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(RP) Transformers: Robots in Disguise!


First Post
“You have to leave, Optimus.” the soft voice of Elita One rings in the Autobot leader’s auditory receptors, “We’ve been betrayed, you have to go now. Megatron is coming.”

Optimus Prime watches Elita One for a long moment. She turns away from him, head down. “Come with us.” Optimus Prime says to her, reaching out and touching her shoulder.

“I can’t.” Elita One says, turning back to him and embracing him. “You know I can’t.”

“But Cybertron is over run by the Decepticons.” Prime cuts her off.

“I know; that’s why I have to stay. I have to help everyone evacuate, get them at least to one of the moons.” Elita One replies.

“I should stay…” Optimus starts before Elita One cuts him off.

“NO! You have to go. If Megatron kills you… if he gets the Matrix… there’ll be no hope for us… for anyone.” She says, her vocal synthesizers rising in controlled panic.

“I know. But… It feels cowardly… I feel…” Prime begins again when a sudden explosion from far off hits and echoes down the corridor toward Prime and Elita. The two stand there for a moment, looks of shock on their mechanical faces.

“Oh no… He’s here!” Elita one says in fear. She turns to Optimus Prime, “RUN! GET TO THE ARK!”

Optimus Prime turns and rushes down the hall as more explosions hit, getting closer and closer. Soon, each blast is followed by screams and cries for help. A cold, gravelly laugh echoes in Optimus Prime’s audio receptors, a sound he can never forget. Megatron!

Prime burst through an archway into a very large conference hall that was once used as the Autobot Senate chambers. In the center of the room is the nose of massive space ship that fills over half of the chamber. Temporary flooring is placed around the nose of the great space ship to allow workers to do their jobs while covering the mile deep silo where the Ark was built. Optimus Prime himself dubbed the great spaceship “The Ark”, stating that through it the old age of Autobot oppression would be ended, bringing new life to all who wish to make Cybertron their home. With the Ark, Optimus Prime and his selected Autobot warriors would not only find a haven from the Evil Megatron, but also search the galaxy to find a new source of energon to revive the dying planet. Prime didn’t have time to admire the sleek lines of the ship.

“OPTIMUS!!!” Yells Ironhide from the ramp of the starship. “GET OVER HERE, PRIME! WE’VE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!”

Prime runs to the ship as a dozen Autobots run around trying to prep the ship for takeoff. Yet another massive explosion hits, but this time in the senate chamber itself. Sparks and smoke fill the room and chunks of steel crash to the ground. A menacing, devilish voice fills the room.

“End of the line, Prime. Surrender to me now or I’ll kill every Autobot on Cybertron!” Through the smoky haze, the glowing eyes of Megatron shine like beacons as Energon power flows through his body. “All this hiding is really very unbecoming of a leader.”

“DON’T LISTEN TO HIM, PRIME!” Ironhide shouts, getting up from the ground after the explosion.

For his answer, Optimus Prime levels his blaster rifle at Megatron and sends a burst into the smoke. “Everyone onto the Ark!” Optimus Prime orders.

Out of the billowing smoke flies Crowbar, an Autobot engineer. Crowbar hits the ground and slides to the base of the ramp, no light of life showing from his optic receptors. As Prime runs to the ramp, a massive blast strikes him in the side, knocking him back and across the room, into the far wall. Out of the smoke strides Megatron flanked by the dangerous Soundwave and Shockwave. Megatron’s arm cannon is still smoking from the blast that terminated Crowbar. All 3 Decepticons begin firing at Prime who quickly takes cover behind one of the large columns that ring the senate chamber.

“Enough of this.” Megatron growls and begins to transform into a nasty looking anti-matter blaster, flying up into the air as he transforms to Soundwave’s waiting hand. But just as Soundwave levels the Megatron gun at Optimus Prime’s hiding place, a hail of laser fire comes from the ramp of the Ark knocking Soundwave off of his feet. Shockwave turns and fires his arm cannon at the Ark, ripping a small hole just above the open access way where Ironhide, Hound, Jazz, Prowl and Jackknife lay down cover fire.

“Come on, Prime! We’ll hold ‘em down!” Shouts Ironhide.

Optimus Prime fires several more shots from his cover at Shockwave. The large cannon turns and fires back at Prime as an Autobot named Plow dives into Shockwave’s back, staggering the huge Decepticon.

“Laserbeak, Ravage, Rumble; Attack!” Soundwave’s monotone rumble rings out as the communications robot’s central compartment opens to release the three tiny but effective Decepticons. Ravage immediately transforms and attacks Plow, pulling the Autobot off of Shockwave. Laserbeak swoops toward the Ark, laying down a barrage of laser fire, making the Autobots step back for cover before swooping over the top of the great ship and out of sight.

Megatron transforms back to primary form while Soundwave gets to his feet. Soundwave and Megatron start firing at Optimus Prime, who again ducks behind his cover. But their barrage of fire comes to a halt when Phoenix, from under cover, fires his Advanced Automatic Blaster Carbine into the duo’s backs. Both turn and fire but have no chance of hitting the sniper who is too well hidden for the large Decepticons to see. Ravage leaves Plow and races toward Phoenix’s hiding place as Laserbeak swoops back around, relaying a video uplink to Ravage and Soundwave so they both can see the hidden Autobot.

Jackknife uses his powerful pinpoint transmission system to send a message to Bumblebee on the Ark’s bridge to fire up the engines. He then sends a message to Phoenix and Prime, “The Aerialbots are overrun by the Decepticon Jets. We have to leave now or they’ll be able to shoot us down before we get to save Hyperspace Jump range. Get to the Ark now!”

Plow quickly transforms into his track based debris sweeper form and upends all three Decepticons. Optimus seizes the moment and runs for the Ark. Phoenix sees this chance as well and with Laserbeak bearing down on him, he leaps from his hiding place and dashes toward the Ark.

“Cover fire, now!” Orders Jackknife and Jazz, Ironhide, Hound, and Prowl happily obey. Plow transforms back and leaps onto Megatron. Elita One, Kup, Springer and Blur appear at a side entrance and begin firing from the hall at the three Decepticons as Ravage leaps onto Phoenix’s back, taking the red hover-speedster down as he was about to transform. Blur, in a flurry of motion, races out and kicks Ravage off before Phoenix even hits the ground.

“Go go go!” the insanely fast vocal module of Blur says. By the time he is done with the sentence, Blur is already side by side with Plow, punching Megatron.

The hover-speedster transforms and speeds toward the Ark’s ramp.

“Look out!” Elita One cries as Shockwave sits up and blasts Plow in the head with his wave cannon. Blur was gone before Elita One could finish the sentence.

Megatron and Soundwave get to their feet and fire at Optimus Prime as he dives for the door of the Ark. Ironhide drops his blaster pistol to pull Prime inside. A second later, Phoenix roars up the ramp and transforms as the Autobots blast away at Laserbeak who was trailing him. Laserbeak quickly veers off and again disappears to the other side of the Ark.

Powerful Energon Converters are roaring with life deep within the heart of The Ark as the ramp door begins to swing shut. “What about Springer and Kup, they were supposed to come with us?”

“There’s no time.” Optimus Prime says sadly.

Megatron quickly transforms and flies into Soundwave’s hand again. The communications specialist aims at the quickly closing door when Elita One dives at them.

“NO!” She cries. Soundwave turns and fires Megatron at pointblank range into the body of Elita One. She flies back to hit the wall as the ramp on the Ark closes and locks into place. All of the Autobots cry out but there is nothing they can do as the Arc slowly begins to lift out of its nesting place.

Soundwave turns and begins firing Megatron into the hull of the great Autobot ship as it slowly rises out of the senate hall and into the Cybertron sky. A minute later, Megatron is again standing beside Soundwave and Shockwave. The Autobot resistance has retreated.

“Curse you, Optimus Prime!” Megatron roars into the Cybertronian sky as the Ark streaks off into space.

“You let him get away, dear leader.” Comes the high, mechanical voice of Starscream as he swoops down into the old Autobot Senate.

“Shut up, Starscream!” Megatron retorts. Turning to his aids, he says, “Soundwave, send Laserbeak to deliver a message to Omegacon. Tell him to prepare to chase after the Autobots in Hyperspace. Then you and Starscream gather as many of our forces as you can. Shockwave, you are in charge until I return… NOW GO!”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Ark streaks through the sky with a dozen Decepticon Fighters chasing after it.

“Man the cannons!” Optimus Prime orders and Autobots rush to obey. Skywarp, Thrust and Ramjet move up along side of the great ship. As a laser cannon bears down on Skywarp, he suddenly teleports to the other side of the ship where he makes a strafing run. Thrust whips around to the top of the ship, shooting at the laser cannon defenses while Ramjet just crashes into the side of the Ark. The fighter penetrates the hull to find Jackknife waiting with his big flamethrowers. Ramjet tumbles out of the sky, smoking.

Dirge comes up strong from the aft, firing into the large engines. Phoenix and Sunstreaker, manning the aft cannons, fire relentlessly at the fighter.

“Bumblebee to aft cannons… hey guys… the engines can’t take much more of this.”

“Why didn’t you say something sooner?” Sunstreaker replies. He and Phoenix nod to each other and take close aim. Both of their next shots hit, sending Dirge into a tailspin.

“Bumblebee to all Autobots. We’ve cleared to safe Jump range. Prepare for Hyperspace.”

Jazz, firing at Thrust scores a nasty shot not even half a second before the Ark streaks into Hyperspace.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Inside the Ark bridge, Optimus Prime sits with Bumblebee, Hound, Trailbreaker, Bushido and Jazz.

“We sure gave those Deceptibums the slip.” Jazz’s mechanical “blues singer” voice rings out, happily.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that… LOOK!” Bumblebee replies, pointing at the Ark’s radar display.

“I’d bet my transistors that that is Omegacon bringing those Decepticreeps right to us.” Trailbreaker says.

Bushido stands. “Then they shall find us ready!”

“Optimus,” Starts Bumblebee, “if Omegacon catches us and transforms, we’re sitting ducks!”

“Not at trans-light speeds, Bumblebee.” Prime replies, standing up as well. “He can’t travel at these speeds in his primary form.”

“Should we organize a ‘welcoming committee’ for them?” Jazz asks, sarcastically.

“Sound the alarms.” Orders Optimus Prime and everyone but Bumblebee leave the bridge.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Klaxons sound out throughout The Ark. Autobots rush about, preparing for battle. Suddenly, there is an explosion and smoke fills the ship. Through a rip in the hull of the Ark, dozens of Decepticons pour into the ship, firing at will. Autobots and Decepticons take up positions and exchange a hail of laser fire.

Megatron enters.

The blasts from the mighty cannon soon put the Autobots on the defensive and they begin to retreat, putting Trailbreaker, Windcharger and Prowl down. But suddenly, Optimus Prime bursts through a door into the cargo bay leaping at Megatron. The Decepticon leader, shocked, fires a wide shot that misses the Autobot leader. Prime brings his arm to bear wielding Bushido, the Autobot Energon Blade. With a massive strike, Megatron falls over, electrical wires exposed and arcing power over his body as he cries out in pain.

“You traitor, Bushido!” Cries Starscream as he fires several blasts that score their target, knocking the blade from Prime’s hand. Quickly, Bushido transforms as Prime brings his blaster rifle to bear on the Decepticon star fighter. But Starscream unleashes another volley of blaster fire that knocks Prime off of his feet. Bushido leaps at Starscream but the much larger Decepticon grabs him. “This is how we deal with traitors!” He roars.

“If I were to follow you, I’d be a traitor to everything I hold true!” Bushido roars back, kicking Starscream in the torso. Starscream throws Bushido into the nearest wall and raises his blasters. But before he can fire, Stickshift dives from across the room into Starscream, his hands glowing and cackling with Energon.

An explosion erupts when the Autobot Hovertruck touches the spacefighter and Starscream howls in pain from the overload energy of Stickshift. Optimus Prime gets to his feat as two more Decepticons jump onto him. Brawn grabs Thundercracker off of Prime and flings him across the room, throwing him through the wall and into the next compartment.

Bushido leaps into the air, transforms, and is caught by Stickshift. In one, swift motion, Stickshift swings Bushido at Starscream who barely moves. But the blade catches his wing, cleaving off a large chunk. At the same moment, Optimus Prime slams Impact to the ground and drives his fist into the Decepticon’s face. As he straightens up, he takes a monstrous blast from what could only be Megatron, knocking him across the bay and into the wall. Megatron, holding himself up from the ground, fires again and a third time at Optimus. “I’ll rip the matrix out of your charred chassis, Prime!”

Prime falls to the ground as the tiny Cliffjumper leaps onto Megatron’s back. The small red sports craft grabs Megatron’s head and begins slamming it into the floor plates of the ship. Soundwave strides purposefully up to Megatron and punts Cliffjumper off, sending him soaring across the room. Laserbeak is released and follows up on Cliffjumper with a half score of blaster fire.

“Look at what I found!” Rumbles the deep gravelly voice of Thundercracker from the other room. “The Autobot Positronic Personality Core Back-up storage unit!” The large blue fighter’s eyes flash evilly as he opens the door, revealing several dozen uniquely shaped, light-blue glowing personality cores. He raises his guns, laughing loudly when suddenly he is tackled from behind by Jackknife and Sideswipe.

“No way I’m letting you destroy these” Sideswipe cries as he fires his shoulder mounted missiles at Thundercracker after Jackknife throws him against the opposite wall.

“Omegacon to Megatron. Emergency.” Comes the audio message from the massive Decepticon Starcruiser, Omegacon. “We are fast approaching a small planet and a collision is immanent. Soundwave reports that the Ark’s engines are disabled and cannot avoid the crash. But we must evacuate now while I can still pull out.”

“Decepticons,” Megatron growls, wheezing from the deep cut from Bushido, “retreat.” Decepticons from all over begin flying toward exits to board Omegacon.

“A little something to remember us by… or rather, the other way around.” Megatron laughs as he takes aim and fires at the Positronic Personality Core Back-up storage unit. Jackknife, Ironhide, Sideswipe, Bushido, Stickshift, Hound, Prowl, and Brawn all try to dive in front of Megatron’s blast but are not quick enough. Another massive explosion comes from the storage unit as the Decepticons continue to evacuate.

“Bumblebee to Optimus Prime, come in Prime.” The voice of the small messenger hovercar comes over the ships intercom. “We are going to crash into this planet, there’s nothing I can do!”

Jackknife and the rest of the Autobots run over to Optimus Prime.

“Prime’s down, but he should be O.K.” Ratchet says.

“What do we do?” Comes Bumblebee’s voice again, much more worried now than before.

“Lock tractor beams onto Omegacon.” Jackknife orders.

“Tractors… what will that do?” Come Bumblebee again.

“Kill the Decepticons too.” Jackknife says, an ominous overtone in his voice as he turns and runs for the bridge.

A moment later, several Autobots are looking over Bumblebee’s shoulder at the image of their doom, growing more massive on the viewscreen by the second.

“The tractor beam is holding but will break when we hit the atmosphere.” Wheeljax explains.

“It will be too late by then.” Jackknife replies.

A system display screen springs to life, everyone looks at it.

“That is just Teletran 1 scanning this planet’s life-forms and cataloguing them for possible alternate forms.” Wheeljax explains. “It is an automated response when it detects various life-forms.”

“Damn…” Jackknife growls. “Why did this planet have to be inhabited.”

Each of the Autobots whispers an apology to the indigenous life of the planet as they enter its atmosphere, knowing that the impact of their ship will likely destroy every living thing.
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First Post
Part 2

64 million years later.
Mt. Saint Hilary, Oregon, USA.

“… and that all of the dinosaurs died 64 million years ago.” Explained Spike Witwicky to his father, David “Sparkplug” Witwicky.

“Woah!” Laughs Sparkplug, struggling to keep up as the young man bounds up the trail hiking trail. “You’re going too fast for me, son. How did they die?”

“Well, they say that the dinosaurs were all ready in decline but that a meteor hit the Earth, sending millions of tons of dust up into the atmosphere, cutting off the sun and causing the world to have an ice age.” Spike further explains. “The giant dinosaurs could not find enough food to feed themselves but the smaller lizards and mammals could, so they lived… WOAH!”

“Amazing, isn’t it, son?” Sparkplug says putting his hand on his teenaged son’s shoulder as the two of them stand looking at Mt. St. Hilary.

“Wow.” Was all the boy could say.

“My father used to take me up here camping all the time when I was a boy. The lake’s not far. I hope it is as good fishing as it was when I was your age.” Sparkplug smiles at his son.

But before they take even another step, the Earth starts to quake.

“Earthquake!” Sparkplug yells as father and son struggle to keep their feet, eyes looking around hoping no tree falls at them. A thunderous crash of a landslide is heard as the quaking ground steadies.

“Man, that must have been a big one. We better get back…” Sparkplug starts before getting cut off by the cry of his son.

“LOOK!” Spike shouts, pointing at the inactive volcano. Following his son’s gaze, Sparkplug looks at the mountain. A large amount of dust billows upwards into the sky from a rockslide down the face of the mountain. But where the rock was is now some kind of huge metal surface.

“What is that?” Sparkplug says in wonder.

“Looks like something huge buried under the volcano, dad.” Spike replies, excitement building within him.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Middle of the North Pacific Ocean.
Research Ship, Discovery.

“Do you understand the implications of this?” Says Aaron Trasker, a weasel-like man with round glasses and a greed that surpasses anyone Captain Hunter Jordan ever met.

“Yes, actually I do.” Replies Hunter patiently. “It means that we are not alone in this universe. Quite possibly the most significant discovery since the Atom bomb.”

Aaron looks at his watch. “They should be about to make the insertion within half an hour. We ought to get to the bridge.” Hunter says, feeling a bit anxious himself. How he’d have loved to be with the dive team as they enter an actual space ship from another world.

“No, no. I was looking to see how much longer before the media gets here.” Aaron replies.

“The media?” Hunter growls angrily. “You didn’t!”

“I did… someone had to!” Aaron says defiantly.

“Why?” Hunter asks, his anger growing.

“This is a significant discovery and the world should know!” Aaron replies, once again, with defiance.

“You shouldn’t have done this… We need to weigh the findings and release the information in a controlled fashion. Who knows what we'll find down there? Do you understand the kind of panic this might bring? Maybe there's nothing. Ever heard of Geraldo and Al Capone's secret vault?”

“Right!” Aaron replies, his voice dripping with sarcasm, “There is still a space ship down there. This is news.”

“No, it is you wanting to get your face plastered all over every TV in the world and getting your fifteen minutes of fame! This is MY ship! You do not do anything without my permission again!” Hunter thunders at the man before storming out of the room.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Four deep sea divers swim steadily around the curving metal plates to the side where a large fissure is opened, providing access to what is inside. After a dozen minutes they get to the opening and peer inside with their recording devices and flood lamps. They see plant-life… millions of years of growth. Cautiously they swim inside. They are amazed by the sheer size of the room they move into. Travis, the lead diver, estimates that what ever flew this ship could have been over 100 feet tall.

They keep swimming. They swim down a massive corridor until it opens up into a new room. Even covered in sea plants, it is easy to see that this room is some kind of control room with some kind of panel and view screen, 50 times larger than a man, taking up one side of the room.

The divers are amazed that there is no rust evident anywhere.

They swim slowly up to the panel, again amazed that the four dials are half the total size of a man. They look at the panel. It is covered in strange designs that appear to be a language of some kind. Travis turns his flood lamp around the room as the other three divers investigate the panel. His light follows a smooth wall surface that suddenly becomes a column with strange raised sections that form some kind of odd, erratic shape. As his light follows the contours, it finally falls on a very large metallic face. He starts and lets go of his light. It slowly sinks until it lands on the panel.

With the touch of the light to the panel, everything lights up. A loud voice echoes around them, speaking words that none of them can understand. “Primary Energon Core depleted. Must deactivate. Energy levels sufficient to send Energon pulse in attempt to reactivate vessels with less Energon requirements to find and replenish Energon reserves.

A light flashes throughout the room. Travis and the divers are scared out of their minds, not knowing what had just happened. Travis looks back to the robot face and freezes in terror… the eyes are glowing blue.

Skywarp steps forward, wondering what kind of planet he is on in which the air is a liquid. He sees four tiny creatures, roughly the shape of a Decepticon or Autobot but their energy signatures don’t match. A quick analysis shows that the creatures are made of an antiquate substance incapable of resisting even trivial damage. He assesses that what ever these creatures are, they are not useful in any way. He steps forward and swings his arm at them. They try to swim away but are horribly show and each of them turns into a small red spray that quickly dissolves into the rest of the liquid surrounding him.

But before destroying them, he had sensed a crude transmission and had pinpointed the source. Quickly, Skywarp leaves Omegacon to trace the signal. As he moves up, the liquid around him grows lighter, indicating thin atmospheric conditions in which solar energy is able to “light” the planet. Solar energy is useless. The radiation that it produces taints the capacity to draw Energon out of it… but planets such as this often have a great deal of resources from which Energon can be drawn.

As he swims up, his sensors indicate a very large vessel, like a scaled down Omegacon. Perhaps the pitifully weak creatures were some kind of investigative drone for it much like Laserbeak and Ravage are for Soundwave… though much less sophisticated.

Skywarp determines that there is nothing of value to the vessel except for a small ability to generate energy… energy that he can turn into Energon…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The warning lights flare on the bridge of the discovery. Two dozen reporters and cameramen excitedly give their reports… the thing… the giant robot was coming this way.

“Brace for impact!” Shouts Captain Jordan. The ship lurches as energy beams perforate the hull of the ship. The robot veers off and splashes out of the water. Then, it does something amazing as the deck hands look on in fright… it… changes into some kind of spaceship looking fighter thing. The ship flies up then circles around, firing a laser barrage into the Discovery.

“You sure this won’t cause a panic around the world?” Hunter asks Aaron sarcastically.

Within moments, the ship is destroyed and the robot space fighter thing disappears beneath the waves. 32 survivors cling for dear life to floating bits of debris and hope that their emergency distress signal will be answered soon.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Throwing reason aside and giving into blazing curiosity, Sparkplug steps into the large gash in the side of the huge sheet of metal freshly exposed from the Earthquake.

“Hello?” He says into the darkness as he steps even further in, his son anxiously peering inside, wishing his father would let him go in too.

Sparkplug’s footfalls echo loudly upon the metal floor as if he is standing in a very large cavern. A couple more steps. Spike asks again, unsuccessfully, to come in. A couple more steps…

Suddenly the room is flooded with light, blinding the man for a moment. When his eyes adjust, his son is standing beside him.

“I thought I told you…” Sparkplug begins when he sees the look of absolute wonder on Spike’s face. He trails off as he turns his head and sees an enormous cavern, hundreds of feet tall and wide, covered completely in metal. But that is not what is so shocking. Laying not more than 30 feet from them is a gigantic, 65 foot long robot.

“Oh my god…” Sparkplug gasps. Spike runs forward to the robot to get a better look. “Hello? Anyone here? Who turned on the lights?”

“DAD! Look, there are dozens of them! All over. Look!” Spike says running past the huge, motionless robot and further into the room. Sparkplug follows after his son and indeed, there are dozens more of the robots, all lying motionless on the floor.

“What is this place, dad?” Spike asks anxiously.

“I… I don’t know…”

Running off ahead even further, Spike disappears around the shoulder of one of the large robots. Sparkplug is in too much shock and awe to call after him. Soon, Spike comes running back. “Dad, come and look at this!”

Sparkplug jogs after his son. When he rounds the shoulder, he sees Spike pointing at a strange glowing object about 3 feet in length, roughly rectangular in shape but with several irregularities. It pulses with energy. The two stare at it, wondering what it is.

“Species: Human. Language: English. Greetings.” Comes a mechanized voice, echoing softly from all around them. Spike and Sparkplug look around anxiously for the source of the voice. “I am Teletran 1.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Your optical sensors flash to life. You realize that you are in alternate form, but you feel strange. The last thing you remember was escaping from Cybertron. Everything is fuzzy after that… you had to do a Rapid Data Upload to your master Positronic Personality Matrix Core so the memories are vague at best. There was an attack… Megatron! Then… a planet… a crash… that’s it… the ship crashed into a planet… yes. You realize that the strangeness that you feel is because you have been repaired and reconfigured to match the indigenous life of the planet.

You transform.

As your head locks into place, you see Wheeljax and Ratchet in front of you.

“Welcome back!” They say to you in unison.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The conference room of the Ark is large but seems far too empty as Ratchet, Jackknife, Bushido, and Stickshift look up at Wheeljax standing before them.

“The good news is that we are alive, thanks to these two humans.” Wheeljax says, pointing to the two tiny humans standing on the conference table in front of Wheeljax. “This is Spike and Sparkplug of the planet Earth. We crash landed into this planet 4 million years ago, by our standards, 64 million years ago by the standards of this planet. Over the course of this time, the Ark became buried and was only recently discovered by Spike and Sparkplug after a quake knocked away several tons of rock and ground that had buried it. Teletran 1 made contact with the humans after they entered and was able to explain how install Ratchet’s Personality Matrix to reactivate him. He then reactivated me and then you three.

“The bad news is that most of our friends have sustained such significant damages that we will have to work very hard to get them up and functioning again. We need to build dozens of Positronic Personality Cores as most of them were destroyed by Megatron. Fortunately, nearly all of the masters survived. We chose to reactivate you three first for a couple of reasons. We only have enough supplies to repair damages to a limited number of autobots. The technology level of this planet is significantly below ours and it will prove difficult to get the usable materials that we need to get everyone functional again.

“Your scouting skills will be needed to help us get the resources that we need, Bushido, as well as you combat skills. Stickshift and Jackknife, we are afraid that you will be called upon too soon… The really bad news is that two days ago, a human deep see expedition somewhere in the north Pacific Ocean discovered Omegacon and the Decepticons. This planet’s many news sources inform that dozens of gigantic robots were discovered on board, inactive in much the same way we are. The humans were able to reactivate one of the robots and it killed them all. From the audio recording being transmitted to the expedition home ship, the Decepticon had to be Skywarp.

“I’m sure that the Decepticons will be facing similar problems as we are and will not be able to get everyone functioning right away, but soon they will be running unhindered over this planet looking for the resources that the need. This planet is extremely rich in raw energy that can be converted into Energon but the humans will be poorly equipped to deal with the power of even one Decepticon.”
Wheeljax looks down at the two humans standing in front of him.

Wheeljax continues. “We’ve uploaded the languages of this planet for each of us. The dominate language of the location that we are currently is English. Some how, we need to get the resources we need to effectively repair our friends and stop the Decepticons from doing the same. We have enough supplies to reactivate a couple more but most of us are down to our Master Core… if at all possible, we would like to not risk losing anyone while using their Master Core… if anyone of us is destroyed while the Positronic Personality Core Matrix is installed, we are gone forever, as you well know.”

“Who has functioning replacement Cores?” Stickshift asks.

“You three do, Me, but not Ratchet.”

“What about Optimus Prime?” Jackknife asks.

“He has a functioning replacement but he’s very damaged. As you know, Optimus Prime is a very sophisticated Autobot. Alpha Trion himself rebuilt Orion Pax into Optimus Prime and used technology that is beyond most of us. We just can’t repair him yet.” Wheeljax answers.

“What do we have to get?” Bushido asks.

“About a metric ton of the metal platinum, about 200 metric tons of Titanium, 40 kilograms of diamond and all the energon we can get without throwing the ecology of the planet off. We have to get these materials and stop the Decepticons from getting them.” Wheeljax says, looking at you with a very determined glow in his optic receptors.
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Bushido stretches his mechanical joints still somewhat uncomfortable in his new form

"Have you located a possible source area for any of these materials ? If we need them the Decepticons will also be looking for them. It would seem that immediately moving to their location would be the most efficient course of action, for both our resources and ensuring the Decpticons do not harm noncombatants."


Stickshift flexes his giant fingers outwards, then clenches them into a fist. His voice is a deep metallic rummbling that originates from his chest.

"Perhaps the Spike and the Sparkplug could tell us where to begin looking. Are these materials commonplace here? Will we be able to mine them for ourselves, or will the planet's reserves already be in someone's possesion?"


First Post
The Autobots turn to Sparkplug and Spike. The two humans appear a bit nervous at the sudden attention being drawn to them. But Spike realizes that the Autobots are showing them respect by including them into the discussion. "Well... I don't really know where to get that stuff. It is all very valuable here, especially the Diamonds. There are mines in South Africa but someone owns all of them. You could probably mine some somewhere else if you knew where to look" The young human says.

Spurred on by his son's bravery, Sparkplug says, "Platinum is a precious metal and exceptional for its conductivity. It is pretty rare and Gold, another precious metal, is used more often. Spike's right about the diamonds. If you knew where to look for them, you could mine both Platinum and Diamonds. But the Titanium... that is an alloy, made from other metals."

Wheeljax looks up at the three of you. "The titanium is not strong enough to match our cybertronian metal frames... but we can fold a dozen sheets together and press it down enough that it will be a close approximation of our metal alloy.

"We would only need a few tons of Cybertronian metal. I've already calculated what we can steel from the Ark without losing structural integrity. We have to be careful though, because there are a million tons of rock above us and if we make a mistake, the whole mountain will come down on us

"But, for now, the Titanium is the least important for repairs. We need about 20 kilograms of Platinum and 1 kilogram of Diamond per Positronic Personality Core to repair them. The extra platinum is needed for internal circuitry… but, maybe we can use this “gold” for that. Gold will not be sufficient for the Cores.

If we can't find a ready source of platinum and Diamond... I suppose I can program Teletran 1 to do geological studies of the planet to find deposits that we can mine.

"Wait a minute." Says Sparkplug, "I know where a naval shipyard is where they build battleships. They are bound to have military grade titanium there."

"How are we going to pay for all this stuff? I mean, we can't just take it, right?" Spike says.

"That is a good question, son." Replies Sparkplug.
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Stickshift grumbles thoughtfully at Spike's question.

"We are not thieves. If we cannot harvest these resources ourselves then we must either trade for them or hope for charity."

He turns to face the humans at that thought.

"What kind of reception can we expect from the peoples of this planet?"

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Jackknife: Autobot/Tracker Trailer (Soldier)

Jackknife remained silent as he looks down upon his fellow Autobots and their newfound friend, these humans. Though their where more serious thoughts to consider Jackknife couldn’t help but realize just how amazing small their new friends where, but he surmised that nearly everything was small to him.

Jackknife remained quite his own questions about the status of his fellow comrades and the dark thoughts of the Decepticons could wait, at least for a few minutes.
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First Post
Sparkplug looks at Stickshift and thinks for a moment. "Well... it's hard to say, really. Humans react so differently about so many things. But, with that Decepti-what ever killing those divers a few days ago, I think people might not be so receptive to you folks.

"It is all about PR!" Spike jumps in excitedly. "All we have to do is get the media on your side. Everyone loves giant robots!"

Sparkplug turns to his son. "Not when they are killing people and blowing things up... uh... no offense, guys... He says, looking back at the Autobots towering around him. "But, people on Earth are kind of suspicious of things they don't understand. And if there are bad versions of you running around, I'm betting most of us wont be able to tell the difference between you."

"Most distressing." Wheeljax says at the conclusion of Sparkplug's words.

"But dad, when they see the Autobots fighting the Decepticons, they'll know." Spike says, emphatically.

"I doubt it, son..." Replies Sparkplug sagely, as a man who's seen too much distrust in his days. But not wanting to crush the optimism of his young son, he pats Spike on the shoulder, smiles and says. "But we can still hope so."

Ratchet stands. "I've got a lot of work to do. I should be able to get Pheonix up and functional within the next hour or so. Please excuse me." The softspoke Ratchet then turns and strides purposfully from the room.
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"It might be in their best interest that they do not fully trust us, or at least myself, it would be difficult to tell me from others built for battle, and few of them share your honour. It would seem that trade, possibly through a third party, will be required, given Teltran-1's ability to detect resources more efficiently than it seems these people are, perhaps we can trade locations of large amounts of the natural resources and do we have anything on board which we could use to trade, that is not required against the Decepticons or likely to severely disrupt the economy of this planet ? "

(Directed at Sparkplug and Spike)

"Would those trades be acceptable ?
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First Post
"Well..." Begins Sparkplug uncertainly, I don't know anything about economy and what would disrupt... uh... it. But I do know that yer technology here is way beyond ours. There's no doubt that someone would pay plenty for it."

"But we have to be careful, don't we?" Spike jumps in, his youthful enthusiasm evident. "You know, like, 'Star Trek' and all? Right? Humans need to be ready for it and all?"

Sparkplug chuckles softly. "I don't know how true 'Star Trek' is..." He starts then trails off as he thinks, "but yeah, you might be right. It seems that whenever mankind takes a huge technological step forward, it is always used to hurt people... The Atom Bomb comes to mind. Still, I don't see how a lot of this technology could be used to hurt people. Supercomputers, Spaceflight, even those positronic dohicky things that are like our brains. There's plenty of things here that are not destructive."

Voidrunner's Codex

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