Scotley's and Leif's Constables of the 14th Ward [3.5E D&D] [OOC 02]


Price is less for LCA members, as all pcs are. They only pay half price.
So I only have to pay 25 gp per level in order to access a spell for copying, but I still have to pay 100 gp per level to actually scribe it? Can I buy the inks at half price and scribe it for 50 gp per level? (Did I already ask this?) :confused:

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So I only have to pay 25 gp per level in order to access a spell for copying, but I still have to pay 100 gp per level to actually scribe it? Can I buy the inks at half price and scribe it for 50 gp per level? (Did I already ask this?) :confused:
Gosh, Kerlan, that sounds like it's going to be more expensive than was my intent. Scotley, have any input on this? What I'm thinking now is to have him pay the 25gp/spell level for access, and then let LCA members do their scribing for free. Does that sound too generous to you, Scotty?
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I must say that I'm not a big fan of the new format of ENWorld that apparently took effect sometime in the last 24 hours.
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It sucks monkey testicles!
hehehe, yes, it does. Thanks for saying what I was thinking.

For anyone who is still having difficulty, I've discovered that all you have to do is go back to the FORUMS page after each post that you make, or almost any of the links on that top bar where FORUMS is located. You can get to Quick Links from most of those.

It's sorta back to "normal" now! You can access Quick Links from any page again! yay!!!
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Gosh, Kerlan, that sounds like it's going to be more expensive than was my intent. Scotley, have any input on this? What I'm thinking now is to have him pay the 25gp/spell level for access, and then let LCA members do their scribing for free. Does that sound to generous to you, Scotty?

That's a little generous, but if KerlanRayne doesn't try to copy everything in the LCA I'm okay with it. Just pay the cost of the blank spellbooks themselves and the 25gp/spell level access.


That's a little generous, but if KerlanRayne doesn't try to copy everything in the LCA I'm okay with it. Just pay the cost of the blank spellbooks themselves and the 25gp/spell level access.
Don't forget pens and ink, too!

This applies to Sertran Sentran the Violet, too, Nightbreeze! (Ooops, sorry!)
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First Post
Still kicking some possible character ideas around... I have a couple of approval-related questions for the esteemed GMing team.

1. For the musketeerish/swashbuckler type character (human Rogue/Fighter): the Feat 'Force of Personality', from Complete Adventurer; the Feat 'Combat Acrobat' from PHB II, and the Duellist PrC from the DMG.

2. For the elven archer (Scout/Ranger): the Feat 'Quick reconnoiter' from Complete Adventurer, and the Order of the Bow Initiate PrC from Complete Warrior. If that PrC is not approved, perhaps the Arcane Archer PrC from the DMG (though this would require a substantial rebuild from my current concept- in this case probably a mountain elf Sorceror/Fighter build).

Let me know about the status of these possibilities, and I'll keep working on stuff.


Neither of those statements is a question, pathfinderq1. Are you asking which, if either, of those options we will approve? It's not going to help you narrow your choice, I'm afraid, because both of those look acceptable. To me, anyway, pending Scotley's review of the crunch stuff. ;)


First Post
Yeah, that was mostly a pile of "is this approved" items- seeing which things are available may help me narrow my focus. While neither one is going into a PrC immediately, the guidelines note that all PrCs must be approved (even the basic DMG ones, so I figured I'd ask now rather than get frustrated in a couple of levels. And while feats are not specifically mentioned on the 'need approval' list, I figured I'd ask about the ones from non-core books, just in case. I've been rather busy, so all of this is moving very slowly- no rush.

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