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Rhun's Greyhawk OMEGA OOC Thread (ToEE) - ATTENTION PLAYERS!

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First Post
Honestly, I had thought that one was a Wand of Cure Light Wounds...and it still has its charges left. Let me do a little little IC research and see what is going on there.

Okay, it really is a Wand of Lesser Vigor with 43 charges left. So if you want to make the new one a Wand of Cure Light Wounds (1d8+1, re-roll all 1s), you are more than welcome to do that.

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
I'n not familiar with Trailblazer. And yes, PH2 is in play. As are all the completes.

Excellent. I've got a couple ideas. Once I get home I can start to fiddle to see if they're good ideas.

For your clicking pleasure: Trailblazer.

Here's one of those ideas:

[sblock=Bellus Mughandle]
Bellus isn't the kind of dwarf you want to bring home to mother, unless your mother's into protection rackets, fencing stolen goods, and sometimes breaking a leg or two. Among the urchins and gangs of Greyhawk City, Bellus is a known face, a low-level enforcer and troubleshooter. It's a rough life, but the perks make it worthwhile. Bellus might live in the lower-class quarter, but he doesn't live like it. He eats well, drinks well, has his pick of the ladies (especially when he's got the coin to spend), and more than few wannabe hoodlums look up to him as someone who's paid his dues and made good.

One of those wannabes is Mick Silverblade, a scrawny half-elf with a smart mouth and a light touch. Bellus hasn't heard from Mick in a while, and the grizzled dwarf got curious. (Not worried, mind you; just curious.) Mick's mother hadn't seen the lad in days. Bellus asked around and found out that Mick left Greyhawk City for the Hommlet-Nulb area, drawn by rumors of a gang paying easy gold for ready blades.

"Oh, I don't like the sound of that," Mick's mother said. "Ya gotta fetch him back, Bellus. Ya just gotta. He'll lis'n to ya."

Bellus promised Momma Silverblade that he'd see what he could do, and when Bellus Mughandle makes a promise, he keeps a promise.
[sblock=Stat Block]
Rogue 4; XP 7350
58-year-old male dwarf; Alignment & Type N Medium Humanoid (dwarf)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Listen +6, Spot +6
Language Common, Dwarven, Orc, Undercommon
AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4 armor), touch 12, flat-footed 16; +4 dodge bonus vs. giants, uncanny dodge
hp 30 (4 HD)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4; +2 vs. poisons, +2 vs. spells and spell-like abilities, evasion, trap sense +1
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee masterwork morningstar +6 (1d8+3/x2), or
Melee masterwork morningstar +3 (1d8+9/x2 plus Intimidate check +11), or
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +6 (1d8/19-20, x2; range increment 80 ft.), or
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +6 (1d8+1 plus 1d6 electricity/19-20, x2; range increment 80 ft.)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +3; Grp +5; +4 to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground
Atk Options +1 attack rolls vs. goblinoids and orcs
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 12
SQ trapfinding
Feats Intimidating Strike (B), Power Attack (B), Open Minded (x2), Rapid Reload (B)
Skills (Ranks) Appraise +2 (+4 related to stone or metal), Bluff +6 (5), Climb +9 (7), Craft +2 (+4 related to stone or metal), Diplomacy +5 (0), Disable Device +9 (7), Gather Information +8 (5), Hide +8 (6), Intimidate +8 (5), Knowledge (local) +7 (5), Listen +6 (4), Move Silently +8 (6), Open Lock +9 (7), Search +9 (+11 related to unusual stonework) (7), Sense Motive +7 (5), Spot +6 (4), Use Magic Device +8 (7)
Possessions +1 studded leather, +1 shock crossbow bolts (x10), cloak of resistance +1, elixir of hiding, elixir of sneaking, potion of cure moderate wounds, masterwork morningstar, masterwork light crossbow, +112 gp
Stonecunning: Notice unusual stonework within 10 ft. and intuit depth underground.

Variant Rogue: Gain bonus feats as fighter. No sneak attack.
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Okay, it really is a Wand of Lesser Vigor with 43 charges left. So if you want to make the new one a Wand of Cure Light Wounds (1d8+1, re-roll all 1s), you are more than welcome to do that.
Since it is a group purchase, I want group input.

What do you guys think? Dichotomy had a wand of lesser vigor with 43 remaining charges on it. We just bought a second wand of lesser vigor (fully charged). We can keep both wands, ask Rhun to forgo the purchase of the new wand (in which case I'm assuming we'd get our gold back), or exchange the new wand for something different (Rhun mentioned a wand of cure light).



If we've got a Wand of Lesser Vigor, then a Wand of Cure Light makes a lot of sense.

By the way, I just determined I have the gold for a Wand of Seeking Ray, if I'm allowed to purchase (not craft) one.


First Post
By the way, I just determined I have the gold for a Wand of Seeking Ray, if I'm allowed to purchase (not craft) one.

Let me think about it...this is a small village, after-all. Not some large city with a wizard's guild and Ye Olde Magik Shoppe. :) I want to be fair and not limit your purchases too much, but at the same time I want to make sure everything and the kitchen sink isn't available either.


Let me think about it...this is a small village, after-all. Not some large city with a wizard's guild and Ye Olde Magik Shoppe. :) I want to be fair and not limit your purchases too much, but at the same time I want to make sure everything and the kitchen sink isn't available either.

Steal Pathfinder's magic item market idea and give a set chance for things within a certain price range to be available with 100% for common cheap things at a lower gp threshold. This means we might be able to buy any random cool thing that catches our player eye, or not.


Since it is a group purchase, I want group input.

What do you guys think? Dichotomy had a wand of lesser vigor with 43 remaining charges on it. We just bought a second wand of lesser vigor (fully charged). We can keep both wands, ask Rhun to forgo the purchase of the new wand (in which case I'm assuming we'd get our gold back), or exchange the new wand for something different (Rhun mentioned a wand of cure light).


I say keep the second. I expect to go through charges like drink boxes in the temple and efficient out of combat healing is the way to go.

Aeron has his own more powerful spontaneous cures for emergency in combat use.

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
I'll check the stats over a bit later, probably tonight sometime. You're using the Martial Rogue variant, right?

Cool. No guarantees on my math's accuracy. I was absolutely zonked last night. And, I guess it's called the "Martial Rogue variant". I included the link with the stat block.


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