a moment, but then turned to the other troubles all around it, croaking a second time almost in a challenge.

((One more round down...))

Voidrunner's Codex

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