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D&D 4E Running Commentary on Rel's 4e Campaign (Complete 8/2/10)


Liquid Awesome
The PC's appeared in a strange landscape. They were surrounded by what appeared to be stone but had a strange look to it that wasn't quite right. But that was hardly the most notable thing about their situation. They were surrounded by a bizarre menagerie of creatures that they quickly discovered to be themselves.

Mialain now wore the form of an animate Oak tree. Astavian was a humanoid who glowed with golden light and wielded a sword in each hand. Eshik was now a Dragon, somewhat larger than the size of Steelslicer, with scales the color of his own dark purple hue. And Zanne was clearly some sort of hulking demon who put them all ill at ease with her form.

There was little time to contemplate this however as they came suddenly under attack by a group of seemingly identical ghostly humanoids, each surrounded by a cloud of Mist. These fought with their claws but also lashed out with waves of thought, painful and intense. The PC's were assaulted by waves of suffering, pain, shame and failure that threatened to overwhelm them.

But they fought back with the abilities afforded by their new forms. Somehow, in this strange place, they felt disconnected from their former selves and abilities. But yet each of them felt "right" in their new form and adapted to it easily.

Eshik breathed thunder among the enemy and tore into them with tooth and claw. In doing so he noticed that his presence seemed to push back the Mist from the enemies he engaged. Mialain brought a portion of her trunk down with a might stomp that shook the whole area while her branches smote down one of the foes. Astavian leapt into the midst of the crowd, hacking with abandon using his pair of blades. Zanne fought like...well, a demon. Her claws would sink into a foe and then hurl it across the large chamber.

As each enemy fell they could see part of its essence flee the body and enter others of the Misty combatants. This appeared to have the effect of healing or strengthening the recipient of this essence. The group fought their way up a wide corridor as these enemies continued to come at them in waves. Finally they battled their way into a massive chamber where a single humanoid, identical to all the rest, lay on the floor of the chamber being beaten and tormented by more of its simulacra. Beyond lay a great door with a massive lock on it.

Zanne had to pause a moment to catch her breath as the rest of the party hurled themselves into battle. But soon all of them were trading blows against the enemy who continued to assault them mentally as well as physically. Each of them barely stood as they gathered around the final version of the enemies they had been fighting. Eshik's aura of Mist banishment gradually banished the corruption from the Dweller who struggled to his feet before them.

"My thanks," he whispered out as he gathered himself to his height of a dozen feet (not terribly impressive to the party who were as big or bigger). "But what has brought you here?"

The PC's explained that they were there at the behest of his sister, Mayaheine who wanted him cleansed of the Mist. This was quickly followed by another pressing question: "Where are we?"

The Dweller explained that they were in a prison of his own making. He had been aware of the fate that had befallen him once he was corrupted by the Mist. He had fled to as remote a place as he could find and sealed himself inside a "pocket realm" with the godlike power vested in Pelor's Mace. It was a place that had the property of reflecting the true essence of one's soul and he began to try to tear away the pieces of him that were corrupted, hoping to escape once he had cleansed himself of their evil. But the Mist was insidious and spread through him almost faster than he could tear it away. Then he reached a point where these shards of his soul were collectively stronger than what remained of him and he was overpowered by them. For the last 500 years they had been locked in this tiny world with nothing to do but torment one another.

The Dweller was fearful of entering the real world again, worried that he might be immediately corrupted by the Mist again. The PC's explained that they had left their Dragon Bone Golems guarding the entrance and believed that there would be no Mist there to taint him. The Dweller thanked them once again and reached out to open the door to his prison...

They stood inside the Maw once again wearing their own bodies. The Dweller stood towering over them, his golden skin giving off a faint glow as he warily surveyed the scene. As the PC's had promised, the presence of the Dragon Bone Golems held the Mist at bay.

The Dweller gestured at the remaining Golems and scattered chunks of Dragon Bone, "I wish to barter for these. In trade, I offer this..." He reached and took down the great mace and held it out to them. "This will show my sister that you have done as she asked. And I will also teach you the secret of unmaking it such that you may imbue your own weapons with some of its power."

The PC's quickly agreed that this was a fair trade but asked, "Are you not coming with us to see your sister?"

The Dweller shook his head. "The world is riddled with evil. Some of it has been done in my name. That cannot stand." His voice spoke with the surety of a being who was unable to deny his own essence. Having handed over the mace (which was so large that it took both Astavian and Eshik to manage it) the Dweller set to humming over the Dragon Bone, bending it to his will and shaping it into something new. In half an hour he had shaped it into a suit of white armor that clung close to his golden frame.

Cautiously he approached the Mist...and it retreated before the Dragon Bone he wore. The group walked forward to leave the Maw, never to return.


Thanks for the prompt, Rechan! I was working on the update as you posted!

Alright so this was a pretty fun session. I had pulled out the stats for some cool monsters that I felt were good personifications of the PC's while inside the Dweller's "spirit prison". They were:

Eshik - Adamantine Dragon
Mialain - Treant
Astavian - Angel of Vengeance
Zanne - Abyssal Eviscerator

I think it was huge fun to play roles that they didn't usually get to play and use a new, smaller set of powers for a few fights. Everybody at the table seemed to really enjoy it and I think it was a break from our usual mode of play that gave some extra energy for the last few sessions of the campaign. I'm going to try and remember to do this in future campaigns once in a while.

As for the opposition, the wolves they fought on the way in were Ghost Worg Packmates. I didn't really work too hard on a justification for why they were more powerful than the ghost wolves the PC's had fought here before. But like I said upthread, the PC's were here to basically destroy the source from which they came this time around so if that could be sensed at all then perhaps the spirit that motivated them was extra inspired. Or something like that.

The "Ghostly Aspects of the Dweller" were re-skinned Ghost Trolls. I liked their combination of claw attacks plus "Terror Strike" ability to emulate the tormented fragments of a fragment of a god's soul. Mechanically whenever one of these critters got killed, the nearest one of them got to spend a Healing Surge. And there were a BUNCH of them inside the pocket realm. So it was a long, tough battle (I seem to specialize in those if you can't tell). But I needed plenty of hit points for the PC's to vent their new powers on.

The one power that stood out for the fact that it was NOT used was Zanne's Abyssal Eviscerator power of Soul Shred, which let it regain 20 hit points on any round where it killed a creature. Poor Zanne did massive amounts of damage to lots of foes the entire fight...and never killed a single one. Every time it seemed certain that she'd kill one on her next round, somebody would kill whichever one was closest to it, thus healing it by enough hit points to keep it alive through Zanne's turn. Then, inevitably, another PC would kill it later in the round. Zanne finally had to spend a Second Wind right before the last fight in order to survive it. Kind of a bummer but sort of funny too. ;)

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Liquid Awesome
So Rel, how did you stat up Steelslicer when you used her on the PCs side? Did she turn into a companion character or were you using solo stats or what?

I can definitely recall having a sheet of stats for her but I cannot for the life of me recall where I put it. I know that she had been toned down from her solo numbers a bit and she had a narrower selection of powers than the PC's for certain. But she was still a formidable ally.


Is that it, or is there some more to come?

Oh there is definitely more to come. And I had a couple conversations with the players yesterday that helped to jog my memory as to some details so I'll be writing up the next portion sooner than later.


As an aside. One thing that I really dig about this game is just how Epic it feels. And it has nothing to do with level or the foes the PCs are fighting, but purely the tasks they are doing.

Mialee, becoming the high priestess off the bat, spreading the church. Purifying or Rescuing Gods. Saving the King from an assassination. Eshik becoming Emperor. The PCs are doign Important and Big things after they exit the Mines.


Liquid Awesome
From the deck of their airship they could see the smoke rising from the gates of New Karak Tor. Airships marked with the insignia of the Arcanon Confederacy hovered above and they could see flashes of fire and lightning stab downward telling them that the battle still raged.

"We've got to get in there and help them defend the gate to the city! And fast!" proclaimed Astavian. Mialain gave orders to Llyra, "We can't risk the ship against that fleet so you've got to just put us down inside the walls and then get out of there. Circle Karak Tor at a distance and I'll signal you when you need to come pick us up." Eshik likewise instructed Steelslicer, "Stay with the ship and protect her. If those other ships get close, shred the gas bags. Understand?" Steelslicer hissed her assent.

Llyra expertly guided the ship in close to the ground where the PC's were able to slide down ropes into the midst of what was clearly a full on retreat by the Dwarves. Another Fireball streaked down from one of the Confederacy airships and exploded in the distance. But the ships were holding back for the moment, kept at bay by ballista fire from the narrow defensive towers that dotted the inner fortifications. A few of the Dwarves stopped and brandished weapons at the party until they saw them wearing the medals they'd been awarded by the Council of Seven that allowed them passage inside Karak Tor. With no further explanation they continued their retreat. Knowing the Dwarves as stalwart warriors the party wondered what had them on the run. A moment later that question was answered.

A stone wall, at least three feet thick, burst open before the onslaught of a huge, horned creature. It seized a chunk of the rubble and hurled it at the top of one of the defense towers sending the ballista and lifeless bodies of those arming it falling to the ground. With a triumphant roar the demon bounded forward with a screaming horde of bugbears following just behind it.

The PC's began to hurl steel and magic at the beast to slow its advance. Astavian called down the Wrath of Ryukaar while Eshik wielded his blades like the Claws of the Griffon. Zanne hoped to halt the creature with her Infernal Moon Curse but it was too mighty to fall victim to her magic. Mialain erected a Blade Barrier hoping to hold the creature at bay.

Heedless of the shredding blades, the Demon rushed forward and grabbed Astavian and simply hurled him against a nearby building with a bone crunching thud, leaving the Paladin prone. It then stomped the ground sending cracks through the stone and knocking everybody within 50 feet to ground, friend and foe alike. It followed this by charging at Eshik and slamming a massive claw into him.

The Blade Barrier did give pause to the bugbears who gave it a wide berth before rejoining the advance of the Demon. This allowed the party to focus all of their attacks on it for a moment but even those that found a way through its formidable defenses seemed only to fuel its rage and fury, causing it to strike back viciously.

Help did come from above as a massive steel spear slammed into the Demon. Glancing back from whence it came the party saw that Gorom the Warden was helping to man one of the defense tower ballistae.

The Demon continued to push forward toward the final gate that led inside the mountain and it seemed that there was nothing that would stop it. It paused and ripped a massive chunk of stone from the base of one of Gorom's defense tower and hurled it at Mialain, missing her by the smallest of margins. Then it did the same to Zanne, this time connecting and knocking her to the ground. A loud *CRACK* sounded from the base of the tower and then the entire thing began to topple over. Eshik leaped into the air and grabbed Gorom and the other Dwarf. The weight of them dragged them all back to the ground but it was enough to save them from being killed by the fall and crashing stone.

Just ahead of them the party could now see the gates into the mountain. A couple of them noticed that these gates now had a purple hue to them, indicating that they had been plated with adamantite. There was a grinding noise and the massive stone gates began to slowly open to admit them. But they all knew that while the gates might be indestructible that the stone around them seemed like mere clay in the claws of that Demon. Once breached the might of the horde of the Arcanon Confederacy would come pouring through and the city would be lost.

They turned their attention back to the Demon and renewed their assault upon it, knowing that it MUST be defeated if the city were to survive. Zanne donned her Armor of Agathys and prepared to get in close using her Shadow Form as protection. Astavian invoked his Crown of Glory and did his best to remain close to the Demon hoping to slow its progress. But this was a struggle because the Demon kept grabbing and hurling him to some distance. Eshik lay about with both blades and bursts of icy breath dealing death to the bugbear minions that swarmed around them as well as landing strikes upon the Demon. Mialain was simply calling upon every healing spell she could summon in a desperate attempt to stem the horrible damage the Demon was inflicting upon her friends.

A shadow passed over them for a moment. It was accompanied by a stony, leonine roar and tremendous crash as the Guardian of Old Karak Tor launched itself from within the gate and locked its stone jaws onto the Demon. A host of Dwarven defenders rushed forth as well and began hacking at the bugbears with axe and hammer. Astavian hurled himself into the Demon with a Radiant Charge compounded by his hatred of (and bonuses against) Mist Demons and finished the creature.

Their champion dead and now facing the massive stone form of the Guardian, the bugbears halted their assault long enough for the party, the Dwarves and the Guardian to all withdraw inside the adamantite gates and close them. Karak Tor was besieged. But it still stood.


Another tremendous fight here. I included the use of specific powers since I had notes on a couple things (I specifically jotted down where Eshik stunted to interrupt the Demon's turn to save Gorom and the other Dwarf from falling to their deaths) and had a bit better recall of this battle.

The Demon was a Havoc Goristro and it was big and nasty. It "only" had 310 hit points (due to my 60% HP house rule) but it was dealing out massive damage (due to the 1/2 level +3 extra damage rule that went hand in hand with the HP reduction). And every attack against it seemed to trigger some sort of retributive ability or other.

The slowing effect of Astavian's Crown of Glory was a big factor in this one as was Zanne's Armor of Agathys/Shadow Form combo and I probably didn't quite do them justice in the above narrative. Also they'd never have survived this if Mialain hadn't been pouring out enough healing to partly counter the incredible damage this thing was doing. And Eshik was making a point to take out swaths of minions with his dragonbreath so that they didn't get overwhelmed by Enlarged Bugbears.

Of course my cool moment as the GM in all this had to be the charge of the Guardian. It was one of those times when the players all lit up, knowing that by releasing him earlier in the campaign that they had made possible his appearance in the battle. It was very cinematic and awesome, which is exactly what I was going for.


Liquid Awesome
Before I get back into the action I need to mention something that I forgot about that should have taken place prior to the last entry. After their encounter with the Dweller (whose name prior to becoming "the Dweller" was revealed as Mikel by the way) they made a stop at the nearby plateau of Semma, specifically the city of the same name.

They were in the neighborhood and Zanne wanted to check in with Zhomkar, another of the agents of Vond. Zhomkar had been trying to locate the original "Gift from Vond" that the PC's had been tasked with delivering in their first adventure but which had been swapped with a fake. Because Ambassador Harrix (who had turned out to be a doppelganger) had presumably been murdered somewhere in Semma, Zhomkar hoped that the original Gift had been stashed there somewhere.

He was correct. He'd actually located it in the sewers of Semma City a few months after he was exiled from Opkhar and retrieved it. After doing so he'd sent word back to Vond who had responded by telling him that he was to remain as a spy for Vond in Semma and to hold onto the Gift for now UNLESS Zanne showed up, in which case he was to give it to her. So Zanne showed up and Zhomkar gave it to her.

Zanne was puzzled over why exactly she was to have such a gift but she took the Urn and, with great anticipation, opened it to finally discover what it contained...

It was empty. (I wish I had a picture of stobil's face when this was revealed.)

Zanne studied it and it was clearly magical. It emanated the same sort of "preservation" magic that the fake had. She couldn't determine more than that without additional study so she thanked Zhomkar and returned to the ship where they proceeded on to Karak Tor...


The enemy was at the gates, but those gates were indestructible. If the Arcanon Confederacy were going to keep coming after Karak Tor then they'd have to go through the mountain. But with most of the surviving populace inside the walls they had enough manpower to double the patrols for any signs of tunneling. Still, they all silently wondered how long it would be until the AC could summon another demon like that...

The PC's rested up from the battle and informed the Dwarves that they would need to journey to the top of the mountain once again. The Dwarves provided them with more of their special liquor that aided them against the thin air and frigid cold of Mayaheine's realm. The group piled on extra clothing and ascended via the great lift.

They arrived at the top to find a sizable group of Dwarves gathered to defend the upper end of the lift in the event that the Arcanon Confederacy tried to enter the city that way. No regular airship could fly that high but they weren't certain about the Eladrin Winged Ships, several of which the AC still possessed. The PC's bade these Dwarves farewell and began trudging toward the mountain top with Astavian and Eshik sharing the weight of the Dweller's huge mace.

No Yetis or Ice Trolls assaulted them this time around and they arrived at Mayaheine's ice fortress without incident. They were greeted at the door by one of her servants bearing the typical markings of being bald with faintly glowing eyes. Still there was something familiar about him that they couldn't quite place.

They were quickly led inside where Mayaheine stood as before, studying the ice crystals in which she said she could see all that was. She turned to greet them and very nearly smiled.

Astavian and Eshik lay the great mace on the icy floor and said, "We have freed your brother from his torment. He is afflicted with the Mist no longer. We offer his mace as proof of our deed."

"Fools. I'm omniscient! I need no proof of your deeds! Nonetheless, you accomplished within a year what my pitiful servants were unable to do for generations..." She gazed pointedly at the servant that still lurked at the back of the chamber. This was the spark that their memories needed: That was Rhazul, the one time head of Mayaheine's Black Moon Cult, whom King Klo of Opkhar had executed and whose body vanished mysteriously afterward. He looked different with no hair and mustache.

Mayheine's voice interrupted their moment of recognition, "You have returned and it is now time for your reward. Each of you have a question or immortality to claim. What shall it be?"

This was something they had discussed at length on their journey from Semma and many ideas had been put forth. But one of them was not debatable and that was the question that Mialain stepped forward to ask, "How can we locate the Nexus?"

Mayaheine replied, "There are a number of ways." Then she paused...

(At which point the players all audibly groaned. They'd been anticipating that Mayaheine was going to be as literal and difficult as possible with her answers and they were certain that they were going to have to use up all their questions to pin her down on things like this.)

...and said, "I could tell you where it is now if you wish. But I could also tell you that it may not be there by the time you get to it. I think the most useful answer I can give you is that, if one of you takes my offer of immortality, that person will be able to know the location of the Nexus, given your other capabilities right now."

Eshik stepped forward and said, "Then I choose the immortality."

Mayaheine DID smile at that point, which was worrisome to say the least. "Approach me." Eshik did. "You are sure of this?" she asked. "It comes with certain...obligations." Eshik simply said, "I am."

The rest of the party watched as Mayaheine casually snapped off a large ice crystal and stabbed Eshik through the heart.

to be continued


First Post
Thank you, Rel. More fine updates from a wonderful campaign.

Quick question: what level were the PC's when they went went back up to Mayaheine's Citadel? They seem to have plenty of abilities so I'm guessing that they are getting close to Epic, but as I don't play 4E, I am not 100% familiar with the way that powers and the like tier.

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