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S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Black


HP: 90/90 | AC: 26 | Spells: 6/7/5/5/3

Seeing the druid get nailed and bitten by the giant, Yoggrith moves over to her and tries to infuse her with The Shadow's healing while avoiding the giant's wrath. (Move to 15,19 / Cast defensively: Cure Serious Wounds on Morika)

"Let the Shadow wash over you, druid. Feel it's warmth."
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23 – Morika - Charge Giant Humanoid - MISS (move to 19,14)
22 – Ipshivi - Move to (20,6), eldritch blast on creature - HIT for 15 damage
20 – Giant Humanoid - Confused - attacks Morika - TWO Hits for 28 damage + poison
19 – Sanne - Tumble to (18,10) - HIT for 13 damage
18 - Voadam - Cast slow
12 – Aeranduil - Fires three arrows -- 2 HIT for 25 damage
8 – Thanor - MISS
8 – Yoggrith - Move to (19,15) cast CSW on Morika healing 24 damage

Morika dances to the side to get just enough room in between her and the ugly creature, and then puts her head down and charges forward. Unfortunately, her intent on not getting swatted by the creature while moving into position makes her ignore her feet, and she trips ignomiously on a stone, plowing into the ground in front of the creature and pulverizing a rock to dust with her horns. Mouth full of dirt and grass and now as angry as a hornet's nest at her blunder, Morika makes ready to try something a little more effective! I don't use critical fumbles, so I won't consider you knocked prone, unless you really want to be. :)

Momentarily satisfied that there were no other threats in the immediate area, Ipshivi resigned herself to the brute labor of chopping down this enormous foe. She moved around the large cover of the rock, catching the creature in the square of the back with a bolt of eldritch energy

The giant creature looks confused and unsure of how to proceed. It looks down at its feet and sees the shifter and a thought appears to have occurred in its mind. It brings all of its morningstars high overhead and swings them down towards the druid -- three of the four swings smash into the ground nearby, one connects soundly on the shifter and a sickening crack of bone can be heard. The creature then lunges downward with its toothy maw and bites the druid in the shoulder, leaving a wicked wound. Morika feels strength leave her body momentarily, but her anger at her failed charge overrides it. Initial Fort save vs poison successful

Sanne dances out from behind the dwarf and into striking position behind the giant-like creature, flanking with Morika. And then her blade flashes and opens up a gash on the back of its left leg. The wound doesn't seem like it did as much damage as she would have expected -- she gets the sinking feeling that this thing might not be a giant afterall...

Dismayed by the brute's three-armed display Voadam attempts to use magic to slow down the massive flurry of blows -- the confused creature appears to have avoided any ill effect from the spell however. [Will Save Successful vs Slow]

Ye'd need a fourth arm to be a match fer me, ya big ugly beast! Try those pathetic sticks against me armor why dontcha. Thanor shouts at the creature before him, then steps in and swings his axe at its kneecap, but he stumbles over a stone and his axe misses wide and to the left, cleaving a nice chunk out of the cart standing next to him.

Seeing the druid get nailed and bitten by the giant, Yoggrith moves over to her and tries to infuse her with The Shadow's healing while avoiding the giant's wrath.

"Let the Shadow wash over you, druid. Feel it's warmth."

From behind you, you hear chanting coming from the gnome, a wave of positive energy flows over the group Casts Bless on the group

Conditions/Spells Active:

Yoggrith -- Bears Endurance (79rounds), Lesser Vigor (17 rounds)
Voadam -- Mage Armor (7 hours)
Ipshivi -- Expeditious Retreat (9 rounds)
Morika -- (62/66) - Lesser Vigor (17 rounds)
Thanor -- (110/110 hp) - Lesser Vigor (17 rounds)
Sanne -- Lesser Vigor (17 rounds)

All -- Bless (5 rounds)

Giant Creature -- Confusion (6 rounds)



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Dismayed by the brute's three-armed display Voadam attempts to use magic to slow down the massive flurry of blows.

cast slow on it.


First Post
"You see a big, ugly humanoid and you think it's probably a giant. You imbibe your rapier with an infusion to make it more effective against giants. Then you go and stab the hulking brute, and it turns out he's almost certainly not a giant. 'Cause otherwise that would have hurt him a lot more..." Sanne says, as she takes another pair of stabs with her rapier. The first finds a weak point in the creature's hide; the second did not (I'm assuming).

full attack from flanking position

atk #1; dmg #1; atk #2; dmg #2 (1d20+13=28, 2d6+5=10, 1d20+8=10, 2d6+5=8)

Edit: Left out the word second in the last sentence.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Morika, AC: 23, HP: 62/66

Growling with the pain from the club, and inwardly thankful for both her own magic and that of the half-orc, Morika goes after him with something shinier than her horns. With a gutteral yell, she draws a glimmering scimitar and slashes deeply at the brutish beast!

OOC: Draw weapon as a move action, attack with +1 scimitar as a standard. Morika's blessed scimitar attack. (1d20+13=31). Possible crit, roll is actually 32 because Morika is shifted and her Strength goes up. Crit confirm roll: Morika's blessed scimitar critical confirmation roll. (1d20+13=15). Is actually a 16 because Morika is shifted. Morika will blow an action point on making that an 18. (Action point roll, best of two. (1d6=1, 1d6=2).) Damage if non-crit is 13, or 26 if crit is confirmed. Morika's scimitar damage. (1d6+7=13, 1d6+7=13).


First Post
Aeranduil, elven archer (AC 23, HP 64/64)

Aeranduil frowns a bit as only two of his arrows bite deep, but continues firing at the lumbering creature. The archer knew that each missile took a bit of the fight out of the creature, and he hoped to take it down before it could inflict anymore damage upon his allies.

If Giant: Rapid Shot vrs Giant +16/+11/+16 (1d8+10+2d6 bane)
If NOT Giant Rapid Shot +14/+9/+14 (1d8+6)

Adjust for Range from Woodland Archer feat: If you miss a foe with a projectile weapon, all subsequent attacks in same round gain a +4 attack bonus to hit the same foe.


From his vantage point Voadam evaluates the creature, attempting to sense whether there is any supernatural dread emanating from it or other cues that it corresponds to the reports of wierd creatures Voadam had gone over.

ooc move action sensing in addition to his standard action casting of slow.


First Post
Voadam said:
From his vantage point Voadam evaluates the creature, attempting to sense whether there is any supernatural dread emanating from it or other cues that it corresponds to the reports of wierd creatures Voadam had gone over.

ooc move action sensing in addition to his standard action casting of slow.

OOC: is this more of an update for your action in the last round when you cast slow, or is this for the next round?


s@squ@tch said:
OOC: is this more of an update for your action in the last round when you cast slow, or is this for the next round?

an update, I only used a standard action in my first post and the time period had not been resolved yet.


First Post
When you take a moment to take a hard look at the creature, all of your knowledge tells you what is isn't, but nothing sticks out as far as what it is.

So, you come to the conclusion that it most likely is what you know the least about, which would be some sort of aberration.

Voidrunner's Codex

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