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RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

Hand of Vecna

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Archeville continues MacGyvering.

[sblock=OOC]Yup, planning to Jury-Rig, which'll take one round per pp of the Invention. Okay, in lieu of getting a reply to the Skill Challenges thing, I'll go with this:
Enhanced Feat 1 (Fascinate/Diplomacy), Enhanced Skills 4 (+16 to Diplomacy [+15 due to PL limits]). 5pp, 5 rounds to jury-rig, DC 20 Craft check to Jury-Rig.[/sblock]

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Jack quirks a smile at the sight of the man in red. “Aww... You must be the Crimson Crybaby. Want your bottle?” Jack strikes an arrogant pose and says “Oh, by the way... look out behind you!” before sending out another pulse of bio-kinetic energy. This one is aimed at creating a powerful sedative in the targets bloodstream, hopefully putting him to sleep or at least slowing him down.

[sblock=OOC] Using my move action to try to feint the target, then using my standard action to make him sleepy. If it hits, it is a DC20 fort save.
I will spend that Hero Point to stave off the fatigue from my mass paraylze.
Move Action Feint (Bluff Check) at Super Foe (1d20+10=12)
Biochem-Sedative (Fatigue) AoA5 at Supervillian (1d20+15=34)[/sblock]


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Zenji points his staff at the crimson-clad newcomer who seems to perfectly match the description of the super villain and unleashes a ray of red light to blind him!

Taken directly from my prior post:

Initiative: 10 (note that I forgot to put my +2 initiative modifer in when I made that roll but have added it here)

Attack roll: 30 (natural 20) Note that this might be a critical hit, though I'm not sure if dazzle can crit?


You're mostly right with the initative order. ;)
I will assume that Jones is before the vilain

Seeing everyone, except his friends, perfectly stationary Mr Jones reasons Jack must have stunned them all somehow; impressive but how long it would last. Not wanting to see a room filled with panicked hostages Jim sent out a calming aura, "Nothing to worry about just sit still and it will all be over soon."

Emotion control 10 - Calm to effect everyone who is paralysed, goons and hostages.

Please tell me if I am being overly process centric:

I think the above is a round 1 action
Then Zenji is stunned
ArchV works on his invention
Juggler: still to act
Jack: launches a fatigue attack
Jones: still to act
Zenji: launches a Dazzle attack
ArchV: Still to act

And of course all the bad guys get actions too. Not sure when, possibly after Jones. :>



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After Jack's comment, Simon sighs, and then begins to follow him in. Once inside, the Juggler pulls out a throwing knife, and launches it at the Crier. It strikes a smooth arc over the man's right shoulder, hits the wall, bounces and then heads for the Crier's arm.

[sblock=OOC]First roll, a 13, so spending a hero point, it becomes a 22. Ricochet Attack, Throwing Mastery. Toughness Save DC 23. And to make it clear, assuming the Juggler has that option, he's going for nonlethal damage.[/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC]I suspect that Crier is going to be displeased with us. Dazzle Crit, Fatigue hit, and a good chance of getting a knife in his arm. Sucks to be him. Now all we need is for his minion to be mind controlled and fill him or one of the paralyzed gunmen full of lead.

I'm having a good time thus far. [/sblock]

Hand of Vecna

First Post
[sblock=OOC]I'm having a great time, too :) . Archeville, on the other hand, is a tad disappointed he never got to see his Clever Plan play out. Maybe next time....[/sblock]

Archeville continues MacGyvering. He sees that Barrett, Jester, Zenji all seem intent on attacking the gunmen and/or Crier, and for a split-second he considers joining in, gun blazing... but then he remembers that he's far smarter than that. Even if his teammates can get Crier and the gunmen subdued, they'd still need to be questioned, and his kit-bashed infrasonic endorphin booster and adrenaline inhibitor could help him play "Good Cop" through the questioning. Assuming, of course, he would be allowed to question the crooks after this fiasco....

[sblock=OOC]Still going with jury-rigging (I personally prefer the term kit-bashing) the Enhanced Diplomacy invention. Round 2 of 5, I believe.[/sblock]


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Round 2

OOC: No problem rgordona, just helps me keep track better as well. This is just the tip of the iceburg, there's still more to come ^_^

Juggler's knife bounces expertly off the wall and smacks the Crimson clad villian in the shoulder, hilt first. The waves of biochemical energy don't seem to slow the villian down as he lets out a high pitched shriek, causing the windows of the building to rattle. Juggler and Jack manage to dodge the visible crimson colored waves of energy emenating from the criminal, Zenji however is not as lucky as everything suddenly goes very quiet....

Mr. Jones can feel the thoughts of those in the lobby calm down, but panicked thoughts eminate from the far left office door. The office door behind the heroes opens as another gunmen (armed with a machine gun) steps into the room confusion can be seen on the parts of his face not obscrured by the ski mask.

Despite his new handicap the Arcane Antiquarian hits the Crimson Crier directly with a blast of his powerful staff, but the Villian doesn't seem to be effected.

The thug with the the crier levels his weapon at the heroes, his eyes glancing over at the Criar as if waiting for the order to open fire.

Meanwhile outside Herr Doktor Archeville works rapidly to take apart the sirens and begins to patch them back together in a curious design that incorperates a bullhorn, the sirens and some chewing gum he found on the bottom of his shoe...

OOC: Actions for round three, Zenji is deafened and can make a Fortitude save next round to aleviate the effect. All three heroes in the bank notice the entrance of another gunman.


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The Juggler quickly lobs a Gum Ball at the Criar and his thug, then glances at Jack. "You get Mr. Machine Gun!" He backs away to a spot where he's got an adequate amount of cover...

[sblock=OOC]Attack result, 23.[/sblock]
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