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Scouts and Trackers (FR Gestault) {Closed}


Erekose13 said:
Sounds good, I would also like to find a way to get Thurdack into Waterdeep. Being a barbarian its not too often that they like to walk into the greatest city in the FR.

So how about something starting from the destruction of the orcs at the hands of Murtek and the Red Knight. Something like -

Thurdack and his new brothers, the Uthgardt, trailed the orcs for days. It seemed odd that the orcs would travel so far from their homes far to the north. Perhaps they feared the retribution of these warriors he traveled with. One night the scout of the tribe, a warrior named Krem, saw a fire burning brightly down in the valley below. Skirting the edges of it he could see that they had finally caught up to the orcs. Why they dared open fire knowing they were being tracked was beyond Thurdack, perhaps they thought they had escaped. Regardless the brothers armed themselves for battle. This was the first time Thurdack had seen them paint their faces. Once ready the offered a prayer to the Raven, the manifestation of Uthgar that the tribe followed.

They broke into a light run as they headed down into the valley. As they neared the fire they saw that it burned much brighter than Krem had described. Breaking into a run the burst upon a scene that none had thought possible. All of the orcs lay dead many of them burning upon the fire as if it were a pyre built especially for them. Among the bodies stood a human, fresh blood flowing from his wounds as he worked methodically at stripping and burning the bodies. From the looks of it he had killed all of the orcs singlehandedly.

Murtek looked upon the strangers as they approached and knew that these were the children of Tempus that she had spoken of.

~You still think she was something other than who she said...why do you still doubt what you saw...~

As the barbarians closed in, Murtek threw the last of the bodies on the pyre and approached them, knowing that for now, his fate was tied in with their's.
Calling out to them, Murtek prayed his damaged voice would be heard over the roar of the holy fire behind him.

"She said you would arrive. She said the blood of Tempus' son flowed through all your veins. I am Murtek Greyspear, and I am to follow where you will take me."

* * * *

How does it sound so far? Too hokie? I see game wise that Murtek is basically a 0 lvl guy at this point, and from the "barbarians" he will learn the use of weapons, and also earn his "thug" regional feat. What do you think?

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Sure sounds good to me. Oh I just remembered that I need to change it from the Raven, I read up on Uthgardt and that one really doesnt fit. Cant remember which one I needed to change it to, but I'll look when I get home.


Over the next days and weeks, Murtek and Thurdack travelled back north, returning with the Uthgardt to their ancestral home. They became fast friends learning from one another. Thurdack had apparently had quite a bit of experience fighting off goblins and vermin that plagued the frontier farmers in the Western Heartlands. He taught Murtek what he knew, and the mysterious Murtek spoke at length about the Red Knight and what had happened that night.

Once they had reached the ancestor mounds of the barbaric tribesmen, they discovered that while accepted among the hunting party, the other members of the tribe did not look favourably on the pair. Thurdack hesitated, wanting to enjoy the freedom that he had enjoyed away from the farm. But really there wasn't anywhere else for him to go back crawling back to his father. Turning to Murtek, he asked, "Where does the Red Knight move you next?"

need something to get him into Waterdeep at some point. lemme know if some of this doesnt settle well with you.


First Post
Ok, FRCS book regional feat I am adding is Saddleback, I will now update character sheet (and change a bit of background and skills to have it make sense).

A quick question here for the future. I am assuming that in the future when the paladins mount comes along it will be takeable as a companion and not a possession in violation of the oath of poverty? Also, due to the oath of poverty would he be able to own a simple saddle or need to ride bareback (I have this image of him charging, staff as lance, staright at the enemy with his homespun robes flapping behind him, and praying that the wind does not bliw his robes up and leave his behind flapping in the breeze :lol: )


Living EN World Judge
rangerjohn said:
Uriel, unless this is 3.0, which seems unusual with UA and CW, then you are shorting yourself skill points.

I did screw up...too few Skill points, too many HPs...correcting now.


Erekose13 said:

Over the next days and weeks, Murtek and Thurdack travelled back north, returning with the Uthgardt to their ancestral home. They became fast friends learning from one another. Thurdack had apparently had quite a bit of experience fighting off goblins and vermin that plagued the frontier farmers in the Western Heartlands. He taught Murtek what he knew, and the mysterious Murtek spoke at length about the Red Knight and what had happened that night.

Once they had reached the ancestor mounds of the barbaric tribesmen, they discovered that while accepted among the hunting party, the other members of the tribe did not look favourably on the pair. Thurdack hesitated, wanting to enjoy the freedom that he had enjoyed away from the farm. But really there wasn't anywhere else for him to go back crawling back to his father. Turning to Murtek, he asked, "Where does the Red Knight move you next?"

need something to get him into Waterdeep at some point. lemme know if some of this doesnt settle well with you.

The time spent with Thurdack and his brothers had been a blessing to Murtek, but he knew that while his body had healed, his soul was still in need of mending fully.

"I feel a calling in my soul friend, a voice that whispers secrets in my ears at night when I sleep, only to allow me to forget them when I awake. She calls for me to seek out her house and surrender my past to her."

Feeling foolish for speaking so strangely, Murtek hoped his friend would not think him daft.

"I will be leaving soon my friend, heading to the lands of the east. I would be honored if you would come with me, although I know you have your brothers here among the tribe, even if my presence has strained that relationship."

* * *

Figure they could travel to the temple from here and then agree to meet in Waterdeep afterwards. Both would agree to wait a year for the other before travelling out once more. What do you think?

Wynter Wolf

First Post
OK regarding the mount thing, The Paladin Mount is a companion not a possesion. We shall assume the Paladin mount comes with equipment. As to a horse before that you will sadly have to ride bareback.

Characters look real good seems we have enough to start the others if they show back up can catch up.

Rogues Gallerie is now open.

Should have opening post up before weekend is over.

Wynter Wolf

First Post
Btw Uriel can i get a starting spell list from you?

To Everyone:

There may be some major differences between the book waterdeep you may know and the Waterdeep you will be in.

Major themes are the same tho some homestyle changes have been made. Mostly cosmetic in nature.

If anything comes up that becomes a rules issue you will be notified well in advance.

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