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SG1: An Old Friend (Wik Judging)


Balnibar seems lost in thought, much of the time, drawing small diagrams in the air and stroking his short beard. At the store, he suddenly comes alive.

"Aha! Thunderstones! Good for diversions, deafening casters, and flushing out ambushes. Let's take one, and two tanglefoot bags. If you have tindertwigs and smokesticks, I'll take five of each. Er... that's too much, isn't it? Never mind, it's for a good cause. Here's 4 gold from my pocket for four tindertwigs. The smokesticks.... Well, I guess we'll have to help Master Thunderbanner without them.

So, let's see... That's 4 tindertwigs for me, and then two bags, a thunderstone, and... let's say 100 feet of rope--Zilargo silk, of course!"
He tosses the shopkeeper a wink.

"I do hope that's acceptable for everyone--Hey, is that the most recent issue of the Inquisitive? Have you been able to answer 23 down? Dwarven dual-use pike, starts with the letter U? It's great to meet a fellow Inquisitive. What's your favorite puzzle?"

OOC: Diplomacy +5 with the shopkeeper. Can he get us a better price?

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Nodding politely as the Dwarven Shopkeep pontificates on the virtues and availability of what the group searches for, the Noble easily slides from group speaker to silent observer, letting the diminutive halfling take the reigns.

Drifting back to Corran, the Wizard shows an interest in the obviously 'rural' youth. Placing a hand on the human's shoulder, Genithar says softly, "Your first time in Sharn? Mine as well. A truly wonderous place, no?"

As Balnibar begins negotiations, Genithar clears his throat and adds, "Good Master Jiminyblivet, mayhap t'would be wiser to purchase the manacles, as they would be a gift that kept on giving, instead of the clapstone which would be gone quickly? By my count; Manacles, two tanglefoots, and 150' length of Zilargo's finest would leave us with enough credit to purchase 3 Tindertwigs for you, leaving your own savings intact. What say you to this?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Aldus cheeps in a moment. "Hundred fifty length?! Have you been seeing the towers in this place? I be living on the second floor, not all the way down to Middle Dura! And you going to be burning my place down? Tindertwigs. Fah!" The shopkeeper looks a bit askance at Aldus' outburst, but keeps professionally silent.

InVinoVertitas said:
"I do hope that's acceptable for everyone--Hey, is that the most recent issue of the Inquisitive? Have you been able to answer 23 down? Dwarven dual-use pike, starts with the letter U? It's great to meet a fellow Inquisitive. What's your favorite puzzle?"
[Diplomacy 21]

"Hmm. It is for a good customer, thought I do not know whyfor, nor do I care. I can give you the two tanglefoots for 101gp, and I can throw in one grappling hook for free if you get at least 50 length of Zilargo silk for 11. I've already discounted the 'manacles' since their not really designed for that work."

Smirking at Aldus/Cheep, the Wizard responds, 'Very good sir, one zil rope with your kind offer of a grapple, the manacles, two tanglefoots, and a thunderstone for my halfling companion.'
Looking to the group with an upraised eyebrow, Genithar silently asks for any other suggestions.


First Post
"I don't think we need to do this in side the shop maybe we can lure them out into an alley way or the like and trap them there."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
"Me workshop not be a small affair, and I be knowing that they are near my vault which be at the back. Can't be saying if there not be others in the rest of the house---I be losing me connection to Doggie and Fetch, so I not be seeing anything."

Face becoming somber, Genithar nods at Cheep as he turns back to the group and offers, 'Our time grows short, let us purchase the goods I've outlined and continue on to our destination.'

Shifting to the Shopkeep, asks him to gather the requested gear.

Turning back to Cheep/Aldus, the Wizard queries, 'Aldus, can you describe Doggie and Fetch for us? Should we be wary of them? Or will they aid us?'

Voidrunner's Codex

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