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Rules/Crunch of Eyros


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Eyros NPC: Rrahask Sshasaar, Venerable Mother of the Kohl'Tass lizardfolk

Rrahask Sshasaar, Venerable Mother of the Kohl'Tass
Female lizardfolk druid 18
Medium Humanoid (Lizardfolk, Reptilian)
Hit Dice: 2d8+18d8+20 (110 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +14/+14
Attack: Claw +14 melee (1d4)
Full Attack: 2 claws +14 melee (1d4) and bite +12 melee (1d4),
or claw +14/+9/+4 melee (1d4)
Special Attacks: Spells
Special Qualities: Animal companion, a thousand faces, damage
reduction 15/magic and cold iron, fast healing 2, hold breath, nature sense,
perfect timeless body, resist nature's lure, reverant aura, timeless body,
trackless step, venom immunity, wild empathy, wild shape, woodland stride
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +16
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 21, Cha 18
Skills: Balance +5, Concentration +16/+20, Diplomacy +12, Handle
Animal +8, Heal +8, Jump +5, Knowledge (Nature) +20, Speak Language 9,
Spellcraft +16, Survival +8, Swim +6
Feats: Multiattack, Combat Casting, Leadership, Natural Spell,
Spell Penetration, Quicken Spell, Greater Spell Penetration
Environment: Temperate marshes
Organization: Solitary or procession (1 plus 1-4 lizardfolk druid
attendants plus 4-16 lizardfolk honor guards)
Challenge Rating: 19 (with full items; 16-17 without items)
Treasure: None (outside Kohl'Tass territory, 100% items instead)
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +1

Rrahask Sshasaar, draconic for "Venerable Mother", is leader of the Kohl'Tass
lizardfolk, an ancient druidess revered amongst the lizardfolk and considered
the most divine by Eyrians who venerate all Kohl'Tass. Though most folk
believe that the position of Venerable Mother is passed down the generations
amongst the Kohl'Tass, a few beings know Rrahask Sshasaar to simply be
immortal, though some of those remember her before immortality.

Rrahask Sshasaar is, like many druids, not particularly active in the world, but
rather a passive force maintaining peace and purity within the lizardfolk lands,
and trying to guide others towards a similar closeness with nature. Tales say
that in the past she has battled and diplomacized with demons and devas
alike, even dragons and nameless horrors, but mostly she has remained within
her homeland and occasionally wandered other lands. The Venerable Mother
keeps her immortality a secret from the world at large, and even her own
people only know that she is "very old," so only beings such as Taufenacht,
Thanatos, and their ilk likely know of her immortality.

Rrahask Sshasaar holds herself to the core of the druidic tradition and teaches
it amongst her people and others who will listen, so she is a strong proponent
for balance in the world and for the sanctity of nature. In the lands of her
people she wears no clothing or ornamentation, carries no weapons or tools,
and neither creates nor uses anything artificial. There she eats food raw,
plucked straight from the trees, the soil, or the flesh of a fresh kill. These are
the traditions of her people, in keeping with nature's ways. Outside the lands
of the Kohl'Tass, the Venerable Mother dons appropriate clothing and
ornamentation like the rest of her people, carrying various items of magical
or psionic importance from her collection, to protect and aid her as needed.
While traveling outside her homeland, Rrahask Sshasaar will eat the food
of other cultures and follow their customs, as she is a diplomat and advisor
at times to those who style themselves lords in nature's domain, and she will
not endanger her people nor dishonor them by behaving in ways these lords
would deem primitive. Nonetheless, there are limits to her politeness and
patience, and the Venerable Mother always has a purpose when she leaves
the Kohl'Tass wetlands around the Kohoal River delta.

Rrahask Sshasaar stands nearly 7 feet tall, despite being slightly hunched
with age, and her scales are all an alabaster white, as with her eyes and
leathery hide. Her tail is fairly long at 4 feet in length, and she weighs a
little over 200 pounds, fairly typical for a lizardfolk though a bit thin. In
appearance, if not for her odd coloration, she would be considered rather
beautiful by lizardfolk standards.

Rrahask Sshasaar is literate, and she speaks, reads, and writes Abyssal,
Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Druidic, Ignan, Kohl'Tass, Noble
Eyrosian, Sylvan, Terran, and Vulgar Eyrosian.

As an ancient and wise druidess who has contended with monarchs, fiends,
and celestials alike, Rrahask Sshasaar knows her enemies well and is very
well prepared for any eventual clashes with them. She wisely prefers to
have preparations ready beforehand to fight a foe on her own terms,
disabling or hampering an opponent first and then attempting to wear
them down quickly, making the most of her druidic shapechanging and
flame magic. She prefers taking the form of a colossal dragon, a troll, or
tendriculos, dire tiger, or remorhaz, using her knowledge of exotic and rare
creatures from her millenia of travel, study, and communing with nature.

The Venerable Mother prefers not to kill, and will usually spare her foes
once they are defeated, but will make certain they get her point and back
down from whatever they did to provoke her. She has innumerable plots,
tactics, strategies, plans, and contingencies prepared, and keeps herself
well-informed about what goes on in the world, so the Venerable Mother
should never behave rashly nor should she often be surprised by anything
her opposition does, as she likely knew what was coming well beforehand.
There are few places that animals, plants, and stones do not reach, and
Rrahask Sshasaar can learn much during her travels by speaking to these
innocuous parts of nature. Few druids do not owe the Venerable Mother
their allegiance to some extent.

Class Details
Spells: Rrahask Sshasaar casts divine spells as a 24th-level druid. She
can cast 6 spells per day of 0-level, 7 of 1st-level, 6 of 2nd-level, 6 of
3rd-level, 6 of 4th-level, 5 of 5th-level, 4 of 6th-level, 3 of 7th-level, 3 of
8th-level, and 2 of 9th-level. Her bonus spells per day are based on
Wisdom, already factored in above. The save DC for saving throws
against her druid spells is 10 + the spell's level + Rrahask Sshasaar's
Wisdom modifier, so usually 15 + spell level. To cast a druid spell her
Wisdom score must be equal to or greater than 10 + the spell's level.
Spontaneous Casting: A druid can channel stored spell energy into
summoning spells that she hasn’t prepared ahead of time. She can
“lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any summon nature’s ally
spell of the same level or lower.
Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells: A druid can’t cast spells of
an alignment opposed to her own or her deity’s (if she has one). Spells
associated with particular alignments are indicated by the chaos, evil,
good, and law descriptors in their spell descriptions.
Animal Companion (Ex): Rrahask Sshasaar's animal companion is
Tiressk, a Huge megaraptor with dark green scales. As her animal
companions eventually die off, she replaces each with a suitably
similar megaraptor and names it Tiressk, which seems to be more of
a title than an actual name. As the Venerable Mother is an 18th-level
druid, and Tiressk is a powerful animal companion, he or she has the
animal companion traits associated with a 9th-level druid. Thus,
Tiressk has 14 hit dice and 139 hit points. The Venerable Mother respects
nature's creatures too much to use Tiressk as a mount, and she has
better druidic means of transportation anyway, so Tiressk serves more
as a pet, guard, and scout.

Nature Sense (Ex): Rrahask Sshasaar gets +2 on Knowledge (Nature)
and Survival skill checks, already factored in above.
Wild Empathy (Ex): Rrahask Sshasaar's Wild Empathy checks are
1d20+22. Wild Empathy is 1d20 plus druid level plus Charisma modifier.
Woodland Stride (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a druid may move
through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars,
overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without
taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns,
briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to
impede motion still affect her.
Trackless Step (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a druid leaves no trail in
natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to
leave a trail if so desired.
Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a druid gains a +4
bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of fey.

Wild Shape (Su): At 5th level, a druid gains the ability to turn herself
into any Small or Medium animal and back again once per day. Her
options for new forms include all creatures with the animal type. This
ability functions like the polymorph spell, except as noted here. The
effect lasts for 1 hour per druid level, or until she changes back.
Changing form (to animal or back) is a standard action and doesn’t
provoke an attack of opportunity.
The form chosen must be that of an animal the druid is familiar with.
A druid loses her ability to speak while in animal form because she is
limited to the sounds that a normal, untrained animal can make, but she
can communicate normally with other animals of the same general
grouping as her new form. (The normal sound a wild parrot makes is a
squawk, so changing to this form does not permit speech.)
A druid can use this ability more times per day at 6th, 7th, 10th, 14th,
and 18th level, as noted on Table: The Druid. In addition, she gains the
ability to take the shape of a Large animal at 8th level, a Tiny animal at
11th level, and a Huge animal at 15th level.
The new form’s Hit Dice can’t exceed the character’s druid level.
At 12th level, a druid becomes able to use wild shape to change into a
plant creature with the same size restrictions as for animal forms. (A
druid can’t use this ability to take the form of a plant that isn’t a creature.)
At 16th level, a druid becomes able to use wild shape to change into a
Small, Medium, or Large elemental (air, earth, fire, or water) once per day.
These elemental forms are in addition to her normal wild shape usage. In
addition to the normal effects of wild shape, the druid gains all the
elemental’s extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities. She also
gains the elemental’s feats for as long as she maintains the wild shape,
but she retains her own creature type.
At 18th level, a druid becomes able to assume elemental form twice per
day, and at 20th level she can do so three times per day. At 20th level, a
druid may use this wild shape ability to change into a Huge elemental.
Rrahask Sshasaar, as an 18th-level druid, can wild shape into an animal
or plant creature 6 times per day, and she can wild shape into an
elemental 2 times per day, but cannot become a Huge elemental.

Venom Immunity (Ex): At 9th level, a druid gains immunity to all poisons.
A Thousand Faces (Su): At 13th level, a druid gains the ability to
change her appearance at will, as if using the alter self spell, but only
while in her normal form.
Timeless Body (Ex): After attaining 15th level, a druid no longer takes
ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any
penalties she may have already incurred, however, remain in place.
Bonuses still accrue, and the druid still dies of old age when her time
is up. Rrahask Sshasaar obtained this ability after middle age.

Other Details
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple weapons, shields,
scimitar, light armor, medium armor, and natural attacks of wild shapes,
prohibited against using weapons except for the club, dagger, dart,
quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear, prohibited
against using metal armors, prohibited against using metal shields
Hold Breath: A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds
equal to four times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.
Skills: Because of their tails, lizardfolk have a +4 racial bonus on
Jump, Swim, and Balance checks.
Favored Classes: Druid and Lizardfolk

Reverant Aura (Su): The Venerable Mother of the Kohl'Tass is
revered by not only her own people, but the people of the Sovereign Dominion
as well. Likewise, she is respected and venerated by many druids around the
world, as well as several animals and treefolk she has Awakened and
enlightened over the ages. Combined with her own closeness to nature,
Rrahask Sshasaar is granted semi-divine power that protects her. Much of
this power is channeled into the defensive qualities gained through her
Perfect Timeless Body ritual millenia ago, but the reverence held for Rrahask
Sshasaar also lends her a magical aura that calms those around her.

This aura extends in a 20-foot radius around her, and duplicates the effects
of a Calm Emotions spell except as follows. The Will save DC is equal to 12 +
Rrahask Sshasaar's Charisma modifier + 2 as an additional modifier, so normally
DC 18. Any creature entering the aura's radius, whether by its own movement
or by Rrahask's, must save against the effect (unless they choose to fail their
Will save voluntarily). A successful save against the Reverant Aura renders
that creature immune to the aura's effects for 24 hours. On a failed save, the
creature is affected as per Calm Emotions until they leave the aura's radius.

The effective caster level of this effect is equal to Rrahask Sshasaar's
character level, so currently 20th. Rrahask Sshasaar herself does not need
to save against the effect, and chooses at the beginning of her turn if she
wishes to be affected or not by her aura. However, when she chooses not
to be affected by it, the aura stops affecting her for 24 hours, but still
functions normally for those around her. Rrahask Sshasaar may suppress
her Reverant Aura at any time, as normal for a supernatural ability.

Damage Reduction (Ex): Rrahask Sshasaar possesses DR 15/magic
and cold iron, meaning that each time she is damaged, she takes 15 points
less damage, which can reduce it to 0 damage but not below. Weapons that
are made of cold iron bypass this damage reduction if they are also magical.
Spells, psionics, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, and natural effects
also bypass this damage reduction. Natural weapons or unarmed strikes may
only bypass this DR if they are magical at the time and are under any effect
that causes them to count as though they were cold iron weapons. Rrahask
Sshasaar's damage reduction means that her own natural weapons and
unarmed strikes are treated as magical cold iron weapons, for purposes of
bypassing damage reduction. This DR comes from Perfect Timeless Body.

Fast Healing (Ex): The Venerable Mother has Fast Healing 2,
meaning that she heals 2 damage each round, if not at full hit points already.
This Fast Healing comes from Perfect Timeless Body.

Perfect Timeless Body: This is a special power the Venerable
Mother acquired after her 20th character level, through an extensive ritual
that she had developed over many years. As a result of this ritual-granted
power, Rrahask Sshasaar no longer ages and is immortal in that vein.
Though she acquired the Timeless Body druidic ability after reaching middle
age, that was millenia ago and she is now quite ancient. She mostly roams
the wetlands of the Kohl'Tass by the Kohoal River delta, but spends a small
majority of her time there at her home village. Once every few centuries
she leaves to reassert her power in the wider world, fighting off the forces
of good, evil, law, or chaos that disrupt the world's balance of power, or
who raise her ire by defiling nature. Rrahask Sshasaar achieved her
immortality though binding her life essence to the marshes of her homeland,
such that the health of her land dictates her own health. The ritual was
performed in secret, and few if any beings know how to break it, so thus
far the Venerable Mother has remained immortal.

Her immortal status extends to some extent beyond mere agelessness.
Rrahask Sshasaar is immune to Death effects and disintegration, and her
soul cannot be displaced or ousted. If she is slain, through damage,
Constitution loss, a coup de grace, a failed save against death by
massive damage, beheading, or any other effect, Rrahask Sshasaar's
remains immediately dissolve into dust, and her body is recreated 1 round
later at her home by the Kohoal River delta. Her soul immediately travels
to her home upon death, to inhabit the new body being created, and any
equipment she bore on her person at the time of death is magically
transported with her soul. This is not extradimensional travel, so effects
that block teleportation or planar travel are no hindrance. Rrahask
Sshasaar seemingly cannot leave the material world, at least so long as
her Perfect Timeless Body power remains unbroken. It is unknown if an
antimagic area will or will not impede the power, but dispelling will not.

Rrahask Sshasaar has the option of destroying her body at any time,
including the instant before being paralyzed or petrified by an effect, or
before being affected by an Imprisonment, Binding, or similar effect. Each
time Rrahask Sshasaar is recreated by her Perfect Timeless Body power,
she loses 500 experience points per character level (so currently 10,000
XP each time), as she loses a bit of personal energy with each rebirth.
When recreated by her Perfect Timeless Body power, the Venerable
Mother is essentially reformed similar to a True Resurrection effect,
except for the different loss of experience points, and the lack of any
components or the like. For these reasons, Rrahask Sshasaar gathers
life energy and nature's power over time through strolling the sacred
lands of the Kohl'Tass and elsewhere, and by defeating creatures who
defile nature or upset the natural balance (represented by XP earned).
As a result of difficult battles with great demons, dragons, archmages,
and more, the Venerable Mother has not progressed appreciably in actual
power over the millenia since her ritual of immortality.

The Venerable Mother may lose her Perfect Timeless Body power if some
other creature of sufficient ability manages to discover the true nature
of the ritual millenia ago, and finds a way to break the ritual's power.
Rrahask Sshasaar guards her secrets well, and any time that a foe may
attempt to force her to reveal these secrets, she destroys herself and
resurrects at home to escape. There may be other locations that she
can resurrect in, however, but most likely she is limited to places of
great druidic significance and sanctity.

Notes: The elite ability score array (8, 10, 13, 12, 15, 14) was
used to generate Rrahask Sshasaar's base ability scores, before racial
modifiers, age modifiers, and level-based increases. The Venerable Mother
was between her 17th and 18th character levels when her Intelligence score
increased to 12 from old age, and was between her 19th and 20th levels
when her Intelligence score increased to 13 from venerable age. After
middle age she progressed slowly in experience, as she has spent most
of her time henceforth attending to the Kohl'Tass and their lands, only
rarely venturing out into the world, at most once every century.

Rrahask Sshasaar has several potent magic items, and even a few
psionic items, hidden away in various natural locations around the
world, which she can reach quickly through her druidic spells when
she needs them. Thus, the Venerable Mother has magic items
appropriate to a 20th-level character, she just does not take them
into the Kohl'Tass lands. Over the ages, Rrahask Sshasaar has
Awakened a great many animals and trees, but not in any significant
concentration anywhere, so she has many scattered allies and
informers when the need arises. Many of her allies and informers
are actually the truebred descendants of several animals she had
Awakened in ages past. Rrahask Sshasaar keeps a few unused Rings
of Three Wishes hidden away amongst her treasure troves, for use in
emergencies. In battle, when not in an alternate form, she often
wields a magic scimitar, of which she possesses a few, each tailored
to defeat a certain variety of creatures, though none are particularly
powerful weapons, merely possessing the right combination of
materials and enhancements to overcome a certain kind of foe. For
the most part, the particular magic items Rrahask Sshasaar has in
storage is up to the DM and should be appropriate for a wise, ancient,
nigh-immortal druidess with experience in dealing with nearly anything.

As for Rrahask Sshasaar's Leadership feat, her followers are the hunters,
fishers, and scouts of the villages near her home, while her cohort is the
second-highest-ranking member of the Kohl'Tass lizardfolks' society, a
17th-level druid who has apprenticed under Rrahask Sshasaar. Naturally,
this differs from generation to generation, as the apprentice druid is not
immortal like the Venerable Mother.
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First Post
As an epic character, she probably has enough money stashed away to buy the various tomes of whatever +5 in any and all stats she likes. So, you can easily justify boosting any stat you like from 1 to 5, if it would be appropriate. Wisdom or Charisma, probably.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Perfect Timeless Body: This is a custom epic feat that Rrahask
Sshasaar acquired at her 21st character level. The Venerable Mother
bound her life essence to the marshes of her homeland with a great
and secret ritual, such that the health of her homeland dictates her
own health. So long as the marshes remain in fair health, Rrahask
Sshasaar is immortal and does not age any further, and the Venerable
Mother is also possessed of other immortal traits from her deeper
connection to nature. Rrahask Sshasaar is immune to damage,
including ability damage and ability drain, as well as level drain and
death effects. Disintegration, beheading with a coup de grace, or
massive damage cannot kill the Venerable Mother so long as her
connection to the Kohl'Tass marshes is strong. Any injury that
should kill her is regenerated in 1 round, and it seems impossible
to banish her to other planes of existence due to her unique
connection to the material world.

Any effect that would paralyze, hold, petrify, panic, shaken,
immobilize, or stun her will not last for more than 1d4 rounds.
Attempts to bury Rrahask Sshasaar under rubble or in pits of
magma have met with failure, as one way or another, she would
appear elsewhere within a minute at most. The Venerable Mother's
mind and soul cannot apparently be displaced or ousted, so
attempts to take over her body or mind have failed, though she is
susceptible to fear, compulsions, and charms to some extent, but
always breaks free within 1d4 rounds.

Perhaps a little (or a lot!) excessive in power, even for an epic feat? I would just subtract a few levels and give her that ability as a special power. Also, the part about being immune to all damage is a bad idea (I can buy the other immunities). Just give her some DR if you like, but not immunity. My personal preference would be to just make her immortal (unless slain) and unaging, without any other crazy immunities. Otherwise, why doesn't she just personally bring every potential enemy of her people to extinction (after all, she's immune to damage and pretty much everything else, so she would eventually win in a fight against anything).

Oh, and I thought we were not going to go epic with these NPCs (even Vil is non-epic, despite his CR). Let's not make any NPC higher level than Rrahask in a PC class (although she wouldn't be as much of a balance problem without the immortality feat, since she does have those weird selections like Improved Combat Casting [who needs to cast on the defensive? She's immune to damage] ).

Edit: And next time I play a druid character, I am *so* asking my DM to let me take that feat at level 21 ;)


First Post
Well, I did give Conquers Twice a pair of epic feats. Distant shot (lets him fire at any target in sight, period.) and Holy Strike, (turns every weapon he uses into a good aligned weapon.) but if those are a bit much we can drop them.

Making her effectively immune to everything except the complete and utter destruction of her lands is a BIT much, in my eyes, however. Maybe we could link her immortality to her lands, and as long as they're ok, she doesn't suffer aging effects, and cannot die of old age. But completely immune? What's the point of statting her out, then?

Rystil Arden

First Post
domino said:
Well, I did give Conquers Twice a pair of epic feats. Distant shot (lets him fire at any target in sight, period.) and Holy Strike, (turns every weapon he uses into a good aligned weapon.) but if those are a bit much we can drop them.

Making her effectively immune to everything except the complete and utter destruction of her lands is a BIT much, in my eyes, however. Maybe we could link her immortality to her lands, and as long as they're ok, she doesn't suffer aging effects, and cannot die of old age. But completely immune? What's the point of statting her out, then?
Heh, reminds me of the Moderators from 2E. The creators were so sure that it couldn't be killed that they refused to give an XP value. One of my PCs managed to kill one anyway. I figured Conquers Twice would be OK with his feats, since he didn't select any gamebreaking feats. Rrahask would be fine too if she only had Epic Spell Penetration, I was just worried about having so many powerful NPCs (It would be easy, for instance, to just make make CT a Solar if the DM wanted to, but its harder to take 5 levels off a druid for the DM if they don't have the Epic Level Handbook. I think she's fine as is if her crazy immortality ability is toned down a bit.


First Post
How about this: Whenever she dies, she re-forms in her lands. She can also choose to end her life, if trapped or similar.

The effect is way to much for a feat - but not too much for the effects of a feat + being worshipped by a bunch of reasonably powerful druids, and all the animals in her lands.


First Post
Does she need to be unkillable?

The other two statted out powerhouses are mighty creatures of myth and lore, but they can still be put down for the count, and they've started off more powerful than a normal druid, and have many of the same advantages she does.


First Post
I suppose I'll modify Rrahask Sshasaar then, but I figured immortality would be the only reason she hadn't died yet from the few times she's opposed some of the world's nasties. She doesn't have the crazy attack/damage/defense capabilities of the decidedly-less-neutral powerhouses, and druids don't get much for attacking except shapechanging and Fire spells (neither of which is of much use against a demon lord, solar, or fiendish gargantuan+ T-Rex). I don't think there's any problem with making a few Epic NPCs in the world, particularly of the sort that rarely bother to get involved in worldly affairs, and Epic rules are right in the SRD at Wizards' website. It would seem odd though if a druid millenia old was only level 15 or 20, even if she does only go out solving problems / fighting for nature once every few centuries or so. Maybe I'll work something into her immortality that makes sense of that. I'll still leave her tough, but get rid of the unkillable part one way or another. I just figured earlier that the individual DM (or someone contributing to the main thread) could come up with Rrahask Sshasaar's weakness/limit/price-of-immortality on their own.


First Post
When had she gone and confronted the other two? I didn't know that there was ever any direct confrontation between the big powers. Because if there was, let's face it, there'd only be one big power right now.

And Death's Caress has the same problem, with being unkillable.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Hmmm...I do suppose that epic seems right for someone ancient, although most outsiders are ancient too. I think she would be an excellent NPC if she just weren't immune to everything. Her magic and items should protect her just as well as any 24th-level druid.

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