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Scotley's Tomb of Horrors 3.5


First Post
Frustrated that his attack was foiled, Fin retries his rapier on the trapped men at arms, hoping this time they'll feel the sting of his blade.

As long as the men are stuck in the webbing he'll continue to attack with his rapier:
First Attack:
First Attack;Damage; Sneak Attack (1d20+9=24, 1d6+3=6, 5d6=17)
Second Attack:
Second Attack; Damage; Sneak Attack (1d20+4=24, 1d6+3=8, 5d6=19)
Critical Confirmation (1d20+4=18)
4th Round
1st Attack:
First Attack; Damage; Sneak Attack (1d20+9=20, 1d6+3=5, 5d6=26)
2nd Attack:
Second Attack; Damage; Sneak Attack (1d20+4=5, 1d6+3=5, 5d6=15)

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure

Hey all! I have a very important announcement to make!!!

I have from a good source that on the 29th of April, 41 years ago, a great and wounderful thing happend!

that is Scotley's birthday! Happy birthday dude!!


If possible, Zorn will web the two men. As long as there are places to anchor the web with 20' radius. If not, he will cast ghost sound and make it seem like there is a Giant nearby heading this way.

Web: reflex save DC 18


Initiative Order
Tagret 26 (ac23)
Fin 24 (ac22)
Logan 13 (ac28)
Harrison 13 (24)
Zorn 11 (ac16)
Garagos 6 (ac29)
Attackers 6 (ac16 or 17 except for Middlebrook who is ac 21 or 13 touch)
Jason 1 (ac24)

Jason lays into his foe and lands a solid blow that staggers the man, but does not drop him.

Tagret focuses his fury on his attacker and makes the man regret his choice of foe. While the man stays on his feet he is clearly badly wounded.

Frustrated that his attack was foiled, Fin retries his rapier on the trapped men at arms, hoping this time they'll feel the sting of his blade. His hopes are well founded and his blade easily dispatches one of the men trapped in the web.

Seeing the room filled with attackers, Logan has no choice but to stay in melee with the man in front of him. He swings with his morning star twice, hoping to show the man how to properly use a weapon. Both blows land solidly, but his foe is tenacious.

Harrison drops his foe and takes a shot at another as well, but he misses the man.

Zorn's web stretches across the narrow street neatly catching the two men on guard.

Garagos focus' his fury on his attacker, too driving his axe deep into the man at arms before him.

The men at arms are not ready to surrender despite the concerted efforts of the party. Their attacks (1d20+9=24, 1d20+4=7, 1d20+9=28, 1d20+4=22, 1d20+9=10, 1d20+4=24, 1d20+9=18, 1d20+4=7, 1d20+9=15, 1d20+4=21) prove more effective this time. The man guarding Middlebrook takes Jason in the left side (9 points), Tagret gets bashed on the head by his foe (7 points), Logan's foe cannot breach his defenses despite some fancy blade-work, having dispatched his foe, Harrison is not attacked, Garagos' foe might as well be attacking with a feather for all the good he does against the mighty dwarf-made armor, Jason also manages to avoid a blow he foe perhaps addled by the morning star. Middlebrook is not out of the fight yet though, he fires another poisoned bolt and again hits Logan, this time in the neck (5 points of damage and DC:14 Fort save please). Outside, a guard breaks free of the web and moves to face Fin.

Actions for the next round?

OOC: Attack of opportunity for Harrison rolled by DM. (1d20+11=14)


First Post
"Ahhh, Now this is more like it! Come to Fin, let's see if you prove more challenging than your friend over there" Fin shouts as he indicates the dead man hanging in the web. He steps forward and drives his blade into the opponent's right leg drawing a thin line of blood. He follows it up with a strike to the enemies chest, drawing yet another strike on the man, "Ha! Ye shoulda known better than to try and take on a dwarf laddie."

First Attack; Damage (1d20+9=25, 1d6+3=8)
Second Attack; Damage (1d20+4=18, 1d6+3=8)
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renau1g said:
"Ahhh, Now this is more like it! Come to Fin, let's see if you prove more challenging than your friend over there" Fin shouts as he indicates the dead man hanging in the web. He steps forward and drives his blade into the opponent's right leg drawing a thin line of blood. He follows it up with a strike to the enemies chest, but its unable to penetrate the armour, the rapier blade bending slightly before Fin retracts it.

First Attack; Damage (1d20+9=25, 1d6+3=8)
Second Attack; Damage (1d20+4=18, 1d6+3=8)

OOC: He's only AC 16, so the 18 should hit.

Walking Dad

First Post
Garagos, AC 29 (T19, FF27), HP 107/107, F +11,R+6,W+10, Initiative 6

Garagos starts with an overhandblow and continious with a wicked underhand swing.

[sblock=rolls and actions]
Full attacking the person that attacked him. Is he has to move more than 5ft, use only the first attack. If the first blow finishes one enemy, use the second for another (but I doubt it will hit)
Dw. Waraxe (1d20+12=29, 1d10+5=15, 1d20+7=11, 1d10+5=15)[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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