• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Sinister Spire(con't RBD)(Orsal Judging)


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The fleeing dwarf is hit by both of looksprings arrows and falls to the ground unceremoniously in a heap and lies where it fell unmoving.

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Lookspring continues chasing the dwarf as it falls over and leaps upon his prone back. He hops up and down on its back hissing out curses at its ancestry. Finally he settles down and begins to check over the fallen body to make sure it is good and dead before looting it.


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"Oh, I suppose there's time to check the bodies." says Rowan. He pauses to search the fallen dwarves for loot as well. (Search +2)


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You locate 5 of the 6 bodies and one of the five has already been searched by Rowan. The missing body was one on the roof. Each dwarf averaged 50gp and one potion and carried shortsword and crossbow.

Total 200gp, 4 potions, 4 short swords, and 4 crossbows.

This is in addition to what Rowan found on the dwarf he searched earlier.


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Lookspring picks up the swords, potions, and crossbows from the two dwarves he killed. Awkwardly balancing all the gear he is now carrying, he staggers after the others towards the Inn and their expected reward.


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"Lookspring, lets stash most of that in the bag of holding here." Phoenix suggests. "Carrying all that loot openly in this place will only attract other looters to try and take it from us." After the gear is stored, she makes her way with the others back to the inn.


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The group reaches the Inn. As you enter you draw the attention of everyone in the place, as you enter with armor stained with blood and obviously you have been busy. EsSarch rasps "You have brought that which I seek? Come I will have your wounds attended to. New developments require action. I will need you to move quickly on the second task."

ooc: As you converse with EsSarch unnatural healers attend to your wounds, the experience is extremely painful and leaves severe scarring but in the end you are fully healed. Others bring food and drink. Another escorts in the dwarf trader you met as you arrived.

Bruthwol smiles and offers his services. "Might there be any equipment you need or you would like to sell? You must truly be powerful adventurers for such treatment. I see you have found work in the city."

[sblock=experience]2000exp each for the fight with dwarves and returning the mushrooms to EsSarch.[/sblock]


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OOC: BigB, would you be opposed to me spending 2 DM Credits so that Phoenix could level up while we are between battles here? After that 2K XP, she's only 300 away from level 6.

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