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Shards of Memory--Act I: The Boundless Void


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Diedrik smiled menacingly. Yuriko may have missed but her flanking action put the undead entity between a rock and a hard place. Avoiding her attack simply set it up for his as it dodged backwards into an ideal position.

"My thanks, Yuriko," he said, impressed once again with the warrior-monk.

OOC: Attack action

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Rystil Arden

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*Diedrik's blade strikes true, severely wounding the undead, but not enough to finish it off. Snarling or perhaps grinning, it decides to try to finish off Yuriko, but she's taken the time as Diedrik's blade sliced the creature to set herself off for a quick block with her katana as she rolls under the attack, unharmed. Using her momentum, she cleaves off a chunk of the creature's side, but the energy it has drained from her keeps it going--at least long enough to stumble right into Kirkesh's unsheathed blade, as he finishes the fight then and there--though of course, the more dangerous foe seems to have escaped.*

(OOC: W4 takes 14 Damage, then 11 Damage, then 6 Damage and shuffles off this mortal coil)

Rystil Arden

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"Dark spirits risen again from our crew," Yuriko says softly, still severely weakened by the attacks to her persona and her life essence.

She moves to each one and beheads it just like she did on the other boat, "We must at least behead these, at best incinerate them with the sword's fire. But I fear we haven't seen the last of the Master of the evil spirits."

Rystil Arden

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"I don't know," Yuriko replies. It seems to jump, though. Not fly. And certainly it could not travel as fast as this ship. If it wants to attack us again, it will need to have stayed within our gravity and still be here somewhere."

*She moves over to Zaeryn.*

"I am afraid I am not fully cognisant of your culture's way in these things--would it be the honourable thing for you to do it, or should I do it to save you the pain?" she asks him.


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Zaeryn T'Erilan, Male Altanian Arcanist

*Zaeryn checks frantically to see if Valyssa is still breathing, once the undead crewmen leave them alone.*

Bront said:
"What in the Spheres was that?" Kirkes asks, looking down at the remains of the foul creatures.
“The thing that escaped was a Voidwight, or at least it looked like what I was shown,” he adds reflexively, when the question is asked... not looking up from Valyssa.


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Diedrik sheathes his weapon, muffling the harmful gibbering of the weapon for the brief remainder of its duration. He moves from person to person, starting with Valyssa, dispensing heaing magic.

"I don't like playing too much with fire on a boat. Perhaps a burial in space or less eloquently put, ditching the corpses off the side, would meet our requirements?" he proposed.

OOC: Cure Mod. Wounds on Valyssa, then a Cure Lgt. Wounds for each of Zaeryn, Kirkesh and Yuriko.

"That's all my magic reserves spent for the day," Diedrik said, then returned to take a closer look at Valyssa, "I'll see what I can do, but don't get your hopes up. Are there any medical supplies on board?"

OOC: Heal check to see if anything can be done for Valyssa. Only now do I realise I failed to purchase a healing kit.

Rystil Arden

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"If it is a creature of the void, then feeding it to the void like that...may not be the best way," Yuriko points out, though Zaeryn still didn't answer her question.

*Valyssa does not appear to be breathing, and her body is pale and still.*

(OOC: Hold your horses on that one CMW, Diedrik ;))


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OOC: Yes, Zaeryn hasn't replied to Yuriko yet... because he's still trying to catch up all the time he missed doing nothing when he would have been finding out whether Valyssa was dead... before Yuriko chops her head off. :p

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