• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Gold


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Chardarron listens to the strange metal man's speech. "I know not where you came from, but you now stand upon Eberron, the Dragon Between."

The elaborately tattooed sorcerer does not offer a hand to shake, though not out of rudeness. He still doesn't really know or pay attention to the customs of outsiders...

Char reaches up and adjusts the furs slung over his shoulder, examining one of the remaining bruises beneath the material. A low growl issues from him as he evaluates the injury and his performance earlier...

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Deric's eyebrows arch in amazement at such a creature. He had not met anyone as odd as this man for quite some time.

The warlock then looks over the room that they entered, using his enhanced sight to look for invisible objects and magical auras.

After sizing up the room, he finds nothing magical, or out of the ordinary.

As a refresher to the rest of the group - the entry hall is bare, but there are many pegs along the walls, and carious items of giant outerwear (capes, cloakes, furs, etc) and bags hang from them. On the southern wall are two giant chairs, now fallen over, from where the giants were sitting, and a wooden keg sits between them.

Exits from this room are a single door in the NE corner, a large set of double doors in the middle of the north wall, and a corridor heading off from the NW corner of the room, as well as the stairwell leading up to the watch tower that the party came down.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Well, as a holy warrior, My first task is to care for his fellow crusaders. First off, Does any one know what is wrong with that fellow over there?" He points to Void as he says this. I also see some stuf in those bags on the wall pegs, and thaty may be of use!"

He walks over to the keg between the fallen chairs.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Yes, him. I saw him approach to battle the cloake figure, but I was just a bit busy with the giant on hand to be of assistance to him. I do hope he is alright."

ooc: what is in the keg,a nd how full is it?

"Maybe there is something in here that can wake him. T he smell of strong spirits can wake someone from many a walkig nightmere. I will just take this over there and, " He un corks the keg and takes a whif. .. .. .. ..


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Dori immediately recognizes the create water cantrip when the construct cleans himself, so it must have some kind of ties to the divine as well.

A pair of circular apertures dilate visibly inside the goggles of the squat metal man. It takes another look around as if impressed all of a sudden. "Spiffy! King Grommet* has never been on a dragon before! In a couple sure, and even been covered in dragon bits sometimes, but never been on one." The sound of metal scraping on metal sets everyone's nerves on edge as the king scratches its helmet in mock thought for a few moments. "He must be one big sucker. King Grommet* can't even see the edge of him, or flapping wings or nothing."

Seeming to have accepted the outlandish statement at face value, the unstable clockwork warrior sets about searching the corpses for provisions after meeting everyone that cared to meet him. "King Grommet* doesn't think these giants were bringing this lot here to eat. Maybe they were taking slaves and there might be more around?"

OOC - The construct gives off a slight good aura when the detect magics are being cast about.

*A little set of arms flip up out of the collar of the armored suit raising a broken sprocketed-wheel over its goggled, full helmet like a crown and plays a 4-note royal tune with some unseen tin horn within the wheels and gears of the armor before it folds itself back away whenever King Grommet says his name.
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Deric lets out a sigh of exasperation at the dwarf's antics.

"Can you not see that the gith is functioning perfectly normal at this time?"

Not a Gitz of words, Void smiles to himself as he regains the feeling to his body once more.
The smell that is coming from the keg is putrid to the nose of the Gitz so he ducks, rolls on the floor and stands up.
In case you are not troubled and talk so loud, there's still a mind flayer somewhere around here and probably more giants. Stay here while I'm going to investigate and report.
With that he leaves them to be, vanish from sight and strides to the corridor.
Ooc: Move silently + hide
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