Scouts and Trackers IC


"I agree with ya Listin, those in need need our help and help we will. But I still don't see nothing wrong with acceptin a big meal when one is offered. Righter of wrongs are we? Well then lets see what this Lord Erik has in store for us. And may Ilmater direct us to those in need." Thurdack says, happily joining in the conversation with Darvin and Listin.

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First Post
Smiling at his companions Listin walks with them to meet with Lord Erik.

"Darvin, you say that you have never met a noble man that did not work as hard his men? I have, many of them! Most nobles are self indulgent and rely on their Captains and senchals to take care of their duties. The Obraskyr's are a notable exception to this. I am a third son, sent off to the temple of Lathander because I was useless at home. Only there did I learn of how best to serve greater good. Only from the Order of the Sun did I learn how to best discipline myself to be able to eschew the material world that is so important to most.

I will eat with Lord Erik, but sparingly and only enough to satisfy my needs. I will (if he gives his permission) take extra to give to the poor outside so that all that rich food does not go to waste. But I will never allow myself to return to the trap of believing that wealth and privelege makes a man better. Order is needed, but that does not mean that the those who support the top need suffer in poverty, starvation and degradation!

As for writing wrongs - let everyone learn of the might of Lathander and that he abandons no one - that where people are beset by evil, Lathander sends aid!"

Finishing off Listin appears a bit embarrassed by his previous diatribe.

"Yes, well, as you can see I feel quite stongly about these matters. Makes up for my earlier life of feeling quite strongly about having enough time to ride horses and feast with my friends!"

Laughing at himself, he looks up to the sun and starts singing a joyous hymn to Lathander (making everyone around him wish that he had at least learnt a few rudiments of singing from the bards at those feasts)

Wynter Wolf

First Post
As you are guided throught the streets of Waterdeep to the inn, you realize that the area you are going into is away from main trafic areas and in a more Ritzy residential area. You approach a walled compound that actually looks like a large manor home. You go to walk into the grounds when you are stopped by 2 guards at the gates, dressed in breast plates with shield and longswords they look a cut above your average guard type. "Hold up a moment and let me do a quick once over please." says the left hand guard. He looks all of you up and down and says.. "Alright go ahead you are expected, btw the beef stew is real good today."

As you walk up you see the Manor house is in an L shape with the long part facing towards you, to the right of the Manor House is a stable, and behind it seems to be a brewery. Other than a small sign at the front door you would have no clue this was an Inn. The sign seems to be of a crescent moon on a stary background.

Entering the commons area you smell wonderful food smells. Its well lit in here with only about 6 people in the room. You are greeted by a woman in her early 20's she states. "Welcome to the crescent moon, all are welcome here as long as no trouble is caused." She pauses for a moment. "The special of the day is Beef stew with fresh bread and cheese."

As you look around at the others in the room. you see 2 humanoid Wolves standing almost 7' tall in studded leather w/ Long Bows and Great Swords leaning on the wall near them and 2 wolves laying at theyre feet.
You see a Man sitting in the corner facing the way you came in looking at you all no expression on his face dressed all in black no weapons visible. Sitting at the same table with him is a Half elf dressed in leather with a Longsword at his side and various hilts of small knives and daggers visible around his outfit. They seem to be quietly talking. And sitting at a big table by himself is the man identified to you as Erik, he motions for you all to join him at his table. "Please come join me iim sure you all must be hungry." He turns towards the bar.. "Patrick need 5 ales over here"

You look towards the bar and see no one. You hear a voice from behind the bar. "Erik wee lad yea be wantin some more of me Ale come get it your self."


First Post
Wynter Wolf said:
You look towards the bar and see no one. You hear a voice from behind the bar. "Erik wee lad yea be wantin some more of me Ale come get it your self."

Bowing to Lord Erik Listin leans his staff against the wall.

"Lord Erik, it is an honor to meet you. Perhaps I can assist and go fetch the ales for all of us? Is it not said that in serving others one finds honor in oneself rather than the ephemera of chaos?"

With a beaming smile he continues, "Chronicles of Lathander, chapter 456 v3, wherein we learn that service is honourable and true freedom, chaos but an illusion of freedom and a trap to the mind."

After a short pause he quickly looks at everyone, " Shall I fetch the ales then?"

ooc:Let me know if Listin is too irritating and I will tone him down. I see him as a rather fanatical devotee of Lathander with quite outspoken ideas about wealth sharing - but if he is too much, let me know.
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Thurdack pays little attention to Listin's preaching as he is a little startled by the appearance of these wolfen in a city like this one. He had heard of such creatures before, but only that they were quite dangerous. Paying his proper respects he holds out his big meaty hand to Lord Erik, "Good day to you, Lord Erik. Name's Thurdack Horne. I hope that we can be of service to you." After shaking the man's hand - provided he returns the gesture - Thurdack sits down to here the man out. His eyes often find themselves watching the wolf men, always wary.

[ooc: nah sounds fun to me. with limited knowledge local i assumed that thurdack might have heard a story or two about werewolves, but nothing concrete.]


As he entered the room, Murtek's eyes automatically began scanning the room looking around and committing the layout of the room to memory.

As the others introduced themselves, Murtek waited until the others were done and then nodded his head in greeting.

"It is a pleasure to meet you sir, I am Murtek Greyspear, journeyman priest of the Red Knight."


First Post
Darvin sizes up the wolves and wolfmen, mentally comparing them to the lizardfolk he knows. If it comes down to it, Darvin doesn't like the odds, even if his new fellows would stand with him. Darvin murmurs quietly, "cresent moon, wolf men, scouts and trackers..."

Then he presents himself to Lord Erik, "Darvin Telhunt, milord, recently of service to Baron Greycastle of Daggerford." Darvin gives the formal bow for nobles of unknown rank.

ooc: Preach on brother Listin!


Living EN World Judge
OoC: Resubscribed...stupid'puter.


Bryn smiles at the fortuitous Crescent Moon sign. Surely his God had shown his humor in the coincidence. Walking along quietly, listening to the interesting nature of the humans beside him, Bryn thinks back to the various human conditions thathe had witnessed. He had seen orphans, nobles and freemen, all walks of life in all manner of strife and contentment. Neither of the men was wholly right in their view, though neither wrong as well.
Stretching a bit before entering, Bryn Greenlocke enterd the crescent Moon and approached the table where Lord Erik sat.Smiling, he said 'Greetings my Goode Sir, Bryn Greenlocke at your service,lately of the Dales.'
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Wynter Wolf said:
(ooc: these are not werewolves but a race of humanoid wolves rumored to live in the North.)

[ooc: hehe guess that limited knowledge dont come in handy if he gets it wrong right off the bat :)]

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