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Sacred Cows for any edition

Which Sacred Cows are required to feel like D&D?

  • Six Ability Scores

    Votes: 144 87.3%
  • Alignment

    Votes: 61 37.0%
  • Hit Points

    Votes: 141 85.5%
  • Armor Class

    Votes: 132 80.0%
  • Saving Throws

    Votes: 87 52.7%
  • Cleric Domains

    Votes: 11 6.7%
  • Eight Schools of Magic

    Votes: 16 9.7%
  • Levels

    Votes: 155 93.9%
  • Skill Ranks

    Votes: 13 7.9%
  • Other (post your sacred cow below)

    Votes: 41 24.8%

Oh, yes, I picked 6 ability scores, too. I think they work because they reasonably cover most stuff to describe a characters physical and mental capabilities without being overly detailed. Theoretically both less or more are possible.

I am not sure that scores from 3-18 and ability modifiers needs to be. I think there can be made good arguments that the score range itself is mostly meaningless, while at the same time ability modifiers might be too important.

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Posting this without reading the thread, but I reckon, that the six ability scores, levels, hit point and a (couple of) other is what makes D&D.
The other is odd ecology and wierd monster. By this I mean the strange stuff like oozes, mind flayers, beholder, owlbears and so forth. Also the classic zoo dungeon or later version with a lot of odd stuff in them thar hills. Wilderness populated with tribes of goblin, hobgiblins, bugbears, gnolls and orcs are common enough in D&D with no sign of it degenerating into genocidal war.

Iconic spells/rituals. I don't much care weither Unseen Servant is a spell or a ritual but it should be present in the game world. I do think that it works better as a ritual as that gives a more athmospheric feel to the magic. Now there is a place for ceremony and ritual in magic.


First Post
I look at this from the long view -- which of these have been there across all editions...

So, 6 stats, classes, alignment, hit points, armour class, saving throws ... and, as many have said, the "Canonical Four" classes (even if the Thief/Rogue was very slightly Late To The Table).

For many people, these points are part of the "core definitions" of D&D.


Mod Squad
Staff member
There's a whole lot of things I think of as integral parts of "D&D" that are not listed in the poll, so I'm not sure any answer I make would be really indicative of my thoughts on the matter.


Classes, levels, the AC/HP system of combat and one other thing:

A kitchen sink, catch-all, sorta kinda fantasy setting that kitbashes all sorts of fantasy, theme, trope and whateverelse you can cram in. :)


First Post
That's interesting Diaglo - you don't include levels/classes in your list?

players can build classes and the referee can add them to the campaign.

always been that way. the archetypes are there. cleric, fighting man, and magic user as guidelines.

thief was added to fill a role that many felt was needed.

but it was still added. so are all the others. you just need the group to buy into your concept. as players in the group or the referee.

referees aren't restricted by classes and such. they add them or take them away as they see fit for rulings on the game.


Staff member
While the poll lists several sacred cows for D&D to be D&D to me, one of the big ones for me that is not listed on the poll- thus garnering "Other" as one of my votes- is Vancian magic.

I've got all kinds of FRPGs on my shelves that don't have it, and only one that does.


First Post
*The nuts and bolts of the d20 system: d20's, modifiers, DCs, etc.
*The six ability scores
*The four major roles (fighter who bashes things and takes hits, thief/rogue who sneaks and scouts and talks and stabs, cleric who heals and worships, mage who does crazy powerful things but only at high levels)

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