Shackled City - Chapter I


"Orpheus, Alinis." Kiyoshi repeats the names, trying to memorise them. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well.

"I am a little unfamiliar with the drinks of this country. What would you suggest I order?" He asks the pair, eyeing the bottles behind the bar uncertainly.

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Orpheus slams down the price for two ales and looks to Alinis expectantly.
"You'll have what I have, Kiyoshi. What would you have, beautiful?"


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Alinis looked at the goateed half-elf with some misgivings. He already thinks I'm his. Well. I'll have to disabuse him of that particular notion.
"Tea will do for me. I must be at my best in the morning if I am to go to ask for a job from the Lord Mayor." she looked at the young bard pointedly. "And I suspect that if you practiced your manners and how you approach people more, you might not 'put your foot in your mouth' as we say in my country,"
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"Now now, no need to speak harshly, Alinis. I'm interested in hearing what this traveler has to say and mean to make his telling more comfortable for him. You need not share a drink with us if you don't wish it. I merely thought it unkind to buy him a drink and leave you high and dry," he says, offering a hurt stare. "Though you'd be lucky to be dry tonight," he directs to Kiyoshi with a smile.


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Kellen nods at Kiyoshi's request and after collecting payment he moves to the kitchen door and sticks his head in, "Min! Prepare a second meal while your back there, we have another hungry customer!"

He then turns back around with a smile on his face and begins fixing the newly ordered drinks.


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"Then I gratefully accept your kind offer," she replied. "And I suspect I must follow my own good advice from time to time," she said grinning.


Kiyoshi quietly studies the content of the mug the barkeeper places before him while Orpheus and Alinis have their brief spat, only looking round to nod in agreement with Orpheus' words on the weather.

hippocrachus said:
"Though you'd be lucky to be dry tonight," he directs to Kiyoshi with a smile.
"Truely. It is quite an exciting little storm that is building outside. A fortuitous sign, a good sign indeed." He nods again happily, and takes a cautious sip from his mug of ale.

"Beer?" He asks, pointing to the mug. He takes a larger swig from the drink, and settles back on the high bar stool. "Thank you for the drink. Tell me, do you both live in the city?"


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Orpheus gives Alinis a playful push.
"Bah!" he says laughing and leaves the coin for a tea on the counter.
He gives the halfling an amused look.
"I'm just passing through. I'm not from around here..." he adds with a purposefully ominous tone.


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"Me? No, I'm not from around here. My home is far to the southeast, where the mountians, jungle and ocean meet." she smiled. "My people have a custom to send their younglings on a 'walk-about' or a journey of learning once they reach the age of majority. This helps us in many ways. It keeps us in touch with the outside world and also helps us maintain good diplomatic relationships with our neighbors. We have seen all too often where elves have become so insular that they have become a thing of fear among other peoples. So my people decided on a different approach. It works, mostly." she said, grinning at both of them.
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The quiet atmosphere in the room is broken as you hear what sounds like a body being thrown hard against a wall outside. The sounds of a brawl insue. It appears to be coming from the alley on the west side of the inn.

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