Scotley's Carrion Crown IC Part 1 The Haunting of Harrowstone


"Come now. Whatever ill will you bore the professor in life can surely be forgotten in his death." Dannis' voice is calm as he speaks. "Forgiveness is something that we can all strive for. Let us pass and bury this man, and we can all gain a measure off peace."

The apparent leader of the group responds “Pah, You don’t get it. We won’t have a necromancer buried in the same place as our kin. I suggest you move out while you still can. Folks are pretty upset about this right now.” There are grumbles of assent from the mob.

Kendra responds angrily, “Necromancy!? Are you really that ignorant?” This only serves to deepen the scowl on the old man's face.

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First Post
Dannis lowers his portion of the casket in conjunction with Besharn and Vadim, and turns to face the men. "I am a cleric of Sarenrae, sworn foe of the undead. I can assure you that this man was no necromancer. I would prefer that this be the only burial to take place here today, so I suggest you be on your way." The cleric's hand moves to the hilt of his scimitar. "In fact, I insist."


Falco looks up to the man and speaks, his voice is surprisingly calm and unnerving. "What my friends", gesturing to Kendra and Danth, "are saying is we are carrying out the priest's intention and unless we see him on your side there, we WILL be burying him here... in fact right over there." Falco points with his free hand and the sarcasm in his voice hangs in the air as he looks to the man for anything further.

This sets several of them shuffling uncomfortably.

Thinking to the local sign they were asked to give upon entering the cemetery, B'rii addresses the protesters, "In some parts of the world, interfering with a sacred burial is said to raise the dead in protest. Is that your intent?"

One or two of the fellows at the back start to ease away from the group.

Vadim willingly shoulders his part of the burden and begins the walk up to Lorrimor's final resting place. He bows his head respectfully as he makes the spiral over his heart and says a quick prayer to Pharasma, asking her to bear the Professor's soul safely to his place in her realm.

Wrapped up in his thoughts, he is caught somewhat off guard by the appearance of the locals and their roadblock. He looks around quickly to ascertain the nature of the disturbance. He senses quickly that the mood is becoming ugly and looks around at everyone . . . paying special attention to his companions from the road and to the steel clad Verrago.

"Come now, friends. Pharasma will not be well pleased if we disturb this place with violence. Let's set the Professor's remains down for a moment and discuss this with these good folk. There's no need for bloodshed here."

As he speaks, he begins lowering his corner of the coffin and nodding to the others to do likewise.

Aid Another (Diplomacy) (1d20+7=15) for Falco.

Rhun said:
Dannis lowers his portion of the casket in conjunction with Besharn and Vadim, and turns to face the men. "I am a cleric of Sarenrae, sworn foe of the undead. I can assure you that this man was no necromancer. I would prefer that this be the only burial to take place here today, so I suggest you be on your way." The cleric's hand moves to the hilt of his scimitar. "In fact, I insist."

It does not become necessary to lower the coffin, seeing his fellow mob members are not going to back him the older man looks like he still wants to fight in fact Dannis' hard words and implied threat cause him to take a couple of steps forward gripping his weapon. However, the glares from the Ifrit and the Half-Orc are enough to break his people's will. They sullenly disperse, shooting venomous glances at the PCs and Kendra, but leaving the cemetery nevertheless and allowing the procession to continue. The old soldier is the last to turn away.

Kendra's anger quickly turns back to sadness. "That Gibs Hephenus has no respect. He seems to want to spoil even sorrowful occasions."
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OOC: [sblock=All]You have earned one Trust Point for avoiding bloodshed with the locals. You have also earned 50 experience point each. While in Ravengro the degree of cooperation you will get from the locals depends upon your trust score. It was a near thing, fortunately the diplomacy check was successful before you started making threats.[/sblock]

Once the PCs have dealt with Hephenus and his gang, Kendra thanks the PCs profusely and apologizes for the assault. The attending councilors profess shock at the attack and indicate that they recognized the thugs as “local farmhands, all of low character.”

The assault now past, the procession continues up to the plot Kendra purchased for her father. No further complications prevent the lowering of his coffin into the open grave by the gravediggers. Father Grimburrow gives a short sermon, then invites Kendra to say a few words about her father. Kendra fights back tears and briefly recounts a few of her father’s more courageous or selfless moments. His was a life of self-sacrifice and good. She thanks everyone once again for coming. She then invites anyone else to share a few stories or remembrances.

OOC: You may share stories your connection with Professor Lorrimor now if you wish to roleplay it or we can move on as you choose.


First Post
Dannis steps foreward. "I remember how I met the Professor, in the Hungry Mountains, north of Vigil. I was part of a patrol, and heard faint calls from a forested gully. When I went to investigate, I found the Professor, his foot caught in a snare trap set by orcs. I arrived just in time, for a pair of the brutes were closing in on him." Dannis smiles as he remembers the event. "I managed to fight them off and free the Professor, and then helped him back to our camp to treat his leg. There we shared mead and stories...the Professor had plenty of those!" Dannis' smile turns sad. "He was a good man, and though I will miss him, I take solace in the fact that I will always hold on to those happy memories of him. May Sarenrae's light shine upon him, and lead him to find everlasting rest and peace."

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Vadim rises to speak in his turn. With a smile for the priest he says, "It seems the Professor had a penchant for landing in dire straits and for near misses! Our first meeting was in an alley outside a bar in Korvosa. He was beset by a brace of ruffians who'd taken note of the coin purse he carried. I happened into the alley to take a piss, arriving just in time to even the odds and convince the bullies to seek easier prey.

"We struck up a conversation, and the man's words ignited in me a passion for unearthing buried secrets that turned me from my lack-about ways . . . and likely saved my life. A good man, in word and indeed."


First Post
Kendra's anger quickly turns back to sadness. "That Gibs Hephenus has no respect. He seems to want to spoil even sorrowful occasions."[/QUOTE]

"You'll have to fill us in on Mr Hephenus later, I fear this will not be the last we hear from him." As the man leaves Falco feels a renewed strength to carry the casket further (adrenaline is a wonderful drug) Falco keeps a watchful eye out during the ceremony for a return of the thugs or any other oddities.

(insert perception check here.)

As the ceremony progresses and others speak about how they met the professor, Falco volleys back and forth in his mind about whether he wants to divulge that part of his past. He finally decides to address a portion of it and when the half-elf has recounted his tale Falco will step forward.

"I met Professor Lorrimor when I was 18, some 7 years ago now. He was a very interesting man, unfortunately being of such a young age myself I didn't really understand how eclectic he really was and although that was a big part of who he was, what stands out to me was his generosity."
Looking into the grave now,
"Professor, what you did for my parents was truly selfless and although it was I'm sure a small thing to you, it made a world of difference to my family and me."
Falco will reach down and grab a handful of dirt.

"Rest in peace my friend, I look forward to seeing you again soon." He will release the dirt into the open grave and turn and return to his previous position.
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J. Alexander

First Post
Brendan will await his turn and when next he says "A good man to all, even to the point of sharing his books and tomes with a sad child who loved to read"


Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger3, AC21[25]/FF17/T14[18], HP 27/35

After Brendan has finished, Besharrn steps up and says, "Professor Lorrimor was my mother's cousin. He knew me as 'Jonathan Agrivar,' you understand, since that's what Mum named me. Anyhoo.... He came and stayed with us several times over the years. But his schedule usually only permitted him to visit in the springtime. That was when I was always busy trying like mad to get our crops planted and sprouted before the rains hit and washed them all away. And when I wasn't tending to the crops I was out running my trap lines trying to keep meat on the table. The Professor, or Mitty, as Mum and I called him, always bragged to Mum about what a fine, hardworking lad I was, but, shoot, I was just hungry! Anyways, in the evening we'd all sit in the parlor and Mitty would tell us tales of his many travels. Dannis, I remember well the tale of Mitty being caught in the snare and beset by orcs! He was surely tickled to see you coming to his rescue then! Vadim, that was a trouble that Mitty always had -- he was never to careful about flashing his coin about in front of them what hadn't ought to see such. Falco, he was a generous soul to a fault, even! The sad thing was that if the ruffians had just asked him for money to buy bread or drink, why, he'd have given them all that he had, and gone hungry himself! That's why I was so very proud to keep him well-fed while he was with Mum and me. He was a fine, a wise, and a noble man, and he is already sorely missed. We'll not see his like again, will we boys?"

[sblock=stats, Besharrn Blacktusk]

AC:21[10+7(+1 Breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]
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"No, none will not see his likes again for many years. When he visited with my mentor, Master Doro, he was the rare visitor who knew the students and called us by name. We all respected him and his sage advice."

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