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Silver Marshes Campaign (Game Closed)


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Harvey said:
Oh, I definitely sympathize. I've banned psionics on my table-top game for years, mainly because one of our players always built a munchkin psion who would be able to drop baddies in a round. Some psionic powers are too powerful...

Eh...the thing to remember here is that a psion pumping all his points into a single attack is kind of like a sorcerer blowing all his daily spells in one encounter. Sure, it's impressive in the immediate term, but then they're just crappy crossbowmen for the rest of the day. :)


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Crimson Tide

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My problem with psionics has always been that in many cases 1 psion can do what three other chars could do. They can do damage as fighters, nail people with mind magic, and have the skills of a rogue.

I will caveat this all by saying that my dealings with them is based off of 2nd ed, and I have never looked at 3rd. So I do apologize for my past coloring my present, but the feelings are there all the same.

I do hope you are still interested in the game though Gabrion, even if you can't go the psionic route.

Harvey: Any thought on the diety you might follow? No pressure to take any certain one, but I was curios as to who you were thinking of as the FR has alot of cool lesser deities that alot of people overlook for the "main" ones.


First Post
wgreen said:
Eh...the thing to remember here is that a psion pumping all his points into a single attack is kind of like a sorcerer blowing all his daily spells in one encounter. Sure, it's impressive in the immediate term, but then they're just crappy crossbowmen for the rest of the day. :)


Very true too... that same player tended to be really effective (almost overly so) for the 1st half of the adventure, but having used up his power points, did almost nothing for the second half of the adventure. But because that player did so in two campaigns, it really soured me on psionics... which is a shame, because I am now running an Eberron campaign, which has such a great niche for psionics (and I was prepared for that player to play a kalashtar, and he threw me a curveball and went warmage :) )


First Post
Crimson Tide said:
My problem with psionics has always been that in many cases 1 psion can do what three other chars could do. They can do damage as fighters, nail people with mind magic, and have the skills of a rogue.

Well, yeah, but so can Wizards. :)

Crimson Tide said:
I will caveat this all by saying that my dealings with them is based off of 2nd ed, and I have never looked at 3rd. So I do apologize for my past coloring my present, but the feelings are there all the same.

Oh, you poor, poor man! 2E psionics was a travesty. No wonder you're so repulsed by the idea! Well, mileage varies, of course, but the prevalent opinion seems to be that 3.5E is generally very well-balanced, save for one or two possibly over-powered abilities.

Anyway, for those who want to play psions, you might just consider playing a sorcerer instead. If you choose the right spells, you get much the same effect anyway.



First Post
Crimson Tide said:
While they are in the SRD, I guess I will have to just simply admit that I don't like psionics. I have no problem with the people that do, but for me, they hold no real appeal. I do feel like I am cheating you guys/ladies, but I would prefer, for right now at least, no psionics.

*braces for the rotten fruit and veggies to be thrown this way*

Hey, no problem at all. Like I said, I have a lot of ideas so it's no big deal to switch to something else. A few games I run don't allow psionics just because of flavor issues, but that's exactly why I asked if they would be allowed or not.

Harvey said:
Oh, I definitely sympathize. I've banned psionics on my table-top game for years, mainly because one of our players always built a munchkin psion who would be able to drop baddies in a round. Some psionic powers are too powerful...

This deserves rotten fuit and veggies though. :) Actually I don't want to spam up this thread with a discussion of psionics, but suffice to say I disagree with your sentiment Harvey. Disallowing them for flavor reasons is just fine, but because of power? Tsk tsk tsk.


As far as the power level goes, I guess I'll have to try and subdue the munchkin half of my personality (ok, maybe it's more like 2/3). I'll be a good boy though, since non-munchkin games usually tend to be more fun in the long run anyway.

It looks like a skillmonkey could be useful, so I will put together either a rogue or a bard. I know it is FR, but since the world contains Dopplegangers and Humans would you allow Changelings from Eberron? They are decendents of races that already exist in FR, so it could fit, but of course I would understand if they aren't allowed.

If the changelings are allowed along with their Racial Substitution levels, then I will probably play a Rogue 6, but if not then a Bard 5/Stormsinger 1 (Frostburn) would be my next option. If you have a preference let me know.


First Post
Crimson Tide said:
Harvey: Any thought on the diety you might follow? No pressure to take any certain one, but I was curios as to who you were thinking of as the FR has alot of cool lesser deities that alot of people overlook for the "main" ones.

Nope... I have been spending the last 2 hours perusing through my various FR books trying to decide, and I am nowhere near closer to figuring out my character. :)

I've also been going through PrCs from the books, looking to see where I might want to lead my character. I'm reading up on the Harper Agents, with a possibility of going Cleric of Deneir 5/Harper Agent 1, but I'm not sold with using Deneir as my character's deity.

The more I read, the more I think I'll go straight cleric. (of course, then I got distracted by the druid, having never played one before, but saw Isida already claimed that spot).

Any suggestions anyone?

Crimson Tide

First Post
Since I do love Eberron, and if this game goes well I might do one of those at a later date, I will allow a Changeling. However, since this is FR, I do want a nice backstory as to how he/she was born and raised. If you can give me that, all will be square in my books.

I do also appreciate you placing the inner munchkin on the back burner for the moment. I will go back and reread the racial sub lvls on changelings later on. Also, which of the three personality types will your changeling be?

Since I am allowing Changelings, I will also allow Warforged, but know they will be seen closer to sentient golems than a truly unique race. However, this could be a good way to link a history if any players went that route.

Crimson Tide

First Post
Harvey: Please don't feel like you have to go a certain route with the priest, and if you want to try a druid, then by all means do so. All in all, the party balance will fall where it will and we will go from there.

As for deities, if you go mainstream there is always Tymora, Helm, Tyr, Torm, Ilmater, Kelemvor, Gond and a CN Tempus.

Slightly off center: Too many to list..:)

Just shoot from the hip and go from there and we can work on it as the idea fills out.


First Post
Crimson Tide said:
Since I am allowing Changelings, I will also allow Warforged, but know they will be seen closer to sentient golems than a truly unique race. However, this could be a good way to link a history if any players went that route.

Now, why did you have to go and do that? I was so close to picking a character... :)

I love the warforged... I've played one in my very first Eberron game, and am running two Eberron games now (one PbP, the other tabletop). They are my favorite race, by far, in D&D... but I think it is mainly due to their treatment in Eberron (I like the whole House Cannith/Creation Forges/Treaty of Thronehold freedom history). So playing them outside of that environment might be weird.

Oh well, back to the books (and back to dodging gabrion's rotten fruits and veggies ;) )

Crimson Tide

First Post
Well, as I see Warforged and Golamoids (sp?) as close to the same thing, I don't see it as a huge stretch to see them being in the FR. However, as I always like to say, if the party has it, so do the villians.

But if you want to play one, feel free to do so, as I do not have any problem with it. I can see the gnomes of Lantan claiming credit for their creation as we speak..:)

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