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Sinister Spire(con't RBD)(Orsal Judging)


LEW Judge
Grimlock's strength check: 15. Rowan connects to trip the monster, but fails to apply sufficient force to knock his target down. The grimlock replies with a countertrip:
Grimlock's strength check 21
Rowan's strength check 18

Rowan must either drop the flail or be tripped. Which does he do?

Regardless of his choice:
Unexpectedly, a hideous-looking creature appears in the space behind Rowan. It is green, with large teeth and sharp claws on its front limbs. None of you recognize it, and it is not apparent whence it came. To the best any of you can tell, it just materialized on the spot.

It immediately attacks Rowan with both claws and teeth. Attack rolls: 20,7,6 Only the left claw manages to even touch its target, but it rips into Rowan's side for 6 HP damage.

Meanwhile, the grimlock in the back continues to wave its arms and make strange sounds none of you recognize.

Lookspring 20
gr3 18
? 14
Phoenix 8
gob3 8
Rowan 7
gr4 7
new 7

(new= mysterious newcomer)

gr4  gob3

Row  Ph
new  Look

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First Post
With a startled cry, Lookspring hops backwards away from the new creature. "By the gods, what is that? It's hideous! Kill it!" He is torn by what to do next. A grimlock was before Rowan and Phoenix, a creature was near the both of them, and a final creature was in the back babbling. There was too much going on. "Stop your yabbering and die!" He fires both arrows at the grimlock in the far back(gr4).

OOC:5' step away from the new creature. Lookspring Rapid Shot (1d20+9=22, 1d6+2=6, 1d20+9=26, 1d6+2=4)


LEW Judge
With a startled cry, Lookspring hops backwards away from the new creature. "By the gods, what is that? It's hideous! Kill it!" He is torn by what to do next. A grimlock was before Rowan and Phoenix, a creature was near the both of them, and a final creature was in the back babbling. There was too much going on. "Stop your yabbering and die!" He fires both arrows at the grimlock in the far back(gr4).

OOC:5' step away from the new creature. Lookspring Rapid Shot (1d20+9=22, 1d6+2=6, 1d20+9=26, 1d6+2=4)

Both arrows hit, and the grimlock is bleeding. Monstrous it may be, but it is humanoid enough to bleed. While flinching a little at the pain, it nevertheless continues its motions.

As Lookspring moves toward the cave wall, he notices what had eluded his view before: another grimlock, wielding another battleaxe coming straight at him, so well camouflaged by the rock colouration.

The ferocious grimlock having escaped Rowan's trip, continues to swing at his girlfriend, but fails to penetrate her defense. (Attack: 11.) Rowan's attack must have thrown him at least off-balance enough to distract his blow.

Now the grimlock Lookspring just noticed, and another one on the other side of the cave, reach up to the rest of you, both raising axes they seem determined to plunge into your flesh. Grimlock #6 delivers a well-placed blow to Rowan's thigh. (Attack: 24. Damage: 7 HP.) On the other side of the cave, Grimlock #7 has less success against Phoenix. (Attack: 15.)

Phoenix is next...

Phoenix 8
gob3 8
Rowan 7
gr4 7
new 7
Lookspring 20
gr3 18
gr6 14

     gr4  gob3

gr6       gr3  gr7
     Row  Ph
     new       Look


First Post
Phoenix- F Elan Soulknife 6 (AC 20, HP 67/67, PP 6/6)

Phoenix growls loudly as she lashes out at the stubborn grimlock in front of her again. She pushes her mental reserves into her mindblade and it crackles with power as she slashes into the beast hoping to drop it to the ground this time...

Phoenix mindblade attack w/ psychic strike and psionic focus at grimlock 3 (1d20+9=25, 1d8+4+1d8+2d6=17) Hits AC25 for 17 damage.

OOC: If that is enough to drop gr3, then Phoenix will move the 25' up and 5' diagonally to the left (to avoid and AoO from gob3) to end her turn right in front of gr4 while accepting the AoO from gr7.


LEW Judge
... and, finally, that raging grimlock barbarian is vanquished, down to -1 HP. It falls to the ground, raging no more.

Phoenix then hurries up, provoking attacks of opportunity:
* The hideous creature that just materialized behind her reaches out with a claw, but can't reach around her shield. (Attack: 15)
* The grimlock next to her aims better, but the elan dodges the blow as she runs away. (Attack: 19)

As she comes face to face with the back row of the enemy's formation, the last remaining goblin draws a morningstar on her, but in his haste can't aim a proper blow. (Attack: 4)

Rowan's turn...

Rowan 7
gr4 7
new 7
Lookspring 20
gr3 18
gr6 14
gr7 14
Phoenix 8
gob3 8

     gr4  gob3

gr6            gr7
     new       Look


LEW Judge
Rowan shifts 5 feet north, draws his dagger, and slices at gr6.

OOC: to hit 14; dmg 8

I'm assuming by "north" you mean "forward" -- the up direction on the maps I've been sketching.

Rowan gets a sense of the stony character of his adversary's skin, as his dagger fails to penetrate the grimlock's natural armour.

The unidentified creature follows him and leaps at him with all it can. Attack with claw/claw/bite: 21/9/11. Only the left claw manages to hurt the human, doing 4 HP damage.

Another unexpected arrival: a large dog (4-5 feet high) appears just in front of Lookspring. It has jet black fur and eerie, bright red eyes. As it opens its mouth, a burst of fire comes out and engulfs the katara.

Lookspring can make a DC 13 Reflex save, taking 6 HP if he fails and 3 HP if he succeeds.

Meanwhile the grimlock waving its arms seems to react to Phoenix' approach. How does it know, without eyes, how close the elan is? Phoenix can tell that it is more circumspect, trying not to give her too easy a chance to hit it. In other words, casting defensively. Concentration check successful.

Lookspring is next...

Lookspring 20
gr3 18
gr6 14
gr7 14
Phoenix 8
gob3 8
Rowan 7
gr4 7
hideous 7
dog 7

     gr4  gob3

gr6  Row       gr7
     hid       dog


First Post
Lookspring shrieks as the flames wash over him. Where are they all coming from!? his mind whirls. With the others now spread out, he feels great personal danger from the two big creatures facing him. He throws himself backwards and fires wildly, somehow striking the flaming beast in front of him with one arrow, and sending another towards the grimlock behind it.

OOC: Forgot to rolls the arrows together. 5' step back from the fire breather, then a shot for it and another at the grimlock7 behind it.
Lookspring Reflex (1d20+8=18)
Lookspring Rapid Shot (1d20+9=28, 1d6+2=3)
Lookspring Rapid Shot 2 (1d20+9=16, 1d6+2=8)


LEW Judge
Both arrows hit their targets. Neither is a kill, but the grimlock is thrown for a loop by the pain, its movements disrupted.

The two axe-wielding grimlocks each swing at the obvious target, with #7 stepping around the fiery dog to reach Lookspring. Both Rowan and Lookspring are too well-armoured, however. Attack rolls: #6 vs. Rowan 16, #7 vs. Lookspring 21.

Phoenix next...

Phoenix 8
gob3 8
Rowan 7
gr4 7
hideous 7
dog 7
Lookspring 20
gr6 14
gr7 14

    gr4 gob3

gr6 Row
    hid       dog

Voidrunner's Codex

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