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RPG Crowdfunding News – Tanares, Stars Without Number, Down We Go, and more

This week I look at a sampling of the RPGs and gaming related projects on Kickstarter and GameFound. These projects end between September 14th to October 4th and include a game that is at seven-figures in funding and four games that are in the six-figure range.

This week I look at a sampling of the RPGs and gaming related projects on Kickstarter and GameFound. These projects end between September 14th to October 4th and include a game that is at seven-figures in funding and four games that are in the six-figure range.

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Tanares RPG – 5e from Dragori Games
  • END DATE: Thu, September 30 2021 8:00 PM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $249 + S/H the PDF and print versions of three books, a slipcase, GM screen, maps, and five packs of miniatures and cards
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? Another million dollar RPG Kickstarter, this one for 5e. Offering multiple sourcebooks, adventures, and miniatures, this campaign is set in a world where there are no armies, just powerful adventuring bands. Yours could be one of the most powerful groups in this world. From Ed Greenwood (Forgotten Realms), Bruce Nesmith (Design Director at Bethesda Game Studios), Amy Vorphal (Geek & Sundry, D&D for WotC), Robert Schwalb (Shadow of the Demon Lord), Shane Hensley (Pinnacle Entertainment), Jeff Grubb (TSR), and more, the three books on offer are the: Player’s Guide to Tanares with 8 new classes and more, Tanares Campaign Sourcebook with over 100 monsters and locations, and Adventure in the Realm of Madness with 300 pages of adventures for levels 3 to 12. Check out the campaign page for samples of the books.

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The Delver's Guide to Beast World: a 5e Supplement & Setting from Heartleaf Games
  • END DATE: Thu, September 30 2021 11:59 AM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $50 + S/H for PDF and print versions of the book
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? The first of this week’s six-figure 5e Kickstarters. In a world of anthropomorphic characters, you travel about in a decked out, customized wagon that lets you adventure in style. This sourcebook offers 24 species, 12 new subclasses, 5 homelands, customizable wagons, and more across over 300 pages. If you’re interested, there’s a preview available on the campaign page.

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Valda's Spire of Secrets: A Colossal Expansion for DnD 5E from Mage Hand Press
  • END DATE: Thu, September 30 2021 11:00 PM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $60 + $9 S/H in the US for the PDF and hardcover of the book
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? Another six-figure 5e Kickstarter. This project will create a book of 5e options to expand your game. This is all crunch including 10 new classes, 150 subclasses, 5 new ancestries, over 50 feats, 130 new spells, and more in 380 pages of content. Check out the campaign page for a free sample of the book.

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5e/PF2 Battlezoo Bestiary, Monster Hunting, Pirates, Dragons from Roll For Combat
  • END DATE: Fri, October 1 2021 11:30 PM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition and Pathfinder 2nd Edition
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $139 + S/H for the PDF and print of all three books in 5e or PF2e plus stickers and more
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? A six-figure 5e and Pathfinder 2e Kickstarter. The result of Roll For Combat’s edition of the 2020 RPG Superstar Contest, which used Pathfinder 2e rules. Taking the winning entries from that contest, this book offers those monsters for PF2e and D&D 5e. RPG Superstar is a great contest and I’m glad it continues to happen. It’s good to see the results come to fruition along with some other treats. As with the other higher dollar campaigns this week, check out the page for a sample of the book.

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Stars Without Number RPG: Offset Print Edition from Sine Nomine Publishing
  • END DATE: Thu, September 30 2021 11:59 PM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Stars Without Number
  • PROJECT TYPE: Core rulebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $80 + S/H for the PDF and hardcover of the book and an additional PDF
  • TRY BEFORE YOU BUY: Stars Without Number: Revised Edition (Free Version) is free at DriveThruRPG
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? Another six-figure RPG campaign and the last one I’m covering this week. This campaign will fund an off-set print run of Stars Without Number. This is the sci-fi RPG that offers ideas on ideas on ideas for space adventure across its 324 pages. Humanity made it to the stars. Then their connecting gateways failed. Centuries later, they’ve returned to space and you can join their adventures. Expect a nice, full-color book with endsheets, a ribbon bookmarker, and high-grade paper. If you’re looking for a beautiful physical version of this award-winning RPG, check out this campaign.

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The Curse of BloodStone Isle from Lostlorn Games
  • END DATE: Mon, October 4 2021 12:00 AM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $90 + S/H for the PDF and print versions of the books plus additional PDFs
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? Mark Rein-Hagen, creator of Vampire: the Masquerade, enters Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition with Lostlorn: The Curse of BloodStone Isle. With two books, Game Master Cyclopedia and Player’s Gazetteer, each over 200 pages, this project combines pirates, vampires, and aspects of Spelljammer. On an island traversing time and space, you face pirates and vampires with great wealth and the ingredients to immortality. This is the first product in the Lostlorn line (which has a pretty active community), so if you’re curious to check it out, head to the campaign page for a preview of the book.

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Ice & Dice Gaming Convention
  • END DATE: Fri, October 1 2021 6:31 AM EDT.
  • PROJECT TYPE: Tabletop gaming convention
  • DATES AND LOCATION: January 21st to 23rd at the Eastgate Holiday Inn & Suites in Cincinnati, Ohio
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $35 for the 3-day badge
  • PLEDGES OF INTEREST: $175 for the 3-day badge, Saturday VIP dinner, swag bag, t-shirt, an art print, and a World of Darkness session run by Storyteller designers. Among them, at $200, you can participate in a Vampire: the Masquerade game run by VtM creator, Mark Rein-Hagen
  • BACKGROUND: Mark Rein-Hagen created many notable games including Ars Magica, the World of Darkness, Vampire: the Masquerade, and Lostlorn that I mentioned above. In addition, Mark briefly worked on Vampire: the Masquerade Fifth Edition during its controversial genesis, an experience he discusses here
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? If you’re a fan of any of the World of Darkness games, this is the convention to attend. The “Dark Reunion” they’re hosting combines too many of the WoD designers to name. At the con, there will be WoD panels and games run by the designers. If you’re a Wraith, Werewolf, Mage, Changeling, Vampire, or general WoD fan, this is the convention to check out. In addition, there will be other great gaming publishers like Alan Bahr’s Gallant Knight Games, Lostlorn Games, Infinite Storm Studios, Storm Bunny Studios, Dark Naga Adventures, and many more. Between the guests, content, the cheap ticket and hotel room prices, this is a convention worth checking out. If you’re interested, the campaign page shares details about the gathering.

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Down We Go | Infinite Edition from Plus One Exp
  • END DATE: 9/24/2021, 9:00:00 PM
  • SYSTEM(S): An original system
  • PROJECT TYPE: Core rulebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $45 + S/H for the PDF and hardcover of the project plus a pamphlet adventure
  • NOTE: This campaign is available via GameFound
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? In this rules-lite RPG, you play as one of four character archetypes that blend class, skills, and stats. Using a combination of d20 and d6 dice, you can join the adventure with a system that is simple enough to be explained on a single sheet of paper. Characters play in a variety of single page dungeons and Infinopolis, a shifting city that changes every time players return from the wider world. If you’re looking for an old-school RPG with simple to understand rules, head over to GameFound and check this RPG out.
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SURVIVE THIS!! What Shadows Hide - Horror RPG 2 Book Combo from Bloat Games
  • END DATE: Tue, September 14 2021 10:28 AM EDT.
  • PROJECT TYPE: Core rulebook and sourcebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $44 + $10 US S/H for the PDF and print versions of both books
  • DISCLAIMER: I have freelanced for Bloat Games, but not on this project
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? Because there’s always room for easy to play, investigative horror. SURVIVE THIS!! What Shadows Hide offers two books, one a full core rulebook and a second book full of Mythos OSR. Using a d20, this RPG features player ancestries like doppelgangers, fairies, ghosts, reptilians, were-beasts, and more. If you’re a fan of Bloat Games’ SURVIVE THIS!! series (ZOMBIES!, DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS, and VIGILANTE CITY) or We Die Young, this adds Mythos and modern horror investigations to that line and should be a good time at your gaming table.

Egg Embry participates in the OneBookShelf Affiliate Program and is an Amazon Associate. These programs provide advertising fees by linking to DriveThruRPG and Amazon.

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Egg Embry

Egg Embry


Mister Garland's Runner
Sad to see my own Kickstarter not get a mention, but I understand that there's a lot going on in the gaming world.

After the successful funding and bang-on-time fulfilment of The Dee Sanction — the game of Elizabethan supernatural horror and investigation — I'm thrilled to bring six Adventures to print (now that we hit a stretch goal to add one to the original five) with new, original illustrations by Evlyn Moreau.

The Dee Sanction: Adventures — Print Edition
  • END DATE: 9/15/2021, 2:00:00 PM
  • SYSTEM(S): An original system
  • PROJECT TYPE: Adventure sourcebook


Questionable to some or not, it's a 5e RPG Kickstarter that meets the criteria of ending within the time period noted.
I was just pointing out that Red Dawn had already gotten a lot of press on this site.

Also, I doubt it is the only one that didn't make the list.

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