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Shards of Memory--Act I: The Boundless Void

Rystil Arden

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[SBLOCK=Yuriko]*Yuriko believes that there is indeed a hidden subtext to what the Rowaini girl is saying...perhaps she is not so 'bubbleheaded' as she seems in changing the subject so obviously and seemingly randomly.*[/SBLOCK]

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I aim to misbehave
Yotsu Yuriko, Female Larakese Martial Artist

[sblock=Rystil Only]'Anything there I am missing on the geisha, blessed ancestor?" Yuriko asked. 'She seems quite skilled with words, as well as hiding her intentions. It seemed like there was a veiled threat to Deidrik there . . . .'

OOC: E-mail sent! [/sblock]

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Yuriko]'I'm afraid that this is one thing you must discover on your own, for her language is something you know that I do not, so I could not make out her words, my child,' Tao replies, her voice a quiet yet comforting whisper in Yuriko's mind.[/SBLOCK]


First Post
[sblock=Galley, easily observed][sblock=Rowaini]
Rystil Arden said:
"Oh dear, yes, you're right...I'm such a bubblehead. Why, she would have been old enough to be your mother, wouldn't she?" Vanessa giggles, smiling a small smile, "Well, I guess all I'm saying is that sometimes people like you and me have things that they would rather not share. You understand, don't you Diedrik?"

Diedrik raised an eyebrow, seeming slightly confused in the face of what seemed to be a veiled threat, if only he could understand it.

[sblock=Rowaini]"Lady Vanessa? I think I can follow what you are implying..." he said, looking thoughtful but clueless, "If there are elements to your situation you would prefer to not disclose then by all means, this isn't an interrogation. But at least answer me this: If there was, hypothetically, a group who sought to pursue you would they have the will and the means of chasing this ship? It's very important. Surely that much information wouldn't compromise what you'd prefer to remain unknown."[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Rystil]*Vanessa's retort hit Diedrik like a ton of bricks. He had to roll with it though, to flinch would have jeopardised his own situation moreso. He held his composure as he made his attempt at damage control. Playing the fool was his best defense here. He couldn't remember ever meeting Vanessa in person, so her speculation that he was Evrard was likely based on the knowledge of Lara Kai he had displayed thus far, and other coincidental tidbits. She probably didn't know how Evrard actually looked... probably. The situation could be recovered from, unless she had seen through his disguise. The thought chilled him to his bones. His disguise was afterall his most important line of defense, for it to be breached placed him in severe danger of exposure. His only hope was that her opinion was built on speculation, and that he could quell it with ignorance and then some accurate words in feigned realisation. Pretend he didn't understand until finally unveiling her threat and countering it. If she had seen through his disguise however there was nothing he could do.*

Gah! The ferret underestimated the rabbit, and she has played her trump card. Now the ferret must take the defensive. If there's a point to even taking the defensive now...[/sblock]

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Galley, Rowaini, Easily Observable]"Oh dear...I'm sorry Diedrik, but I really don't know so much about the specifics of Spelljamming and what it takes to pursue someone or something like that. I'm new to this kind of thing, you see. So even if there was someone who sought to pursue me, or to pursue you, I wouldn't know...but you know who I bet would know? Kirkesh! He sure knows a lot about this kind of thing," Vanessa replies cheerily.[/SBLOCK]


First Post
[sblock=Galley, easily observed]*Diedrik's look of confusion was exacerbated by Vanessa's next spiel.*

Rystil Arden said:
"Oh dear...I'm sorry Diedrik, but I really don't know so much about the specifics of Spelljamming and what it takes to pursue someone or something like that. I'm new to this kind of thing, you see. So even if there was someone who sought to pursue me, or to pursue you, I wouldn't know...but you know who I bet would know? Kirkesh! He sure knows a lot about this kind of thing," Vanessa replies cheerily.

"Very well Lady Vanessa, if that's what you recommend I'll ask Kirkesh when I get on deck a little later. I'm sorry if I have wasted your time. I had thought it would have been wiser to ask nobility," Diedrik apologied, "I'll let you return to your duties."[/sblock]

[sblock=Larakese]"I've done all I can, Yotsu-san," he said, somewhat disappointed.[/sblock]

*With a smile and respectful inclination of his head towards Vanessa, Diedrik made his way out of the galley to begin his own duties.*[/sblock]

[sblock=Rystil]*Diedrik paused in the hallway once out of the galley, and waited for Yuriko to join him so they could start their analysis of the ship. The threat of him being Evrard seemed to carry less weight in Vanessa's next move, she had focused more on bringing Kirkesh into the equation. Perhaps he was in the clear as far as his identity went, but Kirkesh's name signalled an end to the conversation. There was some relief however in being able to play upon her words. Through them he was able to cover his withdraw from the conversation better than he had hoped for. Diedrik was not fleeing, he had simply decided that once Kirkesh became a significant part he would have to pull out. A smooth withdrawal and mentioning he would discuss the matter with Kirkesh at an unspecified time was important to give the impression that he didn't feel threatened. He had left a couple of well-veiled gifts of his own, and couldn't help but wonder if Vanessa would pick up on them. He had tried conveying them in a slightly more subtle manner than she had used to threaten him. Diedrik decided that to protect his identity and aid his work he would have to engage a consistent element of feigned ignorance to the finer machinations of noble conversation. If he seemed ignorant of and impervious to veiled threats and insults then threats and insults of his own (if veiled well enough) could create a sense of confusion as to whether threat or insult was actually intended, or whether it was simply a harmless and coincidental choice of words by the commoner musician. That and Vanessa would expect Evrard to play the game like she wanted him to, like she expected a noble who had been out of the game for a long time to, but he wouldn't give her that. It would only hurt himself to do so.*

Damn rabbit wants to play court games. This is not Rowain and I don't have time to pussyfoot through social niceties just so I can do my job! Perhaps she's not a rabbit then, perhaps more of a cat...

*They were going to be trouble, just as he expected. At least if he did speak to Kirkesh on the matter then Kirkesh would be unlikely to start slipping 'Evrard' threats in. Kirkesh wasn't a noble, and would probably know little if anything, but he had to be careful. He didn't expect the man to want to part with any information. Not easily in any case. A stroll about the ship in the company of Yuriko would allow him to collect his thoughts and prepare himself to speak with Kirkesh. To not actually do so after volunteering to would be a sign of weakness, and invite a fresh offensive from Vanessa. He made a note however to not talk to Kirkesh if Vanessa was with him, he had withdrawn while she had the upper hand, and given opportunity she would play it against him with Kirkesh's support. He would have little hope in such a scenario. Divide and conquer was his only option.*[/sblock]


I aim to misbehave
Yotsu Yuriko, Female Larakese Martial Artist

[sblock=Galley, easily observed][sblock=Larakese]
Festy_Dog said:
"I've done all I can, Yotsu-san," he said, somewhat disappointed.
*Yuriko watched as Deidrik left the gallery, her hands tucked into the sleeves of her grey kimono. With a inclination of her head to Vanessa, accompanied by a slight, almost knowing smile, Yuriko shuffled delicately out of the galley as well.*[/sblock]

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Galley, Easily Observable]*Finished cleaning up as well, Vanessa strolls out of the galley along with the others, heading to the Helmsman's Chamber.*[/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Hallway, Easily Observable (Diedrik, Yuriko, and Zaeryn)]*As Diedrik and Yuriko head up to work, they pass Zaeryn and Valyssa, walking through the hallway.*[/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Deck, Easily Observable (Kirkesh)]*Kirkesh sees a few groups of sailors controlling the sails to make sure that the ship gets the most aerodynamic flight possible with whatever movement the Helmsman commands. Meanwhile, one sailor bends the rudder as well when the ship turns, keeping to the pattern of the helm's direction.*[/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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